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Mar 2015 · 1.2k
I refuse to giveup
Sphoorthy Soma Mar 2015
A love u cannot let go
A pain u cannot show
Frustration u cannot vent
A world that wouldnot understand
A wound that cannot heal
A friend who doesnt know how to help
A family who cannot hug u right now
Heart wants u to run away
Mind tells u it wont help in anyway
Crowd and alone feel synonyms
Want to try harder to make it all work
Yet happiness keeps running away

Everything that is easy doesnt mean that it can b done. Reason being too far / dont know what to do / cant find the solution / scared / dont want to giveup!!!
Mar 2015 · 539
Amazingly true
Sphoorthy Soma Mar 2015
It's Amazing...
How one person can change your life
How a smile from you can erase everything bad
How life seems less scary when you're holding my hand.

It's Phenomenal...
How fate brings two strangers together
How I survived before I knew you
How, whenever I'm with you it's like a great new adventure.

It's Beautiful...
How love can be so unconditional
How learning about you is like reading my favorite story.
How loving you is so easy.

And I'm so thankful...
That I'm able to know this
Beautiful person
And because...I LOVE YOU
Mar 2015 · 680
Im jealous
Sphoorthy Soma Mar 2015
Im jealous of every girl who has ever hugged you,
because for that one moment they held 'my entire world'
tears are like kisses, the only real ones are the ones you cant hold back

never make someone your everything, because when they are gone you have nothing.
You will never know true pain until you look into the eyes of someone you love,
and they look away
The scars are nothing compared to the pain that put them there
goodbye is only painful when you know you can never say hello again

How can you learn from your mistakes when mistakes are all you've ever made
What's the point in living when the ones you love the most refuse to love you

break my heart and tell me lies, because eventually every heart dies
Feb 2015 · 477
snow showers in my heart
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
The app tells me there are snow showers tonight
Come hug me as i want to b warm
Cant u understand im making up reasons
Just so i cud be in ur arms
Do i have to write it down
How i want u to b with me
Cant u read it in my eyes
Which are looking at u now
I want to feel u right next to me now
Feb 2015 · 489
mine & only mine!
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
U ur eyes n ur lips
Are all mine!
I my heart n my soul are still with me
Take me away sweep me off my feet
So tht i love u back before the air takes my breath away
I open my eyes as they want to c u
I open my arms for u to come into
I want u so bad ,so bad im without u
Take me awayyy! With u
Feb 2015 · 463
My default
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
It might not b true to u but for me its default
Tht i gave u my heart n u live in mine now
U have to start, start to believe
Tht true love exists,as im still alive
But for u my love wil never end
As i live to love n love u to live
Feb 2015 · 581
world wouldn't understand
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
I know u but i feel i dont
I want u i really do
But cant say it anymore
Dont want the world to know
Coz they wont understand
All i want to tell u
Cant b one single line
The words are still in invention
To really tell u how i feel for u
Love u seems small when it comes to u
As u r not apart but a part of me
That doesnt need me to talk to make u know my words of heart
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
Its all about gravity
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
You are not the sun
Coz I can live in darkness
You are not the star
As I can take the dullness
You are my ground without whom I cannot stand
Without whom I cannot enjoy all the light all the life in the world
You keep me on ur ground but yet make me feel like on cloud 9
You make it look so easy
Where all others fall behind
You touch me like an angel and hug me like a baby
I want you to be mine for all eternity!
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
I want to sleep next to u
So that i can wake up seeing u
I want to b the smile on u when u look at me
Tell me how i cannot love u
When u r so much in love with me
Love is no more u
But its u in me
I dont want to miss u
I dont want to treaure the memories
As i want to wake up next to u every day making new memories vth u
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
I write write n write
Just so that i can express
I do it as its all i can do
As i dont have u here in my arms
To show u how i feel
Or to make u feel me
So torture me no more
Come to me my dear
Hold me so tight as i dont want to breathe
If breathing is being far away from u
Feb 2015 · 347
I don't need color
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
I remember color when i see a blank canvas
I remember love when i see my mom
I remember strength when im in my dads arms
But I remember u when i feel all alone
Coz thats when my heart needs ur warmth more than love color or strength
Feb 2015 · 377
I dare you...
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
I sit here without u
How hard it is not u have u
U r here but u r not
I wish u can i wish u wud
Try n read my heart more than my mind
Dont b with me if u cannot b u
I wish u can love me as i do
I want u but not at a cost of loosing u
I want u to want me
By being u who that can fall in love me every day
Dont fall out as i wont let u
I dare u to dream ,coz i want to b there
Right where ur heart is
Feb 2015 · 392
You are Home
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
I love the love u love me
I hug the warmth u give me
I live in the heart u gave me

