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We all have these ideas, of things we're looking for.
Finding out the purpose, of life lived evermore.

Learn what your numbers mean, find out what they are.
Each of them connected to you through a shining star.

The numbers tell of all your traits, The who you are inside.
Encoded to your DNA, the moment you arrive.

Going through your life without knowing of these things.
Is never knowing which bee gives you honey or which stings.

If you find your numbers have a double or a match.
It will strengthen your connection, but there is a catch.

Karma comes right back to you, fast as it can be.
The choices that you make in life, will pick the side you see.

To understand these qualities, buried deep in you.
Means opening your third eye's mind, to look at things anew.

Everything you look upon, seeing patterns show.
How numbers make up all there is, everything we know.
First you take a peek, after when you're done.
Then you have a ****, and you go back to square one.

Walking down the street, looking everywhere.
To find a special peek and ****, one always must prepare.

Peek and ****, peek and ****, is what I love to do.
Peek and ****, peek and ****, it makes me feel brand new.

When I find a spot I like, I crouch and hunker down.
Knowing I've had peeks on almost everyone in town.

Arriving back at home, I find my porcelain chair.
Sitting right upon it, with my big old derrière.

Peek and ****, peek and ****, is what I love to do.
Peek and ****, peek and ****, I sure enjoy the view.

After I am all pooped out, It's time to take a rest.
Dreaming of the peeks and poops I feel have been the best.

Mother liked to peek, and Father liked to ****.
You can bet our family time would throw you for a loop.

Peek and ****, peek and ****, is what I love to do.
Peek and ****, peek and ****, from here to Timbuktu.

Back when I was young, often if I'd see.
A person that I thought was neat, I'd **** immediately.

I hope that when you hear my tale, you'll blush and begin to squirm.
That Mary Jane helped write this one, I'm ready to confirm.

Peek and ****, peek and ****, is what I love to do.
Peek and ****, peek and ****, Should be on pay-per-view
Stephen Knox Sep 9
Looking into people, seeing who they are.
Finding out the person, is not the avatar.

Tell who lives a lie as he's walking down the street.
Spreading words of untrue thoughts, buried in deceit.

The lies are then concealed, deep inside the truth.
For Programing our future and hijacking our youth.

Recognizing patterns, flowing in towards me.
Tells me what is coming to our false reality.

When comparing with the truth, the deceptions that you catch.
You will see that all their numbers never are a match.

Numbers make up all there is, everything we know.
But as it is in all there is the first nine steal the show.

Once we get to nine, we know what happens then.
We tack a zero to a one and proclaim  it's a ten.

These nine are everywhere, creating all you see.
The deepest part of everything throughout eternity.
Stephen Knox Sep 9
There was a thing that happened to me, not so long ago.
A single seed of knowledge, took root and began to grow.

It boosted the connection, to a voice inside of me.
Showing me just who I am and what I'm supposed to be.

It took me to a place, that very few have been.
Showing me how to change the world with poems from my pen.

Detachment from their matrix, then came naturally.
Having understanding of, everything I see.

Preparing for the next part, of what I saw above.
Means walking down this road alone, leaving ones I love.

Constructing all these poems, I could not do at home.
I had to do it on the road in every town I roam.

This connection with the source of us, grows stronger every day.
It gives me understanding of the things I need to say.

The system that controls us, is only based on fear.
Claiming if we don't abide we'll lose all we hold dear.

The fear that is created, constructs the world we know.
But kindness and compassion, will let the love then show.

Don't think about the worst in people, stop your being scared.
With the love that grows in you, the world will be repaired.
Stephen Knox Sep 9
Focusing on the low points in life, will always bring you down.
Attracting negativity into your world, thus giving you your frown.

To examine all your choices, looking at things that you did.
Will send you on a journey, back to when you were a kid.

Try not to be so ******* yourself, questioning the mistakes that you made.
By seeing that they make who you are, your sadness will then start to fade.

For the times in your life that are not so great, this is what you can do.
When feeling down, help those around, transforming to a life that is true.

We think that we are oh so smart, smarter than those from the past.
But as we begin to awaken ourselves, we realize that we are just last.
Stephen Knox Sep 9
Channeling new feelings, to stay locked in the now.
I am able to do this, though I do not know how.

In any occurrence, I sneer not, nor cheer.
I listen but judge not, on values held dear.

Controlling emotions, when faced with  despair.
Aligns your three vessels, for constant repair.

With any experience, you control what you feel.
By being in balance, you then learn to heal.

Start doing things other than what you've been told.
You'll soon see the story, that's about to unfold.

Enhanced understanding, burning bright as the Sun.
Will show you this game, has already been won.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Sunlight’s code shines bright on me, thoughts of light beaming down.
Expanding my connection to source, as it enters me through my crown.

New senses through perception, not unlike being able to hear.
Seeing through all the falsehoods, of any encounter I’m near.

Gathering complexities of experience, like I’ve never felt before.
Collapsing this illusion of theirs, by simply walking out the door.

The knowledge that has been entrusted to me, has brilliance and lets me see in.
But the flip side of that is the darkness that’s here, always trying to get under my skin.

The burden is balanced by what I put in, these gifts I do not use on me.
This world that we live in, all has a cost, except love which will always be free.

If you happen to meet me out on the road, observe the things that you feel.
For I am but a reflection of you, identifying things to reveal.
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