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Jul 2013 · 815
His Journey
Steve Collins Jul 2013
Be brave little man
Take each step with pride.
We may not be there in person
But feel our love inside.

Our heart beats maybe miles apart
Yet beat in unison.
When you cannot see us
Don’t think our love is gone!

Our love is forever
And will never die.
We walk each step you take
Just not by your side.

Don’t ever feel lost
Or even on your own
When your time is right
You will find your way home.

Steve Collins 17/7/2013
about my grandson who is being adopted.
Jul 2013 · 816
My Heartbeat
Steve Collins Jul 2013
Your eye’s are like the sunshine,
That melt away winter blues.
Somehow life seems brighter,
Just being here with you.

Your arms are like a blanket,
That keep me warm and safe.
And when I start to doubt myself,
There is no safer place!

My resolve, at times, sometimes disappears,
But I'm not afraid to face the day,
Knowing you is near.

If we ever find a time,
Where we are apart.
I’ll never actually feel alone,
While you’re in my heart.

Steve Collins         9/7/13
Sep 2010 · 1.9k
Blink Of An Eye
Steve Collins Sep 2010
We all share the same heartbeat.
Can't you feel the pulse of our World?

Our universe?

We all share the same Carbon,
We think we are so important,
But are merely specks in the universe

The universe blinks

....and we are gone
Sep 2010 · 857
Flip The Coin
Steve Collins Sep 2010
Like a coin I flip,
And you see my other face.
I wish you could turn me over,
'Cause this one's a disgrace.

I started my life so bright,
But faded with the years.
The smile has been replaced
With dried up salty tears.

I love to be with people,
But push everyone away.
I don't deserve happiness
So deserve to live this way.

Aug 2010 · 1.0k
Wrong Choice
Steve Collins Aug 2010
I took a leap of faith
And landed in your arms;
Believing all the smooth talk
That you would do no harm.

How was I to know
Your a ****** of the mind?
You took everything from me,
When I thought that you was kind.

My cuts, they are,  still healing
From you razor blades of words.
My confidence in bandages
But, the wounds, they still, hurt.

Lucky for me, a ******
Don't stay long.
I refuse to let you beat me
My resolve forever strong.
Steve Collins
Aug 2010 · 1.3k
I Slit My Wrist
Steve Collins Aug 2010
I slit my wrist on my writing hand,
And the letters all poured out.
They spread across the page
Until no white is left.
Now what's that all about?

The letters poured and poured
And, I was almost dead.
I looked down upon my page
Content that it was read.
Steve Collins.
Aug 2010 · 690
What I see
Steve Collins Aug 2010
Tell me what to write about,
Help me become inspired.
Give me words to deliberate,
Help me see the spires.

I am a fountain full of knowlege,
But often block the drains.
I have a desire to be noticed,
Yet, "whoa" upon the reigns.

A genius in my own  head,
A madmad in the house.
A raging bull, chasing red,
A hidden, hiding doormouse.
Steve Collins.
Aug 2010 · 560
Steve Collins Aug 2010
No air to breath - only smoke.
No sky  to see - only smoke.
No grass, no noise, no people.
Nothing but smoke; everything's gone...

The bomb!
Aug 2010 · 569
Taste of Life
Steve Collins Aug 2010
Nothing's there - only death!
Buzzing hard to find a flower,
buzzing round from hour to hour.

Oh-no! it's gone - inside it crawls.
It can smell the sweet smell,
But nothing's there, at the bottom of the jar.

It is stuck in the sticky mess - almost blood.
Buzzing for life.
It can smell the sweet smell,
But nothing's there - only death!
Aug 2010 · 530
You Made Me Happy
Steve Collins Aug 2010
You made me cry,
You made me smile.
You made me happy,
- for a little while.

But now you're gone
And now you're not there.
But now you're gone,
- but I still care.

Looking back at what we had,
Holding onto time.
Looking back at what we had,
- then you were mine.
Aug 2010 · 906
i'd Like to paint
Steve Collins Aug 2010
I'd like to paint the sound of thunder
Or paint the speed of light.
I'd like to paint the warmth of sunshine
Or paint the cold of night.

Steve Collins.
Imagine being able to paint anything you like.
Aug 2010 · 21.4k
Homophone Dream
Steve Collins Aug 2010
If I travelled, across the landscape of my mind,
And, I chose to take you with me – guess what you might find?

I’d talk you into many things,
I’d make you see the sea.

We would buy some wood
Pay by cheque, which you would check
And build an arc upon an ark.
And you’d, set sail with me!

Whether we had the weather or not
We’d sail a week, and you’d feel so weak
You’ll beg me for dry land!

And so, we’d end the feat on our two feet
And, tow; toe-to toe.
Until ashore, we land.

We’d shout aloud, if that’s allowed?
To see if we’re alone?
We’d find we are and start to panic
But get woken by the phone.

Steve Collins.
Homophones are words that sound the same but are not spelt the same.
Thought I'd try something, it was not easy.
Aug 2010 · 621
Steve Collins Aug 2010
Sometimes they crawl out – without permission,
Others rush out – in admission.
Some stay behind – frightened to come out,
Others make a hell of a noise – as they scream and shout.

