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Spith Azikari Jun 2014
I'm not perfect. Far from it.
I'm clumsy, and not good looking.
I'm sloppy and bad with words.
I'm not bright and never say the right things.
But you accept my flaws and love me none the less
Spith Azikari May 2014
When I hold her in my arms, her eyes grip my gaze.
The intense sense of wonder in them place me in a haze.
A childish nature with a blazing fire best describes her heart.
When she grabs me and holds me close, I pray we never part.
She is oh so beautiful and has the perfect soul.
I can't imagine who would wonder why she makes me whole
There were times I almost died but this angel saved my life
So standing here looking in these eyes, I cant wait until she is my wife.
Spith Azikari May 2014
I never once thought I would live this long.
Always assumed I would be buried by this point.
The scars i wear each tell a story
Each one tells of a mistake i made in a fight.

My shoulder blade was taken by a gun.
My back has  Kukri knife memories spanning it
My legs have so many stab wounds in them
I do not regret obtaining any of them.
Spith Azikari May 2014
The hounds of battle have found me one more.
My enemy in front of me, confident in their skill.
I stand there waiting, feet loose on the floor.
They move in, first strike in a flash, confident the have the ****
I move to the side, opening the door
My enemy broken before too long. The hounds had their fill.
Spith Azikari May 2014
You are the lighthouse that beacons me toward safety,
preventing me from crashing into my past yet again.
your light keeps me on the right path
instead of plunging me into the eternal abyss that is my very soul
Spith Azikari May 2014
The way she loves me is like no one else.
She loves me unconditionally and I cant see why.
She claims I am perfect and I am her everything.
If only she knew the truth.

An ex mercenary
street fighter

A man with a past he wish he could forget.
and resorts to violence quickly.
Surely no match for this angel.

But she doesn't seem to mind or care.
Her love belongs to him.
Without this love to pick him up,
he would most certainly be dead.

But this love is special,
a most unique kind.
He always loved her,
and she always loved him,

and the love blossomed
like a rose
not a rose
for a rose dies,

But rather a wine
if you would have it.
The longer it grows
the longer the time,
the finer it gets
and the more valuable it becomes

I love you Nikkie
Marry me?

— The End —