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st64 Nov 2013
the lotus floats on waters
silhouettes dance in spastic-joints
a sombre-figure with a spiky do
cavorts behind invisible-mirrors
which reflect the lost motions of unchaperoned-pedestal
in corrugated-shadows

don’t forget to lift that hem a little higher, lady
and give over to the pulsing rhythm
undo your leather-strap, it’s enough to whip out some frenzy
do what you want: you’re not awake, anyway
what have gone and done, dear girl?
is true-love to be found in the arms of a bearded Japanese?
yes, open that white blouse of yours with the silky-buttons on
while your eyes pearl-glaze over attending-cliffs
hold that slow-unfolding palm over your breast and
let busy aglet-fingers shake loose some nuciferous-reward
stems hold up sweet-flora and its waiting-petals
the gyrations match the ripped-space in your ceilinged-heart
slow-motion coy-boy on stand-by in heated-debate
            where stickety-words carry the burden
             knock-out honeyed-pleasure

high-pitched comes and you know there’s nowhere else you’d rather be
than to fit your *explosive
jigsaw-piece up my nostrils
so that I can finally breathe
lithe and limber

later, when you nod off
your dreams’ll take care of lost-thread and thorough-floss your mind
yank off the binding-straps
take it down muddy-banks into pools of upside-down sky
and the only light will be the reflected-glint of moon
as it winks its very firm OK

S T – 21 nov 13
superb day, alritey ;)

sub-entry: relaxx
close your eyes a while
be still
quit makin’ your knees work so hard
and just please
lemme kisssssssssss you
st64 Nov 2013
nothing like unsmoothed-potential
handed out
the dense-influence

symbiosis personified within
the heart of libraries
where tomes could be spilt
in split-seconds

staked into the other
like a dove-tail joint
yeah, I'll smoke you yet
on a day beneath a sun-trilled tree

peanut-butter sandwish on a windy-day
hm.. ain't nada like libraries
as fine-shelter
for fretted-shoulders*

S T - 14 novice 13
oo-wee.... put your head on my shoulder.. the things one can learn in libraries..

sub-trench: oo-wee!

oo-wee, indeed..
all eyes fall upon a greenish-figure
whose eyes sit on scales of half-shed mediocrity
balance, balance to the left, now to the right
tip-tipping the weight in favour of the duality
on an unending highway
the unexpected

and yes.. that highway..
ah well, never mind!

best grab-a-book and stuff me mug into it :)
st64 Nov 2013
Once I dreamt I was the snow
that covered all the town
with a comforter on each roof,
a blanket on each lawn.
I let a white cat of snow
stretch on every branch,
each berry got a hat
as soft as wool,
and inside every silent room
bells were ringing WHITE,

*by  Siv Cedering Fox
Siv Cedering (February 5, 1939 – November 17, 2007) was an award-winning Swedish-American poet, writer, and artist. She occasionally published as Siv Cedering Fox.
st64 Nov 2013
my piece of blue sky
and I'm so thankful for your kindness
to include me
at all

there's nobody I'd rather see on this globe
than the presence of you
and boy, do I sense you!

my beautiful piece of blue sky
tucked inside somewhere
only the still cirrus-call
can feel

S T - 13 novs 13
oh boy, wot-a-day!
fine and finer are thus.. nearly newborn :)

sub-entry: surprises

though hardly a fan of it
I daresay
the world sure has a way
of sliding
st64 Nov 2013
r EVOL ution
uncoils slowly by the fire
pondering of profound-flickering in the reverse-sparks
within the pupils of shifting-light

love(r) dips deep within a hardy fire-maker from another sky
body recycled and soul carried on
mind unlike any other
it’s simply a matter of Time.. holding that rusty-key of long ago
entrusted to a cavorite-place behind silent-wells whose treadle-functions heaven forgot

yet what counts highest sits on a ledge of paradox
as happiness falls short upon the threshold of *fornever and never

there are tumult-fears to overcome
and it needs time, once again
as hearty does beseech temporal-cogs to ensure one full revolution

thanks are not enough for things that words fail to express
no specific thing to pin-point
of the immense power the discharged-missile holds
who is ever the same person in the marching of months?