Sometimes I pull them back in
Not willing to let go,
Others reluctantly – are beginning to show.
Sometimes I ignore them – pretending unheard,
Sometimes I fake silence – absurd.

Sometimes I keep them – locked in,
Not wanting to feed them – afraid of what’s in.
Now, I like who I am – I trust them much more,
I trust those around me – some I adore.

Now I let them out – more and more,
Not afraid of them – something life has taught.
Now I can show you – and let you hear

My thoughts.
Steve Collins, 2008.
Aug 2010 · 569
Steve Collins Aug 2010
As I lie in my bed I think
My eyes get watery and I feel cold.
Slowly my eyes close and I fall asleep;
I’m asleep, but still awake.
My mind is still thinking
And the thoughts are still there.

The emptiness of my mind gets darker
And a picture appears.
The thoughts have come to sight
And have come alive.
But, only I can see the thoughts.
They are vivid
And I cry in my sleep.
But, then........ a flash of light.
The curtains have opened
And the tears are trickling
Down my face.
But I can’t remember.

But, my mind has kept them safe.
Steve Collins.
1985, age. 15
Aug 2010 · 644
Winter Snow
Steve Collins Aug 2010
Slowly the snow falls to the ground.
And, as I walk Imake no sound.
I hear the crunch upon the floor,
And, even now it snows still more.
The snow falls slowly, silently like feathers.
Falling to the ground.
And, even tho' the snow is cold, it makes
A cheerful Cloud.
Some people think it's boring, slow and dull,
But me, I think it's wonderful.
I see the footprints on the floor,
I see the rabbits upon the moor.
I see the mice as they run and creep,
I hear the birds' tiny feet

And, at last winter's all complete.
Steve Collins
Aug 2010 · 805
Reason Why
Steve Collins Aug 2010
I don't write for you to read,
I write for you to listen.
Aug 2010 · 688
To Whom It May Concern
Steve Collins Aug 2010
The tears that have come from your eyes
For arguments you’ve had.
The words, tension, needing to cry
For just because you can’t get on,
Don’t you think that’s sad?

What would you do
Without the one you love?
What would you do?
Don’t you think enough’s enough?

Needing one another
But not wanting this to show!
Shouting at each other
With nowhere left to go.

Steve Collins
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
I Must Wait
Steve Collins Aug 2010
I feel so tired, I want to sleep,
Have felt this way so many years.
I try so hard, but not for me,
Let me permanently dry my tears.

I’ve let down all those around,
Guilt so deep, my pain to bear.
Breaking what I searched and found,
Unable to see and keep what’s there.

Is this my punishment bestowed on me?
A life of misery sentenced to be.
Happiness not deserving to me,
For failing my responsibility.

I try to accept;
My fate, matches the pain I’ve caused.
I seek forgiveness, that I don’t deserve,
Hence rejecting, relenting doors.

Feel like loneliness I must accept,
Punish myself continuously,
Until there’s nothing left.

When I eventually have paid my keep,
My forgiveness accepted?
I lay my head to sleep.

Steve Collins
12th September 2008
Aug 2010 · 741
On Command
Steve Collins Aug 2010
“Write a poem”
That’s what they said.
Just pluck those words
Right outta your head.

Sure I can write
About things not real.
But I’d rather
Write about what I feel!

Controlled not free,
I just wanna be me.
Just let me be myself
Please I ask
For my own health.
Steve Collins
Aug 2010 · 3.9k
Steve Collins Aug 2010
I used to have a light
That shone so bright.

Now it's just a flicker
Of a candlelight.

I wish the wind
Would come my way.

And take my flickering
Candlelight away.

Steve Collins. 2008
Steve Collins Aug 2010
Everyone’s so alike
And yet so different.
Everyone cries
However not everyone’s seen.

Why hide the tears?
What are we afraid of?
Why say things that aren’t right
What are we hiding?

Maybe the image has gone on too long
And now when you don’t want it;
You can’t seem to lose it,
Or maybe you don’t really want to!

There are thoughts inside you,
So don’t scream or shout.
Just quietly, slowly
....Let them out.

Steve Collins
Aug 2010 · 950
Could You Love Me?
Steve Collins Aug 2010
If I can be so modest,
Even if I do say so myself
I’m not too bad looking,
Not ready to sit upon a shelf.

I have a sense of humour,
And can be quite sharp witted too
And when I fall in love
It’s always ‘cause I’m true.

I have a real deep emotion
And a sense of empathy,
I make a friend for life
And have a sense of loyalty.

I have a question to ask you,
Could someone fall for me?
I hear you say “you don’t see why not”
But it’s not like ABC.

I hear you ask the question “why?”
And I have to say with some despair,
It’s because they don’t see what’s above
They can’t see beyond my chair.

I do not have the use of legs,
And my hands, they have no feeling,
But for me that doesn’t mean to say,
That life can have no meaning.

The chair is just a part of me,
It’s not actually who I am
It’s just a chair I sit in,
I’m still a real man!

So, if what’s important in life
Is love and security,
Could you do much worse in life
Than choose someone like me?

