The casual observer
and innocent bystander
sharing a bottle of transparency
down at Cafe Apathy
Putting their two cents in
the neon jukebox
they blare the latest hit
from the high profile band
Vox Populi
Well dressed media pundits
converge on the scene
to conduct yet another
well choreographed focus group
to tell us what it all means
An evening of cliche laden
conversation they will spend
leading the random sample sheep
to conclusions that meet the desired end
The well coiffed prop messiah
in the tailored suit
will be spoon fed this data eventually
in the spirit of self fulfilling prophesies
Which will validate the legitimacy
of his devoted apostles
who spread the word
of the second coming
to the disinterested patrons
of Club Apocalypse
who are too busy
achieving perfect numbness
to buy in to the consumable product
that passes for modern absolute truth