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Oct 2011 · 1.0k
even gypsies
souxie lily Oct 2011
i know he knows the shortcuts
and every corner in my heart
i know he knows how to follow through
but even gypsies wish to be courted

and if in one drunken moment we share a passion then
may the guitar and piano notes flow straight through me
and may we always remember this singular precious moment
drinking milky tea under stars that are aligned but should not be
Oct 2011 · 618
for one so small
souxie lily Oct 2011
for one so small as i
the price was much too high
the heart still beats an inconsistent time
and falls short
to ridiculous rhyme
Oct 2011 · 536
ever after
souxie lily Oct 2011
perhaps we are unlikely heroes
but at least we are heroes

like a rabbit in a cage
no like a bird with broken wings
i lack no conviction

oh but that i could fly
be as blue as the great beyond
sing a song that leaves all who hear it weeping

for love is happily
Oct 2011 · 689
souxie lily Oct 2011
when i look at him, i see you-
except you're better at magic than houdini

****** knees but nothing comes free
kisses are messy, even petite
even i know this
even i know this

if you hold me close
especially if you close your eyes
especially if you look into mine
especially if you lie
i can lie
we can lie
we can lay and lie and pretend to sleep

how you move on me
how we burn
what it tastes like when you
know me know me know me
like you mean it
because i want no one but you
Oct 2011 · 620
yes you see
souxie lily Oct 2011
you are to me an entirely new world
yes you see but a safari
world and you my wild thing
so let us draw near and
i know you could teach me a thing or two
the way nature can choose to do
but we're too close and it's hard to breathe
i wish sometimes i could disappear into the
way you run like you don't even know
if you don't look back i'd never know
i'm just trying hard to it let go
Oct 2011 · 604
the great unknown
souxie lily Oct 2011
we find each other when we're looking
when we least expect to know
i see myself in you
and you see in me what you will
when we're disappointed we forget
but hold me close and we'll remember
for the sun is not up long
and the night that much longer
when the rest is left to the great unknown
Oct 2011 · 556
souxie lily Oct 2011
beauty is not unwild
is not quite tame or mediocre
but beauty
for God's sake
is not rare
Oct 2011 · 649
tea and such
souxie lily Oct 2011
behind thick curtains
drinking hot tea leaving
swirling trails of smoke
and carefully combed hair
benignly denying the fact that
behind his beard
behind her glasses
is love and only love
Oct 2011 · 715
souxie lily Oct 2011
we shall dance and not be too tired
for we have loved for years and
will no longer deny this but
if that mustache is indicative of anything
we shall spill the liquor and forget ourselves
for we are artists
with beautiful artistic hands
and beautiful artistic eyes that see
putting together pieces of ourselves
and fitting them into each other
to see things in a whole new light

and even if we eat from garbage cans
and never have clean water to wash our hands
we have our skin
who has seen us through seeing through each other
Oct 2011 · 529
on the wall
souxie lily Oct 2011
something about this wild girl scares me
in her eyes i cannot see
anything that even remotely
reminds me of me

and the mirror is quite smooth
reflective indeed
but this jacket and sulky pout
cannot possibly be suiting me

her curly head of curls
must equally be filled with dreams
but i shall never know
what she hopes for me

quite silent is she
(so silent and yet free)
but if she says not even a thing
then i suppose i shall have to let her be
Oct 2011 · 868
impudent rogue
souxie lily Oct 2011
the french doors are wide
open art stretches beyond
outrageous boundaries
Oct 2011 · 398
souxie lily Oct 2011
death is a very serious way to go
for those who live without hope

but we might know better
we usually think we know better
singing in post offices and planes
proclaiming the name of the man who saved us all
whether we like it or not

and truth is truth
Oct 2011 · 526
comfort of knowing
souxie lily Oct 2011
maybe all we long for is the comfort of knowing
living in suitcases and bags is no way of living
and if he looks in my eyes well
i just don't know how i'll get through this one
immunity only lasts so long
we'll all catch this; we'll all catch on

most of the time when we dance
we close our eyes and touch
the stars are too close
and we feel the rush

so neatly place your mouth on mine
like a bow on a gift
or sprinkles on top
Oct 2011 · 1.1k
a qualified yes
souxie lily Oct 2011
i hate maybes more
than math- there is certainly

certainly with certainty
Oct 2011 · 940
souxie lily Oct 2011
hands fragile and strong that know when to say no
wrapped around the rope of swing
we're getting on in years now but
drinking tea is ever so good for your health
and the taste is not so bad either

if you just stand here
in the shining lights
you could know it all
you could dream it all

but you enter the room and makes no more impression than a draft
Oct 2011 · 818
souxie lily Oct 2011
i want to be a kind girl
a loving girl
a girl in a frock
with the longest lashes
lashes that touch my cheeks when i close my eyes
don't you see

she's ambitious but i'm a beauty
she's a singer but i'm much better
she's a high flying artist and i
and i
and i
and i
and i can do much better than these mixed feelings

i'd wipe down your piano and play the right cards
and the ghosts of things as we touch noses kissing softly
the roads in the skies meeting at long last
and the feel of the sheets you pull over us
when your hands smooth my skin
that i have to remind myself to breathe but

but i will never again be second
Oct 2011 · 389
souxie lily Oct 2011
there's very little that's absolutely new
but that doesn't mean what i say is any less true
Oct 2011 · 598
a minute away from snow
souxie lily Oct 2011
sometimes i wonder how we keep living the way we're living
walking around broken with all these pent up dreams
how i can sleep with him but dream of you
keep our conversations saved in my phone
replay the memories like a black and white film

in this too-clean room
in this empty hall
in this way of speaking
kissing you in quantities you can't ever seem
to fall apart or
drift apart or
whatever you're doing to us now
Oct 2011 · 510
to autumn
souxie lily Oct 2011
if you open your hand she will fill it with hers
if you bend towards her she will lean in
but there isn't enough time for if's
just beer and ***** and rock and roll
don't interrupt me honey there's just no time for this
so stick your coins in the pickle jar
and don't wander too far from where you are
cause if the wind blows in through the trees
and if autumn is just around the corner
well let's just say you're not gonna wanna miss these
Oct 2011 · 575
fire within you
souxie lily Oct 2011
i will trust you but it's just not good enough
cause standing in the rain is sure enough to catch you a cold
we're falling short but we're growing old
you could carry inside you a promise too deep
i will keep you a secret if it's me you want to keep
in your kitchen of white we can lean against the sink
drink hot tea or just listen to music but
instead i will lay you down against this couch of red
(too red) and too beautiful is this
feeling i get when you're too close and i can see your lashes
and watch the way your lips part and
i'm sounding redundant when i try to describe your art
but it's the way you still have that fire within you
it's the way i convince myself everything is true
Oct 2011 · 597
souxie lily Oct 2011
i used to think if i kept my heart locked in a tower he'd come
but my hair wasn't long enough to let down when he called

big innocent eyes
naughty princess

i thought if i smiled wide and spoke my mind he'd understand
but all he wanted was to look in my eyes and hold my hand
Oct 2011 · 945
souxie lily Oct 2011
but pressed lips that do
not resist are not always
most reliable
Oct 2011 · 620
souxie lily Oct 2011
my darling loves me
like the sun- turning me gold
and making me shine

— The End —