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DustBall Jan 2015
I wish I could go numb
And stop breathing for a little while
Maybe then the tears would
Just stop flowing down my face
And if I did
How would you feel?
Would you really even give a ****
Would I be something like the sunset
To you
Something you can't touch but feel
Or would I be the bump in the road
That blew your tire
To which you had a spare
DustBall Jan 2015
Our family is stretched over four individuals
So far apart
The stretch is unbearable if you look too Long
We try to fix this; talk, laugh, stay together
We forget for awhile why it's so hard to communicate
Then we each remember
Go off into our corner of this big empty house
You could hear a pen drop
In this deafening silence that we all ignore
So we don't feel bad  about it.
What can we do to stop the stretch from breaking
When she left we were done
And now we have next to nothing
DustBall Jan 2015
If I took a look around
Would I see what's bothering you?
If I just watched for a bit
Would I understand your feelings?
DustBall Jan 2015
So many stars in my nights sky tonight
I'm counting every one
For you
Not because you wanted me too
But because I wanted you to see just
How much I love you
I'll keep counting every night
For the rest of my life
I'll always have hope with
You right here by my side
So lay next to me on the grass
Pitch black night
Our only lights will be the stars
Hold my hand and
We'll be alright
Even if it's just for tonight
DustBall Jan 2015
I want to say you're adorable
Which means a lot for me
And that you are a freak
Which is okay
Cause I  am too
But you're afraid of heights and I'm afraid of flying
So if we fall it may be disastrous
DustBall Jan 2015
Your absence is deafening
Bleeding through every empty space
We bumble around
Looking for you
In the places you used to occupy
Everything is gray
And lonely
Tears are inevitable
Every night spent curled up
Taking hot showers to forget
If I'm crying or if it's just the water
Streaking down my face
DustBall Jan 2015
Your madness works at me
Takes me apart
Deciphers my biggest secrets
I don't interfere
You understand me for a strange reason
I like it
It's been awhile since I've
Appreciated someone like you
You fuel me
As you put me back together
Don't walk away
You can't go
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