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I can feel it
the beauty.
it is not in my eyes
nor my hair
nor my lips.

my soul is exquisite

you can't see it
you never could.
blinded by your sight.
it is not visible, but tangible.

I still see it in you
the beauty.
it's there too

when we meet again
I hope you've learned
to open your mind
close your eyes
and See.
In no time at all
my solitary soul
grew used to the warmth
of yours.

I miss you
every day.
more than ever.

I rely on your
voice the way
I used to rely
on music.

All I need
to withstand the day
is your "Hello, darling."

today I missed out.
Do I bore you?
Do I need to
dance around you
to keep you entertained?

Well, I hate to
tell you, darling
I'm not much
of a dancer,
but I'll try my best
for you.

If you promise
not to leave me
moving on my own,
I will move
any way
you like.

Well it’s been just a year
but I have changed.
Your face is the same
for all I know
but if we met again
You wouldn’t know mine.

I am not prettier.
I am not tan.
I’m self-contained,

My silence holds a strength
you never saw in me.
My eyes no longer speak
but conceal.
My love, my loss
Of you, of you.

I do not ache
or see your face
behind these lids
these days.

You are still a part of me, though.
You shaped me.
I am grateful.

Do not be surprised
to see and not hear
the strength in my stare,
my quiet grace.
There is no smile
no written message
spread across my face.

Only if you cared,
back then,
enough to know my eyes.
Then you will see
old love
simmered now.
Just reverence.
For you, for us.
What used to be.

— The End —