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I hope you know I'm lying
When I whisper I'm okay
I'll tell everyone I'm fine
No need to worry anyone
But the pictures in my mind
Say the paim has just begun
Painted heavily
With reds, blacks and your name
Twisted images filled with shades of gray

You make me wonder what would become
If I were just to fade
Watch the light fade from my eyes
Slowly slip from my disguise
Parade into the afterlife
Press a little harder with this knife

Seeing your picture on my wall
Makes me question living at all
If nothing matters and I'm not worth it
As everyone agrees
I will give up on everything
As I fall upon my knees

Here's to the pain you left behind
And the way he persists
These words have scared them I guarentee
But they'll make me stronger
Like these cuts and the way I bleed
Just wait, wait and see

You may have killed me but
Only I can set me free
You have changed my mind
The darkness stops time
As I sit at our spot by myself
Wondering, just what the hell you were thinking
What the hell are you thinking
Every bone in mybody aches to touch you
But I wont, I'll watch from far away and hope
Relentlessly and stupidly that you'll notice me
But you won't
You're stupid in every way that common sense provides
Facts though, barracde your every line
Littered with vocabulary I don't understand
Your words still make it hard for me to stand
Weak at the knees, I can't forget
You don't know about me yet
I'm right here in front of you, as you wander off
Looking for someone to love
If I were to hand this poem to you,
You would think it was about someone else
Beg me to tell you, show you who
Who knows I may even lie to you, give you a name
Show you a face all to carry on my charade
But you haunt my dreams and my love scenes
Yet you'll never be with me
Here's to you
"Our poetry isn't coherent
Because neither are our lives"
So sorry if you've been trying
To keep up, I know they don't
Make sense, A riddle to your mind
A clear clean detox of mine
From thoughts to paper
Emotions and honesty show
My story
Through words that don't make sense
And few poems that I'm proud of
As my life gets confused so do my thoughts
So there goes my ability
To wrote decent poetry
I hope you know i hate you
Your words engraved into my mind
The ones that said goodbye
My hearts not gonna forgive you this time
Every wrong turn I seem to take
Leads me to somethin worse
The map is wrong and my instincts broken
My happy ending, is on the other side of the world
So you're just another boy
Who gets part of my heart as a token
But this time, i'm givin you a piece of my mind
Saying some words that need to be spoken
Get over yourself, get a life, get a job
Get out of mine, it's about ******* time
You're pathetic, you're stupid, you're not worth these tears
Or these wasted years
Don't tell me- I'm not good enough, (you never could lie)
Just get the **** out, of my life
Her lipgloss, on your neck
How the hell did we become this wreck
What a mess, no changing the past
You promised, we would last
You said, you wouldn't break my heart like the last guy
..Did you know he said that too?
Get over yourself, get a life, get a job
Get out of mine, it's about ******* time
You're pathetic, you're stupid, you're not worth these tears
Or these wasted years
Don't tell me- I'm not good enough, (you never could lie)
Just get the **** out, of my life
Here's the end of the end, my breaths are slowing down
I can't take it anymore, we've been trying, going around and around
But you still bring tears to my eyes, and I hate you more each day
There is only one way to make all of this pain go away
I'm fighting the urge to push, pull and scream
Why don't you just get the hell away from me
My heart is locked up in this tiny little box
Bars all around, with a giant key, that I started to hand to you
Until you broke me, trying to get in, you tried to force me
Love doesn't come with screams
It comes with whispers and gentle touches, kisses that give me rushes
The end of this battle is coming near, I can see the sky it's clear
Rising up to heaven as I make another cut
I wonder who will find me
Blood spilled on the carpet, dying it crimson
Your name carved on my skin a memory a sin
Remember these words you've said to me
You can do anything if you believe
This is what I chose to do, because of what you
you make me remember
care breathe and think
when all i want is to forget
drink my worries away
and not give a ****
it is better your way
but more fun with mine
i wish you would go away
so i could have a good time
and not feel guilty for fun
*** or sleeping the day away
stop trying to make things okay
The way the sun hits the lake just right early in the morning
With the clouds circling their bright orange canvas
Reflecting the light right into my eyes as I stare between the trees

The way the air feels as I dip under the water
Surrounding me and restricting the way that I breathe
Pushing and gliding through the cold current beneath me

The way the blankets curve as my bed forms to me
Whispering gently the touches that cradle me to sleep
Moving like calm waves with the simple way I breathe

The way birds sing when it's raining
A thick shrill surrounding their home with noise
Making me wonder where they are and if their safe

The way a broken down black truck sputters down the highway
Roaring as the gas is pressed begging it to drive
A hunk of metal on wheels barely able to get it to drive

I wonder if the things that make me think of you matter
Even just a little bit, pressing at your mind
Do these things remind you of me, or do they even cross your mind?
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