Steve Collins 28/4/08
Written after becoming paralised from the chest down and confined to a wheelchar in December 2007.
Steve Collins Aug 2010
I’m running out of words,
It’s getting hard to write my thoughts.
I’m slowly becoming frightened;
Not able to write any more,
But, I’ve still got words to write!
Slowly becoming scared –
Scared of being alone.

The only way I know how to say what I want,
And it’s slowly getting harder.
I’m frightened.... without words.

I’m a lonely man!
Aug 2010 · 562
The Second Pessimist
Steve Collins Aug 2010
Nothing to write but words,
Nothing to say but lies;
Nothing to think but thoughts,
Nothing to do but cry.

Nothing to love but people,
Nothing to hate but life;
Nothing to do but walk,
Nowhere to go – so stop.

Nothing to do but die;
Nothing to do but call.
Nothing to help;
Oh-well, life’s not so bad after all!
Inspired from the poem 'The Pessimist', written by
Benjamin Franklin King.
Aug 2010 · 744
The Thoughts
Steve Collins Aug 2010
The thoughts they hurt,
The tears, they’re hidden.
The love, it’s disguised;
The question why?

The emptiness it’s painful,
The image, it’s false.
The truth, the lies,
The question: why?

Steve Collins
Aug 2010 · 592
To My Mum and Dad
Steve Collins Aug 2010
I speak to you through my words
For all the things you haven’t heard.
For the good times and the bad times,
I would like to tell you, how
Much I appreciate,
The love and worry that you give.
I want you to forgive me
For my actions,
Forgive me for my words,
Because I didn’t mean them
To be upsetting;
It’s just the way I am.
But, I would like to say one thing;
You have helped me through
The bad times,
Pulled me through the sad times.
And, now I wish to help you, because
I love you too!
And I will start by saying.....Thank you!

Steve Collins
Written when I  was 14
Aug 2010 · 684
You not I
Steve Collins Aug 2010
Funny how, in a crowded room,
You can feel all alone.    
Funny how, speaking on the telephone,
You can feel on your own.

Funny how, with family by your side,
You can feel dead inside.
Funny how, when friends come round,
You can feel like you’ve drowned.

Funny how, when you laugh and joke,
You can hide behind the smoke.
Funny how, when you smile,
You really want to run a mile.

Funny how, people think your smart,
You can be a master of your art.
Funny how, people think you care,
You know ‘cause your not there.

Funny how, you thought you wanted out,
You now know what’s that’s all about.
Funny how, you live your life in pain,
You get a second chance, but do the same.

Funny how, you think you have it bad,
You know your slightly close to mad.
Funny how, you won’t face the truth,
You know there is more than just you.

Funny how, I say you - when I mean I.
You want to live,
I’d like to die.

Steve Collins
September 1st 2008.
Aug 2010 · 698
It could have been us
Steve Collins Aug 2010
Children of the world,
Look at what is written.
And, remember you’ll,
Never be forgotten.

All the homeless and lonely
Victims of life;
  I want to help you
Tell the world,
That mankind is not right.

You are so innocent,
And you’re not really alone.
You’re forced by us blind people,
You’re pushed from your homes.

I remember what it’s like
To be young.
And, I’m trying not to be
A foolish adult,
Who pretends to be blind.

I promise to myself
That I won’t pretend;
To ignore all the children
Who just need a hand.

And, it’s only us blind people
Who have the power to help.
If it were your child,
Or even yourself.

You’d be the first,
To scream and to cry.
And, you’d tell us adults
That children..... really do die.

Please think of
How lucky you are.
‘Cause if time had been,
Different when you were
A child;

You’d be the one scared;
A fighter running wild.
You’d be the first
To want people to give.

And, you’d be the one,
Trying hardest to live!

By Steve Collins
Aug 2010 · 528
Steve Collins Aug 2010
Time stands still for no-one,
I stop and watch it’s true!
I wouldn’t wait for things to happen,
I’d make them happen, if I was you!

Friendship’s come and friendships go,
But precious is what they are!
You may not even realise,
Until they’re just a memory of the heart.

Do not take for granted,
What you have right now.
The tide of change is shifting,
And the tide is moving out.

I wish I had this warning
Many years ago.
Perhaps the pain of ignorance
‘’Would not even show,

Take heed and listen, friend
What I offer is good advice.
Time stands still for no-one,
And this one is your life!

Steve Collins 15/6/10
Aug 2010 · 574
I Had a Dream
Steve Collins Aug 2010
I had this funny dream,
It’s the strangest one I’ve ever had.
In this dream I could do just what I like,
So, up I  floated like a funny kite.

And as I looked at the houses down below,
They looked like little mushrooms;
With an orange – yellow glow.

Well, by now I was so very high,
It made me feel quite ill.
I lost my concentration,
Which made me start to fall ....

Faster, faster like a falling brick,
I saw the ground come rushing up
It made me feel quite sick.

And, as I was about,
To hit the ground below;
A voice inside my head
Yelled ‘NO’.

I woke up feeling hot and cold,
And sat up in my bed.
‘Cause I remember people saying....

If you ever hit the ground when falling,
You’ll always end up dead!

By Steve Collins.

— The End —