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Dec 2013 · 565
Writers Block
A poem about poetry seems obscure
But there are worse things you could endure.
Like having a disease you cannot cure,
Or water that isn’t pure.
Or traffic at Bay and Bloor.
I just want to reassure,
That there is worse you could endure.
Dec 2013 · 426
Crisp, crunch and crackle.
Autumn leaves beneath my feet,
Where is my jacket?
Dec 2013 · 358
The days are longer,
My schedule is shorter.
Summer happiness
Dec 2013 · 407
The bulbs start to bloom.
Winter’s blanket vanishes,
And I twist the clock.
Dec 2013 · 460
The mercury drops.
Numbing nose and frozen toes,
Winter has arrived.
Dec 2013 · 542
Good Morning, Spring
The earth is warm and so am I.
Spring is here in all its glory.
Snow is gone and the ground is dry.
The earth is warm and so am I.
Out of hibernation the birds fly.
Another season, another story.
The earth is warm and so am I.
Spring is here in all its glory.
Traditional villanelle structure
Dec 2013 · 661
I am awoken by the sun,
And feel fresh and new.
I stretch out my limbs,
Can it be that I grew?

I have my feet firmly,
Planted in the ground.
I’ll continue to flourish,
Without making a sound.

I can feel myself age,
My hair is thinning.
Perhaps it is time for
A new beginning.

No longer in my prime,
Fragile and bare.
I fall into winter’s sleep,
Only to awake in spring air.
I am a proud Canadian. Many of my poems are centered around nature and the four seasons.

— The End —