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Oct 2011 · 601
Steve Calabro Oct 2011
When you lose someone, someone you care for so much. When they break your heart. Its the hardest thing you can ever go through. The shortness of breath, the lonely nights, sitting alone just listening for the phone to ring, or maybe that knock on the door. But its not going to come. No matter how much time goes by, you think your getting better, your not. You suddenly get a flashback of memories, you hear a song that makes you break down and cry, and then, it hits you again. Over again. Like taking a knife to your chest. You collapse. You want to just run away. You try so hard to get them back. It never works. Your left there alone waiting and waiting. Waiting just to here their voice one more time again. Hoping that they will just come out of no where and be with you. Like nothing had ever happened at all, like your in a scene from a dream. But it doesn’t. Your their still.Waiting. Sad. Alone. Helpless. You could move on you've had so many chances. But you don't want to. This one is different. This person truly means something to you. This one is special and you don't want to let them go. But you have to.It is a choice less choice.Life moves on, however your momentarily stuck in time. Stuck in that moment. You can't stop thinking of them. Don't give up. Never give up. In the end if it's meant to be it will work. You'll sit there letting time fly by. People get older, seasons change, and then. All of the sudden you hear it. The noise, the distinct sound, the voice. You know exactly who it is. You turn around hoping its not a dream, and then, you see her. Its real. Its night, and it hasn't stopped raining for hours. Your crying but she can't tell the difference between the tears, and the trickles of water running so smoothly down your face. You look around. Your sitting on a porch. You talking you don't know what about. The emotions are running endlessly. And then. She collapses. Almost hitting the floor but like you’ve always promised your their to catch her. Shes emotional, always helping others, being the one to talk to, never talking to. It has all hit her at once. The weight of the entire world truly is resting on her shoulders and it has decided to wake up. Nothing can help the medicine the friendships, the space she tried to put in between you. Nothing has worked. She tried to forget about you, tried to move on, thinking things would be better. But in the end you are the same, in the end you both have been stuck in time. Motionless. Hearing my voice has forced you to go over the edge. Like gasoline in a fire, you have exploded. Taken Enough You want me back but you can't take me. You don't know what to do. How to handle. How to understand what the hell is going on. But it's ok. I'm here now, and everything will be alright. Two heads are always better then one, either to succeed or split the emotions of a stressful life that can't be handled. Im here. I am not going anywhere. Were back sitting collapsed on the porch both soaking wet. Rain and emotions are pouring out all over.Were silent but we are holding each other tight, never to let go. Its then I speak. Words, so perfect, so passionate that they can't be described. And then you respond with a simple. I love you too. This is not a dream, a heaven, a vision of something that will never happen. It is true, it has happened. It is uncontrollable and you can't stop it. No one can. It is impossible. You never truly know what you have until it is gone, or until you have been able to find it. The solution is simple don't ever give up. Its is meant to be. It is true. It is passion. It is beauty. It is total confusion. It is... True

— The End —