exponential growth is combustion understated and surreal-excitement catches
to find traction in the whistling wind.. only a quarter-whisper away
it has instead.. been phenomenally unreal

.. can't explain it
.. won't deny it

the full idea has near-outgrown its twin-seal flanks
that choices came shaking.. aghast and                                
dripping its magenta-fury in heavy-drips upon the sand
                                                            ­                                            half-spilling lava-filled cups of ire            
near the camp-side        
grabbed it by the lapels        

shaking – I love you so
now, why can’t you say it?
why won’t you declare it?
what holds your yellow-*** back so?

there's a power-burst in the trajectory-whirligig here..
can’t be stopped, won’t be stopped

burnt offering rises up in a scathing-hiss

  and exudes such a sweet-cleansing                                                  ­                                           

   of               ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                                           

semi-cinnamon and subtle ginger                                                    

a­nd.. love is but a word whose letters
in the sand

S T – 11 nov 2013
so, yeah.. that’s about the size of it.. lol

sub:  none

none of loss
in moult of moments
let go
to see the new
st64 Nov 2013
a dragonfly settles slow on languid-fingertips..
can they smell my heart melting?
there’s a super-cracking inside this geyser
soon to crack some more

I hold a tree inside my palm
you can’t actually tell where its roots really grow
veins don’t fade easily.. just the eye won’t see it

blackest bull-dogue waits behind the silverfish-caravan
who the heck knows why it waits in saliva’d-chains
but it lurks there, in silent-rancour

one eye flicks inwards and gets inverted
licks at all the flies inside
there’s a buzzing to be *felt
 from miles away

touch-tone insignia keeps calling and calling
screaming off its ugly provided-head
demanding eye-scales which cannot fall

black-stockinged nuns profess utter-diligence to duty
hide their want within the deep-wells of darker-veils
while rosaries are fever-fingered with reverence

keep swinging that twig under my scissored-wishes
you may just miss once
and catch my whirring 'copter-feet

man, if you jump high enough and not fade.. away
you may never have to feel that wicked-thud of landing
one click onto the nebulae and you’re truly home

at the young boy’s feet, they lie
a host of little beings.. not breathing
that jokers cannot understand

as sang in epic-tunes of yore
better to burn out than rust
stay forever young..

reach out with seeker-arms in pin-striped shirt
yes, push mercy down upon its sweet-cheek
and sense the reek of discontent in neat patterns.. waiting to fall
no use looking at poverty crying for a way out as blood runs down its head
tell yourself it’s only paint.. meant for a well-researched lesson on another day

pick up your chair, poet.. and ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnn!!
while feathers fall onto the heads of sinners who sack the fading light

and mind you don’t trip on your way out
your head


S T – 4 nov 13
never quit.
st64 Oct 2013
sense is seen
when scents on scene

jaunty-laddie walked and grabbed the sun out the sky
hid it leisurely in his back-pocket
while the candy jumped out the sweet-jar
and the farmer fed the dog to the food

an elm-tree nearby coughed nervously at the encroaching-air
as the letterbox chatted lively to the ivy-hedge
the wind popped by and whistled out a papery-sigh
that the clouds caught and flung into a blue swing-lasso

working out moves in ab-struck-shin
sweaters and jumpers* at the local gym got all scratchy
and went on strike to protest against the über-cool fridge
and gravity took a break
and we all
a way..!


S T - 26th of October, is it?
spot of facetious ink :)
when the world takes a healthy-break .. much of good doth come.. and larfs ensue :)

sub-entry: paint

bird flew high
so high..

the wind came by
and blew off
all its paint

its feelings got so hurt
it flew higher still
off to Arcturus
36.6 light years away
where candy-souls reside
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