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Stanislaw HHM Feb 2014
I'm told I might die next week.
I'm told I should get my affairs in order.
I'm told to try and get rest before the big day.
I'm told to put my stuff in this closet.
I'm told to count backwards.
I'm told I've been out cold for 3 days.
I'm told I will live another week.
I'm told they didn't get it done.
I'm told I will need to repeat the process in a week.
I'm told to stay close to the centre.
I'm told there is less chance next time.
I'm told I might die next week. *- Again
Stanislaw HHM Feb 2014
I live a great life -
I get my dinners made for me
I get all the attention I need
I tend to just relax all day
I have no stress and just do what I want
I am very protective of my stuff
I don't like new friends except the ones you make
- My name is Simon and I'm your pet dog.
Stanislaw HHM Feb 2014
I've heard it all before -
This is the last time
I really slipped up but it's ok
It's been a while

I've helped you go good -
I'm out and gonna behave
I will not give in to temptations

I've tried to be your best friend -
If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead by now

And to thank me for all I've done
You say to me -
I'm clean now. I'm off the Magic but hello ******

- You are truly a lame excuse for life.
- You are certified damaged goods.
Stanislaw HHM Feb 2014
I like you
I enjoy you
I enjoy hanging out
Your My Friend -
- You feel the same.

I text you all the time
I cant wait to see you next time
I think of you and I smile
Your My Best Friend -
- You told me the same.

I wake up thinking of you
I fall asleep with you on my mind
I can't imagine life without you
Your My Soul Mate -
- You hinted the same.

I love you
I would do anything for you
I dream of growing old with you in my arms
Your My Life Partner -
- Do you feel the same?

I lose my mind daily thinking about it
I fret what would happen if I ask you -
"- Do you feel the same?"

However the anxiety of not knowing
Is not worse then losing the Hope of there ever being a chance
A chance that
*-  YOU DO feel the same
Stanislaw HHM Feb 2014
She is my best friend because . . .
I immediately call her when I see something really funny happen in my daily life.
She is my best friend because . . .
Even though neither of us is particularly a fashion maven, I  trust her implicitly when it comes to giving good style.
She is my best friend because . . .
I can’t even really remember how the two of us became friends, it just kind of started happening and ******* down a giant hill of love and care for her.
She is my best friend because . . .
We have a completely made up terms for mine and her people and very specific things.
She is my best friend because . . .
I basically expect her to be a more harsh version of Simon Cowell and put any of my dates through the judgy tests which prove her worthiness for the crown.
She is my best friend because . . .
Pretty much everything ever recommended to me by her in terms of entertainment has been a spot-on choice.
She is my best friend because . . .
The two of us have been to a concert together, it was amazing and we gossiped about the people in the crowd around her.
She is my best friend because . . .
I can always go back through my chat histories, text messages, and email exchanges to get a quick laugh or some reassurance that I am loved and understood by her.
She is my best friend because . . .
Sometimes I rediscover old inside jokes that I used to have with her and remember how hilarious and ridiculous they were all over again.
She is my best friend because . . .
Ultimate trust in her knows things that I have told literally no one else in the world.
She is my best friend because . . .
She is very understanding and little problems in day-to-day friendship do not affect the amount of trust and loyalty I have for her other overall.
She is my best friend because . . .
Every time I talk about her to someone who doesn’t know her yet, I gush a little bit.
She is my best friend because . . .
We help each other practice for job interviews and meeting, and are almost as nervous/excited about her getting hired as I do about your own job opportunities.
She is my best friend because . . .
The two of us pig out together and never worry about the other one judging my and her eating choices.
She is my best friend because . . .*
My friendship makes me feel, in a lot of ways, much less scared about the future and the problems which might lie ahead of me . . . her . . . us . . . them.

— The End —