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Mar 2014 · 339
Starla Kissinger Mar 2014
Wasting space, I'm sick to my stomach.  The greater the demand, the lesser my will.  Try to tell me what to feel -I've already felt it.  The struggle within has made me give in and there is NO answers.  I drag myself up - for what?  I'm not sure of.  I hear the screeching voices wanting things. I attempt to teach the things I've never learned.  I want to cry but there is no time.  Forcing a smile, I give what I don't have and another day goes by.  Helplessness feeding self-hatred.  Dying slowly and hoping for salvation.  Wanting to scream but no sound will escape me.  My youth curdling like sour cream and time no longer being be a friend of mine.  Somewhere in the depths of my soul there is a hope, of what - I don't know.  I cling to it to face the day as my fingers feel it slip away.
Some of my darker thoughts... Written 06/17/08
Mar 2014 · 489
Starla Kissinger Mar 2014
To ask for love would not be true.

Love is given freely, a soul seeking not its own.

A passionate pursuit that's never-ending.

The in-born desire to bask in the presence of another.

The thirst of more until you heart feels it might burst.

To delight in every little mystery unveiled.

To give without expectations.

To forgive the imperfections.
To question your self-seeking intentions.
To right the wrongs of your own inventions.

Love is to wait with enduring patience.

Love sees the potential and brings forth the superlative.

It is shelter from the cruelties of life.

It takes pleasure in honoring those it protects.

Love is time and it warms with affection.

It yearns only to be returned.

Its light exposes the truth of your very existence.

It conceives.
It breathes.
It believes.

Love rejoices in the little things, like a smile.

It empathizes with your painful circumstances.

It carries you when you've lost your strength.

It brings forth courage when there would otherwise be none.

It extends into far reaching places.

It changes even the hardest of situations.

Love fights for what is righteous.

True Love is not overrated.
Should not be underestimated.
Makes simple what is complicated.

Inspired by the triumphs of others.

Treasures its beloved far beyond earthly possessions.

It's grateful for opportunities it is given.

Its nature is pure and good.

It is a gift that was meant to be shared.

The world would be uninhabitable without it.

Immeasurable is its essence.
Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. I don't claim to be Christian but there is beauty in the Bible as well as most all religions of the world. Written 04/17/07
Mar 2014 · 367
Moon Me
Starla Kissinger Mar 2014
I look for the moon, is she in the same mood as me tonight?
Will she be bursting through the darkness or be condensed to a sliver of hopeful illumination?  She is the guide of my night and even if I don't see her, I know she's there and it's alright.

There she is, dancing in and out of the clouds, look, she is impregnated with the light!  To see her in her glorious fullness is always to my delight.

Her ever changing disposition makes me feel alive.  Come, hold my hand, and bask in her sweet glow with me as we will be revived!

It's the same moon that follows me that follows you.  She has witnessed so many things from her position in the sky.  If you wait and listen carefully she might tell you a secret of the ages too!

The sun is coming, hurry, lets hide!  

There is no use, its light shines too bright, it drowns out the beauty of the night.  When time falls, I will be there again to meet her at our favorite time, between the coming of the dusk and twilight.
Have you ever been enchanted by the mere sight of the moon or spent an evening with someone that was so amazing that you hated to see the sun come up because you knew that it would have to come to an end?  Well, that was the inspiration for this little over- rhymey, admittedly amateur-ish poem.  =) Originally written 04/09/06.

— The End —