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Stacey Ann Sep 2010
As I pull the blade across my already torn and tattered wrist…
I bite my lip and wonder…has anyone else ever felt like this?
No…of course not…and I push it from my mind…
As the blade erases everything from my mind,
And as my blood starts to flow the memories fade away…
Nothing else matters when I feel this way.
I breathe a sigh of relief as this amazing release takes hold…
Why can't anyone else understand this?

It's a "bad thing" or so I've been told.
But the bad thing is the only thing…
The thing that keeps me sane.
The blade is always there searching for willing flesh to play its evil little game.
And I a willing partner…
I never say no.
It's a giver and a taker…
And I am firmly in its hold.
It never lets me down…
It always eases the pain…
But sometimes I wonder if I've gone too far…
Just what is the blood washing away?
Is it pain?  Is it sin?
Is it every evil, dark and ugly thing I hold deep within?
I am not sure and it never tells…
Its secrets…like mine are condemning to hell.
Stacey Ann Sep 2010
If I wrote a letter to you
What would it say?
Would I convict you
For leaving me this way?

I'd tell you how it hurts
It hurts to be alone...
I'd tell you that not everything I ever did was wrong.
And I'd show you how strong I am...

In my letter to you...
The words might not be pleasant...
The things I have to say they tear at me every day...
And the never goes away.

It wasn't fair, it wasn't right...
You took so much
You changed my life...
And not for the better.

Did you know that you broke my heart?
Did you know that you tore our family apart?
You said that everything would be alright...
And it is...
It is now that you aren't in my life!

And if I wrote a letter to you
I'd tell you that I hated you...
All the hell you put me through.
I just wanted to be good enough...
Just wanted to feel your love.

Just one last thing before I go...
I can't tell you that I love you...
All I can say is what I know...
I hope you learned from your mistakes...
Unlikely as it may be...
I don't want you in my life...
You had your won't hurt me twice.
Take your lies and all your fake tries...
Just stay away from me...

You had nothing to do with what I've become...
I'm not yours...
I never was.
And I never meant to hurt you...

That's why I won't write this letter to you.
Stacey Ann Sep 2010
Reality is a mystery that constantly eludes me.  
Sleeping should be an escape,
But instead it brings only more pain.
Memories shatter the peace that I should find.
I see them every time I close my eyes.

Behind my eyes there is sorrow and pain.
Behind my smile lies more of the same.
Truths unspoken,
Fears relived.
Everyday is a struggle to allow myself to live.
The secrets I bear are often too much for me to carry alone.
It's so hard to pretend to be happy when I feel so alone.
Sometimes I wish I was a child once again.
I want to do it over.
But not relive.
I want to have a mommy...
Love tender and pure.
I don't want to be unwanted.
I just want to feel secure.
Held in the arms of safety and unconditional love…
Would I find my peace?
I wish I knew…
I wish she could rock me to sleep.
Comfort my tears.
She…the cause of so much pain for so many years.
But wishes are for children.
Hopes are cruel and unfair.
Dreams are meant to haunt,

And little girls are to be treated unfair.
I'll forget I ever loved her.
I'll learn not to care.
I can hide my pain, my fear, my loss…
No one will ever know it's there.
Stacey Ann Sep 2010
What do you do when you know you don't belong?
Where do you go when you are crying because nothing is what you thought it was?
How do you pick up the pieces of a torn and tattered heart...when the only thing that put it back together is the one thing that tore it apart?
I cry because I love you...and I know you love me too...
But I'm reminded every time I look around the room that I don't belong here.
This is someplace that I'll never go.
You say I'm welcome say I'm family...
But every time I look around...all I see is you...your family...there is no me.

I'm not trying to be selfish...
I've tried really hard not to be hurt...
But I can't do it anymore...I can't let my heart hurt.
I'm glad that you're happy...
I'm glad that I finally see...
Something that was so obvious to everyone but me.
It was never a question of love...rather a question of being.
You're mouth says one thing...your life another...
I'm sorry...I guess you aren't really my mother.

I don't want to hurt you.
But you've unknowingly hurt me.
I can't pretend anymore.
I have to let go for me.
Stacey Ann Sep 2010
I wrote a letter to you today…..

It was a scene that played all too many times in my head.

You walked right up to me…

*And instead of silence

I took a deep breath

And I screamed….
What do you want from me?
Haven't you taken enough…
Can't you see the pain you've caused...

I'm hurting bad enough…
You were never my Mom…
What makes you think that's changed now?

I'm sorry you want me back…
But I'm someone else's little girl now.

Do you remember the day you left my dad?

I do…

It's one of the worst memories I'll ever have.

