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Nov 2011 · 477
Only But A Dream
You told me to meet you on the hill

And i suddenly got a chill.

I lay here under the stars

As i fall asleep in your arms

And you rest your head against mine,

It feels as though we are intertwine.

I began to gleam

But awoke to a dream.

I see you walk by

So I go and say hi,

But I cant help but look

Until you got me by the hook

And your eyes have me dazed,

But you seem unfazed.

I just wanted to scream

Until I realised it was only a dream.

I sit with you and have a meal

And it seemed so unreal

As you tell a joke that was so corny,

But leads to a good story.

We lose track of time

And it was nighttime,

As you hug me goodbye I began to beam,

But saddly it was all just a dream.
Nov 2011 · 646
Never Will I Forget
Every now and then

I find myself looking,

Looking at picture of you,

But there is not a day

That you dont come across my mind.

I try to replay my memories

But its not as simple as

Rewinding a movie.

I slowly forget the details

And what exactly was said

But as long as I can remember

Your face and voice,

Thats all that matters.

Sometimes it gets hazy and unclear

While your voice, too, begins to slowly fade,

But when I need you the most

Its as clear as can be.

Your blond hair and bright blue eyes,

I will never forget.

Because of you I have become me,

You have done what no one could.

Taylor, you broke me out of my shell

And because of that

I am the happiest person.

Know why?

Because I know you truly cared,

Cared for me and everyone you met.

That is why I can never forget

That blond hair and bright blue eyes

And because of you I am truly alive.

Thank you my #7,

— The End —