I wil b lieing if i think ull leave me
Coz one cant leave their home
As home to u is always me!!
It will be ME !
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
Lie to me... Please do
As I don't want to hear u say that u don't want me
I rather shut my ears and open my eyes
So that I can hold u back when I see u leaving
I promise to use my hands not my words to hug u
As thats all i can do to make u mine
I dont want to forget the way i feel whn u touch me
Running ur hands thru my soul
Stay! Make me feel tht way again
I promise it wil remind our love to u
Sphoorthy Soma Feb 2015
Pull me closer and hug me
Hold me so tight that the air cant come between
Run your hands thru my body
Making sure everything screams I am yours
Then release me by squeezing my lips
Grab me from back in a sec
Hoping to find a spot on my neck
Make the electricity run thru my spine

Every time u touch me..touch me like
U want me to fall in love with u desperately!!!
Dec 2010 · 729
kiss me
Sphoorthy Soma Dec 2010
The fountains mingle with the river
and the rivers with the ocean
the winds of heaven mix forever
with a sweet emotion

nothing in this world is single
all things by a law divine,
in one or other way stay together
then why not I with thine?

see the mountains kiss high heaven
and the waves clasp one another
no flower in love would b forgiven
if it disclaimed her lover
the sunlight clasps the earth
and the moon beams kiss the sea

what are all these kisses worth,
if thou kiss not me?
Dec 2010 · 1.4k
Lie About Love
Sphoorthy Soma Dec 2010
We are liars; because
the truth of yesterday becomes
a lie of tomorrow
where as letters are fixed
and we live by the letter of truth..

the love I feel for my friend this year
is different from the love I felt last year
if it were not so, it would be a lie.

yet we reiterate love! love! love!
as if it were a coin with fixed value
instead of a flower that dies
and opens as a different bud.
Dec 2010 · 494
Embrace Me..
Sphoorthy Soma Dec 2010
I don't understand what happened to us
or why you have turned away
ofcourse you are free to do as you like
but first i have something to say

to me it had seemed we could go on forever
so' close were our hearts, and at ease
so much did we share, yet the words neve faltered
so' i thought as time did as it pleased

whatever i did that had made you unhappy,
or i'm is not to your taste,
or would be were. i to return to your grace
or won't be if i'm replaced

i want you to know your love is something
i treasure, and would not now end
if you would be willing to turn to embrace me
you'd find in me still, the same love for you.
Dec 2010 · 750
Your Name On My Lips
Sphoorthy Soma Dec 2010
Your name whispered across my lips
a taste of sweet divinity
the beat of your heart next to mine
a serenade of peaceful tranquility

to walk with you hand in hand
no journey could be too long
a 1000 years would me no more
than a moment with you.

in the quest of timeless love
our spirits are eternally bound
a thunderous voice speaks to us
although without a sound,
its silent strength lays twin souls
into heaven's awaiting arms
and shares with us the secrets of
its everlasting charms
a pledge to endure through all eternity
to honor,love and cherish you
forever and always.
Dec 2010 · 558
Lost Love
Sphoorthy Soma Dec 2010
When i was going for walk,
on the way..
flowers in the garden were asking about you
how could i tell them 'i lost you'
so i hav stopped going for walk
i say 'good bye' but i cant forget you,
and my heart still loves you.
i dint know if i loved you too much
or i dint love u enough
but i do know that..
i wil never love this way again
i buried my feelings in my heart
yet my heart keeps saying that
it wil never forget you
its feeling all alone
because a part of it is missing
i keep loving you more n more
as time passes...
waiting in hope 'you wil return some day
Dec 2010 · 525
Stay in Me
Sphoorthy Soma Dec 2010
Your eyes wont let my thoughts go to sleep
your words draw me across miles..
i feel i dont know you, yet i know
you are better than my friends of many years
the days i spent with you are like tape
i play,rewind,play,rewind and play
whenever the cool breeze touches me
i feel you are kissing me.
a lot of people have loved
but my love stands apart from all
coz 'they dont have you'
i miss you as the grass awaits the wind
as the morning sky awaits the sun
although i look for you in every doorway
i only could find you in the
open door of my heart.
come dear...torture me no more
flow towards me...and stay in me
for ever and ever.
Dec 2010 · 520
Missing You..:-(
Sphoorthy Soma Dec 2010
I want to hold you in my arms
close enough to make you feel
what you do to my heart.
i want to take your hand
and walk through my dreams
just to show you, just to prove
that what i live for is...'you in me'
you are all i need
you are the only one for me
i love you with al my heart and soul
i promised my heart it was
the last time i would hurt it
but, single thought of missing you
broke the promise!
Jun 2010 · 614
Do You wanna be the Answer
Sphoorthy Soma Jun 2010
YOU will always be the answer...!
When someone asks me what im thinking about?

