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Sep 2012 · 819
She just seems to materialize there each night,
  So close to me that I can smell the ever-so-slight fragrance of her hair, see the softness of her perfect skin and feel the gentle warmth radiating from within her. Close enough to feel the brush of her breath across my neck and to clearly define the enticing mixtures of blues and greens in her eyes...
  So close that I seem to become absorbed in her unmatched beauty, yet never close enough to allow my fingertips even the slightest caress; never do I seem to be able to get close enough at all.
  I find myself unsure if I am only dreaming of her; then she speaks and I begin to wonder if she is A Silhouette Of An Angel, Descended Upon Me To Torture, Taunt And Tease; giving me a taste of all I desire, a glimpse at the only one who will ever truly have my heart and then callously locking her behind glass walls... allowing my eyes to drink her in daily and leaving my heart to ache for her nightly.
  Nightly I lie in my bed tangled within the webs of anticipation, fear, anger and love, pleading to her to let this beautiful nightmare end, begging for tonight to be the night that she will finally bring down those glass walls she seductively guards herself within; tonight be the night finally comes to life for me, opens up fully to me, allowing me to finally Love her and to really feel her for the first time...  To finally know what it feels like to, at last, be Close Enough.
  Tonight I lie in my bed tangled within the webs of anticipation, fear, anger and love...
The beautiful, wonderful torture

The agony we beg for day after day

The breaking heart we carefully mend

  Just to watch it break again in some way.


                       The resentful adore that we endure                          

The saddening tears of joy we shed

The selfless defenses we use to secure

  The true lasting effects of the last words said.

The painfully blinding light

The raging. lustful desire we hold

   The unwavering, distasteful need for another

     That's the disastrous, hateful Love to which our hearts are sold.                

The saddening tears of joy we shed

The selfless defenses we use to secure

  The true lasting effects of the last words said.

The painfully blinding light

The raging. lustful desire we hold

   The unwavering, distasteful need for another

     That's the disastrous, hateful Love to which our hearts are sold.

— The End —