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SS Jan 2014
I hope this year you're happy,
I hope it's better than the last.

I hope this year you find love,
I hope it doesn't hurt you like it did in the past.

I hope you find what it is you're looking for,
I hope you don't lose yourself on the way.

I hope you are able to smile,
I hope you cherish each and every day.

I hope you are able to trust people,
I hope they give you a reason to trust them.

I hope you understand you're beautiful,
I hope you know you're one a kind, a precious gem.

I hope this year a single tear doesn't fall from your eyes,
I hope you can stay strong through the pain.

I hope this year nobody hurts you,
And I hope this year you have nothing to lose, only everything to gain.
SS Jan 2014
He tells me I'm indecisive,
Can never make up my mind,
He just wants us to be united,
He says I'm one of a kind.

He tells me I'm mean,
But he can never let me go,
He treats me like I'm a queen,
Loves me even when I put on a show.

He tells me I'm a beauty,
Loves that I don't try too hard,
He hugs me and kisses me and calls me his cutie,
He loves my soul, even though it is charred.

I don't know what I would do without him,
But I keep pushing him away,
I know there will come a day,
Years from now perhaps, when alone in bed we'll lay.
SS Dec 2013
Cars tinted and cold,
Boys who are way too old
Expensive smokes and a kiss
This never ends, i wish.

You know I do it for the thrill
The speed and danger,
Strangers breaking through my hearts grill.

Don't even know his name,
But I'm glad I came.
Making memories I won't remember in the morn,
Waking up cold, regretful and forlorn.
I know I'll cry about this later,
But I'm laughing now.
SS Dec 2013
Always in the room across from me
I never thought this is the way it would be
You lying there so peacefully
Me wishing I could see you quickly.

Always in the room across from me
You were a brother to me
We fought and laughed and played and cared
Never a dull moment with you there.

But now I see the empty room
Where have you gone, leaving us with this emotional doom
So many people think of you
Praying everyday for you.

Every night before I sleep
I think of all the memories I keep
Saved deep in my heart
You truly were a work of art.

Nobody realizes how important someone's presence is
Till the physical body is nothing but nostalgic bliss
You will always be
In the room across from me.
SS Dec 2013
If I showed you my body bare
Through the shock, would you even care
That I stripped down layer by layer
Just to show you my innermost scares.

First is the very top layer
The girl with the messy dyed brown hair
The smiles and the laughter
Hiding all the pain that comes out after.

Second is the life of the party
Loud laughs, happy and hearty
Nothing to worry her pretty little mind
An empty, intoxicated mind.

Third is the loving pet-o-phile
That wants to travel from Paris to the Nile
Passionate shopper, day dreamer
But when she's angry, never meaner.

Fourth is the girl not many know
Called horrible things like a ***** and ***
She does not care about what they say
Waits all year for the two months after May.

Fifth is the bottle of open pills
And all she wants to do to herself is ****
The trust in life no longer there
The girl with the messy dyed brown hair.

— The End —