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642 · Jul 2018
I TURNED '23' ..
Udeshna Bhuyan Jul 2018
Time has its competition
To run faster
And change the number you're standing in.
Years passed by,
Never realised this birthdays
Kept changing my sketch.
I suddenly had that soothing effect Somewhere corner in my long-lost childish heart.
Cause today once again
Time has changed my 'year'..
I turned '23'
And all i can say is
'Happy birthday' to my self and make resolution not to grow old by heart.
I turned 23 cause its 22 july again.
Sometime we seems to be happy but somewhere worries make us worry about growing old. Lots to achieve, lots to dream indeed, but this running age showers 'confusions'..  #Birthday #mixedfeeling #happy #worried
485 · Jan 2018
Udeshna Bhuyan Jan 2018
Her eyes wills to touch his heart once again,
But every winter reminds his death in the lap of mysterious fog.
#heart #winter #death #fog #melancholy
434 · Jul 2018
Udeshna Bhuyan Jul 2018
People with interesting stories
has somewhere
started journey with
bad beginnings.
#People #interesting #stories #bad #beginnings
346 · Jan 2018
She and her light
Udeshna Bhuyan Jan 2018
The light often dazzled her sleepless night,
she spent that midnight blue,
faced the stars, rays of moon,
the sweer clouds and somenight rains wet her skin..
But that light never left her alone.
It warm'd her wet skin,
make her enough swith,
She reached her goal she ever wanted.
Now, somewhere she feel the light
As blessings of her lost loving

#light #faith #blessings #goal
Sometimes some memories and guidelines of someone you love takes you to the goal.
288 · Jan 2018
Udeshna Bhuyan Jan 2018
Before she could learn about the world,
Sky allured her soul towards its charming blue.
The clear, vast blue whre she raised her imaginations rather then to be that lost soul in the cryptical riddles of dark clouds..
#world #sky #soul #blue #vast #clear #imaginations #riddles #clouds
277 · Aug 2019
Udeshna Bhuyan Aug 2019
If you can be there with your friends
in every up and down,
That would be apt and true!

Love one another,
Friendship would prevail.
#friendship #day
207 · Aug 2019
Udeshna Bhuyan Aug 2019
Unemployment i guess turns you more powerful than being employed.
You suddenly turn more creative
in thinking,
search finding your "self"
Grow up more and more energy within you
to be more focused

Because you know,
its tough being someone else by loosing your own world.
#Unemployment #creative #self #tough #world
206 · Aug 2019
Udeshna Bhuyan Aug 2019
A feel
that can be more dangerous
than 400 voltage you ever imagined of..
A feel
that may ruin you!
#feel #dangerous #ruin
200 · Jul 2018
Nature is not Natural now!
Udeshna Bhuyan Jul 2018
Joyous trees,
Never ending clouds,
Growing crops,
Yellow faded leaves,
Blooming flowers,
Blue big peaks.
They are not 'natural' indeed.
For mankind nowadays,
Big bold buildings,
petroleums, noisy street,
Mercedes and all stuffs
decorating them with the lost term 'modernity'
Is now 'Natural'.
Flowing rivers are just for suicides
Though people treat as 'Goddess.'
Nature is lost amidst grandmom's long lost fairy tale.
Modernity has somewhere defeated nature.
Generations are busy finding goals within all artificial stuffs. Nature turned valueless.
198 · Jan 2018
Duty's beauty
Udeshna Bhuyan Jan 2018
Actually somewhere
we are learning more
And collecting some sort of beautiful moments and memories amidst this duty.
#duty #tiredness #learning #happiness #memories #duty
193 · Feb 2018
Nostalgic Soul.
Udeshna Bhuyan Feb 2018
Raindrops there in my rooftop
The same raindrops
Poured happiness last year
Now trying to fill up my empty melancholic room,
Trying to take me back again.
This rain is now showering nostalgia's
In my empty rooftop.
Days are no longer joyful.
I miss my hostel days when i was in Tezpur. I miss that bond of friendship we shared in TCGH. Summer and winters were splendid.
#Best friends #times #seasons #chats #happiness #memories
179 · Feb 2018
Udeshna Bhuyan Feb 2018
When exactly the autumn utters?
Will it forever be that mystery
Within me
Or 'tis lost in those dark nights?
I never heard nightingale's melancholic tone? Did I?
I doubt if I ever felt for her.  .
Yes, no doubt, am lost somewhere!
But where?
#When baffled mind starts expressing!
172 · Feb 2019
Udeshna Bhuyan Feb 2019
Its winter again.
All i have now is my blanket.
To feel, to hide,
To hope for an unwanting change!
#winter #blanket #hope #change
Udeshna Bhuyan Aug 2018
Symbol is not a symbol,
Rather its a guide standing just next to you screeming all loud to find it.
Fear is not fear,
Rather it's a warning to let you know all fake weakness breathing high within.
Road is not road,
Rather its a journey to the longest way where you may have to rest forever.
147 · Aug 2019
This hot!
Udeshna Bhuyan Aug 2019
Sun is so drunk, so lazy!
It feels like it's just yawning all day with her yellow!

This hot holds every laziness!
#hot #lazy
138 · Aug 2019
Udeshna Bhuyan Aug 2019
You called me "Love"

Now can i just
Ask you

Was it necessary to give all the pain with this four joined alphabets you called "Love"
#Love #Pain
133 · Aug 2019
Udeshna Bhuyan Aug 2019
"Hello" was warming♥
It was stress-free, calming
Something very soothing
and exciting!

I was speechless, gone crazy
because its different
I felt it.

I was happy, smiling

I love this feel, this life, You!

The "Hello" sounds like "forever."
#Hello #warming #thefirstfeel #crush #love #life #you
116 · Mar 2021
Udeshna Bhuyan Mar 2021
Seriousness is a sickness,
One goes into trouble
Without being admitted to hospital!
Enjoy life untill you really move to ICU
And get in trouble for real!
#irony #seriousness

— The End —