I can still see the tears run down his face…

As he listened to the words no one wanted you to say.

I was sitting on his lap and feeling so confused.

Daddy said he loved you…

Why didn't you love him too?

And then the day came and you packed away all our things…

Daddy cried again.

I didn't understand what I know all too well now.

You liked the pain in his eyes…

You liked seeing me cry as we drove away and life forever changed.

I cried every night…

Sometimes I cry still…

Because it hurts so bad to know how you were…

Even though everyone just says you were ill…

I don't think you were.

Then you got this great new job.

You worked with all sorts of bad people…

Did any of them know that they should be sharing a cell with you?

Or did your lie work on them too…

I remember being alone every night of the week…

Going to the neighbors because there wasn't any food to eat.

And all the ***** men you always had to bring home…

I remember how they smell…

How I prayed to just go home.

You never talked you always yelled…

You said Dad was a bad person and you hoped he'd go to hell

I remember being afraid of him…
I'll never forget the pain in his eyes the day I cried and screamed for him to leave me alone

Thanks for helping me hurt him even more.

And then he broke down and told me he'd given up the fight.

I'd never live with him again…I'd only be able to just spend the night.

Again I cried…

Why didn't he want me?

It was you.

Bad things started happening again…

Some bruises, some cuts…

All injuries from being a playful kid…right?

That's what all the teachers said to help them sleep at night.

Then the letters, the vandalism, the threats.

Everyone hated my black brother…or so you said…

As you ran out the door half naked and crazed…

Waving your gun in the air and screaming.

Didn't you know you should be screaming at yourself?

What kind of mother calls her own son a ****** and hangs a doll on the fence with painted blood running down its back?
And if that wasn't attention enough, suddenly fires started coming…

Small ones that were easy to take care of…

Gradually getting bigger…

And then I guess you'd had enough.

You set our porch on fire…

The back porch was soaked in lighter fluid…

A flammable trail leading through our house.

You said you wanted to die…

Then you said you wished we all had.

You went away that night…

Our family was torn apart.

My grandma let me live with her…

Though I don't really know why.

I wasn't easy to get along with…

I didn't know what to believe anymore

Couldn't tell the difference between the truth and your lies.

I wanted my Mom…my Daddy…

I wanted a hug.

I finally got one when I was 14 from someone I barely knew.

It was only a few years too late…

You almost killed me…

But what you never knew was that I did die that night…

On the inside.

Part of me gave up…

I let you win.

So many times I tried to take my life?

Because I wished I'd have had a real Mom in my life.

Do you know how it hurts to be hated and abused?
I cut my wrists every night just to make sure I was still alive because I was so numb.

All because of the things you'd done.

I never cried because you liked that so much…

And when I finally did…it all came rushing out like a flood.

I hope you're happy…

I hope that you finally see…

There are consequences to your actions.

Not everyone is so forgiving or fast to accept your little insanity plea.

I know there's nothing wrong with you…

Go ahead and live your lie.

I loved the notes you used to send me once a year…

How you said you missed me and wanted me back…

How does it feel to want something so close yet completely out of reach?

I wanted a Mom too…

But I ended up with you.

And then the mean comments about how I was a *****…how I was wasting my life and talents…

Didn't you notice your prodigal child having 4 kids by the time she was 20?
And my talent has nothing to do with you.

The only part of me you will ever take credit for is the hurt little girl that never goes away

She cried every night because she wants so badly to tell someone…

Wants so badly to be loved…

Wants so badly to have a Mommy…

You can tell everyone that I'm a horrible person…I don't care.

I'm not half of the monster you are.

I hope I break your heart if you even have one.

I hope you understand that this is not a start…

It's my way of telling you that I hate you…

By the way in case you care…
I am doing just fine without you in my life.

Hard to believe considering how much you tried to **** it all up.

My dad…the man you despise and taught me to fear…

He's my hero once again…a million times better than you

And I know how you hate me…but another thing you probably learned

You can beat me, break me, and take everything I have…even try to **** me…

But at my worst we're still 100% better than you.

Oh yeah…I almost forgot…

I finally found my Mommy too

She loves me and doesn't do any of the things like you.

She never hits me, never screams, never prostitutes me like a cheap *****…

She calls me everyday…

Lets me know I am loved…and so much more.

So I hope you understand what I'm telling you here…

I thought I needed you in my life, but I was wrong.

In case you didn't get it I'm not your child, I never was.

You aren't my Mom you're just a ****** *****.

I hope that someday you realize what you've lost…

And it's a good thing God forgives…because as far as I'm concerned you can burn in Hell.

— The End —