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Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Sun Haiku
Steven Resteman Apr 2014
The sun feeds the trees.
It always  tries to shine through.
It will always aid.
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Ricardo Kaka
Steven Resteman Apr 2014
Ricardo KAKA is not just a soccer player. He is the sun shinning on the soccer field. When he smiles it fills everyone up with an enormous sense of joy. When he gets benched, it's like an avalanche after an earthquake just destroyed every building. But when he scores even the opponents' stadium has to clap. When he plays is the conducter of the syphany. Some say "Bend it like Beckam." but I say "Ball up like Kaka."
Apr 2014 · 709
The Sun
Steven Resteman Apr 2014
The sun keeps me from freezing like the article tundra. It lights up the soccer field and gives it a happy glow. It shines through the dark, looming rain clouds. It feeds the barren trees with its rays. When the sun is out, birds soar overhead, squirrels scamper up the trees, and points the disheveled sailor to the beautiful blue and white seashore after a long voyage.
Apr 2014 · 359
Dear Father
Steven Resteman Apr 2014
Dear Father,
You have been my trusty compass as I traveled the unforgiving, monster waves of the seas of life.  When you give me advise, it's like you take a piece of an encyclopedia and cut into small pieces and feed it to me. My want to speak with you rises faster than the national debt. When I wonder completely lost you come up and laugh at me, than you'll become my training wheels that keep me on course.  You're brighter than the sun on a cloudless summer day. I walk as a zombie everyday in school, the hallways are always grey and depressing, but then I remember you're home and joy fills me like water in a sponge. Even Spongebob isn't as happy when he cooks as when I see you smile.

— The End —