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DustBall Dec 2014
Oh no oh no
Death is near
All the good things are gone
And the bad things are here
DustBall Dec 2014
I ran from you
But I ran in the wrong direction
Straight into his arms
But soon they turn
Too tight
Making it hard to move
I waiting until he was weak
Weak enough to shatter
Shatter and run away
Something I was getting very good at
DustBall Dec 2014
I catch myself holding my breath
Like I'm subconsciously
Giving up
I make myself breath again
Heartbeat slows back to normal
Just to ease the burning in my lungs
And the ache in my mind
A small shard of doubt
Nestles in between
A crack
Growing in my mind

When I don't think about it
When I'm occupied with other things
I find myself growing dizzy
And force a breath
Through my clenched teath
Wasn't sure where this one was going
DustBall Dec 2014
Depression is like quick sand
You don't know you've walked right into it
Until you start sinking
And you can't get out
DustBall Dec 2014
Everything gets blurry
Through teary eyes
Emotions spilling over
Wet and black smearing
On a sweater sleeve
Red eyes shinning in the low light
Looking in them is a mistake
They lead you to sad places
Hospital rooms and X-ray machines
Foolish children in hallways
Rumors in every corner
Bickering parents behind
Closed doors
Muffled screams into pillows
Ever haunting gymnasium in
Every dream
These places that follow her
That shatter her heart
And break her soul
That mold her into who she is now
DustBall Dec 2014
I find it hard to breathe
I find it harder to live
But it's easy to quit
So why not quit
Take the easy way out
Is that really what I want
That will never be the answer
Even though
When I think of what has happened
That's when my throat closes
When I go back to that day
That very second
Right before the pain
I know I was happy
And that happiness beckons me
With all the force I have
I attempt to fight it
But how can I when that's really all I want
I'm not there yet
That fact
Is the one that keeps me up at night
And ruins all of my dreams
That claws at the corners of my mind
Grasping the dark edges
And hanging on
Feeling like cold knuckles against warm skin
Bringing out cold thoughts
And brittle memories
The ones that break me down a size or five
That put me in a corner
And lock me up
Feelings only begin to sway around the room
Positive and negative collide
Making everything black and white
And unreadable
That's when I know
Exactly what I must do
DustBall Dec 2014
You're too skinny
I can't help you
You don't understand your own name
I do nothing
You're cramped and confused
I try
You look as fragile as a butterfly's wing
What can I do?
You can't hear the questions I ask
I talk louder
You limp when you walk
I wish I could save you
You don't want to eat
I know you're breaking
You can't leave me
I don't know how I'll go on without you
You bring tears to my eyes
I can't help you
The light in your eyes has been fading for moths now
I've been too worried about myself to notice
You're old but you're mine
I can't breathe
You leave, silently retreating into the night
I hear one final breath
One final heartbeat
I don't know what feeling is
I'm numb
You're beyond fixable
I crack under the weight of losing you
And shatter all across floor
Only pieces you could pick up
I may never be fixed
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