when u r away from me
my thoughts are drawn to u
when u r right infront of me
cant take eyes off u

you dont realize or you dont want to
how much more should i open my heart to you

how much more should i make u sense
the love filled in the air around you

wish i could come close enough to you
to show you how i feel
when your breath touches my lips

your strength in holding me
your eyes looking at me
the most selfish things i crave for

wishing and longing are two different things
im longing to be with you
and wishing this comes true
dear' come and feel me
to know how best u r loved!

dont make me a stop along your way
make me your destination
fill the gap between my fingers ,with those of yours
fill the broken pieces of my heart,by repalcingit with yours

should have looked into my eyes for once before you left
would have known'how you transformed me in to YOU'
Jun 2010 · 635
Try Me Out
Sphoorthy Soma Jun 2010
Let me steal 'You' from 'You'
in the hope that as time passes you'll love me
so deeply does your smile my heart move
that merely talking to you is ecstacy
\Normally such crimes are not my style
nor i could stop yself comitting it
but i love you so much i can't revile
anything that some slight hope bestows
\Give me a chance..
i'll show *** best one can love you
how good it feels to have me at your side
how spring eternal i'll ever make new
that every want or passing whim provide
\Try me out...
i promise 'you wil be mine'
once u see how i care
i wait, hugging the thought
that you wil love me one day.
Jun 2010 · 605
Eternal Love
Sphoorthy Soma Jun 2010
I smile whenever i recall
special moments we have had
walking always hand in hand
through the good times and the bad
\sometiems i think it is a dream
the love which you gave me, can't exist
but then when you are in my arms
there's no mistake in it's purity
\whether i'm with you or far away
my thoughts are always drawn to you
like a compass needle pointing north
to a love much more than true
\of all the people on this earth
how lucky can a person be
to have a love like you
with whom to share eternity
Jun 2010 · 659
Love Exists
Sphoorthy Soma Jun 2010
All i ever wanted was to be part of your heart
and for us to be together, to never be apart
no one in this world can ever compare
so perfect is the love, that we share
in your eyes i see..
our present,future and past
the way you look at me..
i know our love wil last
i hope that one day you wil realize
how perfect you are' when seen through my eyes
i thought love was just a mirage of mind
its a illusion, its fake, impossible to find
but the day i met you' i began to see
that love is real, and exists in me.
Sphoorthy Soma Jun 2010
Its only days'I know you..but seems like ages
as we both became synonyms for the word Love

There was a day,
i wished for'want of feeling in your heart
and now is the day,
when you showed your need of wanting me
expressing lifelessness,if you stop kissing me

the silence around us..seems to sing
when our lips'strive to avoid their loneliness
always eager to be on each other!

you play with my hair'moving it away from the neck
showing ur anger'telling them "this is where my lips are supposed to be"

all I can tell,about your passion for me
you kiss me now'you grab me again in a minute
as if it is the air,you are grabbing..for you to breath..

moving your hands..all over
making me sweat and breath harder
your want of kissing me'every oppurtunity you get
made me fal in Love with you...again and again!
Nov 2009 · 1.1k
Lost Valentine
Sphoorthy Soma Nov 2009
I'm sorry that I'm writing you but I just can't forget.
All the memories of me with you,
Are running through my head
I'm sorry that I cried today
Though you didn't see my tears,
I just can't forget the fact
That today would be one year.

You said you didn't love me
But I know its not the truth
So here it is,
I'm saying it,
I still love you too.

I can hear it when you talk to me
When you say my name.
How the words almost slip out,
But you hold them back in shame

All day I've been thinking of you,
And what we could have been
Happily ever after,
Is what we both said.

I sit here,
And concentrate
On leaving you behind
But I know that no matter what happens
No words could make you mine

Dear Valentine,
I'm sorry that I told the truth,
Sorry you're the one,
Sorry that it hurts so much,
Sorry I'm still in love.

— The End —