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 Aug 2013 Steven Hill
 Aug 2013 Steven Hill
i'm not trying to achieve enlightenment i just want to know why it hurts so bad when i make eye contact with you
it doesn't hurt
it winds my stomach up like a yo-yo
and drops it to the ground without thinking twice
the way you blink makes me hurt
this isn't fair it's not fair i have goals and you don't
i'm not skipping classes anymore i'm not

i can't i can't
it isn't fair
i can't
If I were a superhero and had any power in the world
I would have...
Super Speed, anything you need I could be there in a FLASH!
No second maybe or not, I would be there super fast.

Though, that's too obvious.

No, I would pick...
Super Hearing, that would be my choice, I would tune it ONLY to your voice
and know the moment you were in distress. That would be good I guess...

No, not that either.

I would pick...
Super Flight, so that every night I could take you to the stars (though the air might be tight)
it would be super right.

I would pick...
Super Linguist, so I can speak every word, noun and verb into your ear in a feeble attempt to dry up each tear.

No, I would pick time travel  and go to the moment you were first sad.
I would have super vision to see you on the days you are glad.
Telepathy to know how you feel.
Super strength to move ANY mountain... when you need healed.  

Forgive me for this, it may be a bit extreme.
What you need is not a superhero by anyway shape or means ...what you need is a hug.

Yes, that's it!
If I were a superhero and had any power in the would be Super Hug.
I would hug you so tight till all doubt has left your mind every night.
I would hold you in my arms till you knew your worth.
No, I can't save the Earth with a hug, I can't change everyone's life with my embrace.

But just in case ...I will start with you, I will hug you regardless.
In my arms your petite body will be cocooned till the sun turns in to the moon.
I will hold your neck while you head rests on my chest.
I will put in CHECK... every thought, pain and neglect with the only power, enchantment and medicine that I posses...
My hug.
I wrote this poem when I saw a friend with lined skin and all that was within me wanted to grab her and hold her tight and never let go.
through a telescope:
ten cents worth of fog.

— The End —