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Aug 2013 · 1.3k
Bring it on!
starshinelove Aug 2013
As much as I feel a failure at life, I'm not.
The fact that I'm still alive.... is a wonderful thing.
I've been dwelling so much on the mistakes I have made
I haven't taken proper action to correct them.
The pure truth is now is the time the fix them.
I can't think of a better time to fix them.
Life may have thrown some obstacles in my path , but that's because it knows.
It truly knows I like a challenge.
It sees that I'm a fighter
and knows that I will walk away with a lesson learned.
I have been a fool to my own thoughts
and my actions and have shown my foolishness as vividly as the sun in the day sky
and the moon in the night.
Its undeniable that there are things I could have done better
and now I can do better.
There is nothing more for me to do than pull my socks up, put on my fighting gloves and bust out my moves.
I'm stronger than this
So out....I am on to you and your tricks. I won't be a fool anymore
Aug 2013 · 474
starshinelove Aug 2013
This nauseating feeling that I have just won't seem to go away. Every night I reast my eyes hoping its gone by day. I'm losing hope, i'm lacking faith. This feeling likes to haunt me. It can't help but taunt me. So i'll stick my finger down my throat and it will let me be
Aug 2013 · 1.9k
Too good to be true
starshinelove Aug 2013
Brilliant warning of fearful masterpiece
drunken beats of the awestruck ehart
devine significance
confusion and determination
Rapid rythym pumping blood through my infatuation
romantic mysteries of blunt fact vs fantasy
stubborn to ungrasp
afraid to accept reality
for it is as a lie in the opposite of truth
for the truth holds the reality determining the real truth
of the too good to be true fantasy
Aug 2013 · 619
Red Light District
starshinelove Aug 2013
She sits all alone with a sad sense of hope
she stares at the scars on her tormented soul
tear drops of rain roll down the window
she can't help but see the beauty in her own misery.
Silently she screams outloud in the night
nobody can hear her, cause nobody is there.
She reaches for somebody to save her from drowning in pools of empty. She runs past the circle of brilliance fair.
She falls down the stairs of misinterpreted souls.
Blinking away the life she thought she had.
She snaps on the binding fears of the night and wears them as clothing for the reast of her life.
She should have chosen tomorrow, cause yesterday is gone
now she can't choose today cause the night took her life
Aug 2013 · 669
Summer Lovin
starshinelove Aug 2013
I'm ready for the sun to burn my skin
Let the summer consume my motality
providing me the abilty of immortality
I'm ready to learn the true meaning of brilliance and beauty
Granting me the freedom of a bird in the great big sky
Let the heavens caress my skin with gentle tears of ecstacy
let me dance away the fears of my insanity
I want to laugh all day long
I want to sing natures song under the summer sun
beneath the summer moon
let the summer let me allow myself to give myself the permission to enjoy the beautiful reality of my fantasy world on this place called earth
Aug 2013 · 4.9k
Gypsy Song
starshinelove Aug 2013
Dance gypsy soul
in the garden of your imagination
Gypsy lady free your spirit
sing the songs of your individuality all night long
caress our spirits with the magnificent powers of your captivating intriguablity
gypsy princess how us the steps of your mystical life waltz
Paint the colors of your rainbow across the hearts of the bleeding
Dance gypsy soul
Gypsy lady sing the song of your idividuality
gypsy princess waltz around mysery
waltz it til its gone
Oh dance gypsy soul
don't give up now
gypsy lady you can survive the fight
GYpsy soul, Gypsy soul
Dance, dance the pain away
free your spirit
Gypsy lady, Gypsy spirit, Gypsy Princess
dance harder than you've ever dance
dance us you rgypsy dance, sing us your gypsy song,
gypsy soul
dance gypsy soul
Aug 2013 · 560
I love you
starshinelove Aug 2013
Oh, the winter nights fall heavy and fast upon us
The ghosts of the day surrender and all that remains is you, and me.
I Escape into you.
Oh ,the stars in your eyes hypnotize
The taste of your lips upon mine, inject ecstacy at its purist.
Love, sweet love of mine, how I long for your sweet, precious embrace.
Shaking in the cold hollow depth of my past exhistence you comfort me ,
Surrounding me, you are my warmth in the bitter cold truth of this world.
These are things, I am unable to control.
Reality, is now our souls entwined,
Indulge in the beauty of our now.
I will die, in the vast of our love.
Aug 2013 · 636
All is fair in love and war
starshinelove Aug 2013
I've learned in the past year that "love" means 100% self sacrifice,its putting your wants and ur desires off to the side so the one u care about can flourish. Saying I love u & really meaning it takes courage & strength.

Love is a garden that needs care and is never "oversaid"

I've learned love is patient,& never kind.

Actions speak louder than words and absence is the highest volume. Silence in love is torture.

I love u today, as I will love u tomorrow . I meant it then as I mean it now.

So, I'll water my garden and PROUDLY watch it grow
Aug 2013 · 391
Lost in Translation
starshinelove Aug 2013
Do you ever just have those moments where somebody asks you if everything is okay and you respond " Yeah, I'm just having a moment?" Are they truly moments? or are they days? Days where you just walk around defeated, where the world seems as though it is happening around you and there's no pause button so you can take a break and say " woah , what the **** is going on here?" Time recognizes no one. Time supposedly heals everything , or does it just continue , so you end up further and further away from the starting issue that it just becomes a faded memory. A pair of jeans that you wear every day because they offer you some sort of comfort
starshinelove Aug 2013
Who am I? Who are you? Who are they? who is whom? Whom is who?
We ALL belong in this great sphere of mystery.
Though, sometimes it fools us into believing it has spun off of its axis.
They, Us, Them, You, I...we.
We grasp, clutch onto what is in our reach in order to recieve a somewhat of an understanding of this not so little deal we call life.
We turn our heads from that in which we fear, We listen to what we indeed hear, We believe what our souls and hearts urge us to believe.
You and I, Us and We, They and them, Whom and so on... we are all the same, searching for answers, why, where, what, when,how , who?
We all differ in appearance, in our beliefs and in our fears.
We all interperate differently love and hate, ware and peace.
Fallen tears, hearty laughs and horrible fears, Mis-spelt words and honest mistakes. All these balance out what we conceive to be unbalancable,
They, us them you I we, We are all so focused on asking, why, where when what how who, we seem to have ignored the answer... Human.
We are all trying to grasp on to one thing... yet we seem to have forgotten to grasp onto eachother.
Love is what keeps the world spinning, but our oh so similar differences is what keeps it balanced.
They, Us, Them, You, I,
we are love, we are different, we are fear, we are truth, we are faulted , we are human

— The End —