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5.8k · Nov 2013
Hummingbird. 10w
soul in torment Nov 2013
Panahon ng bagyo
Kanyang mga pakpak
Nagiging bahaghari
Ng pag asa


weather's the storm
her wings becoming rainbows
of hope
Written in Tagalog for all those suffering the storms in the Philippines.
5.1k · Nov 2013
forget me not. 10w
soul in torment Nov 2013
Treat me like a memory

Hold on to me

4.7k · Sep 2013
Starcrossed Lovers
soul in torment Sep 2013
What light from yonder window break
that casts such shadows or' my heart
Causing each beat to softly ache
and pain to gently stop... and start

If by that light her figures stand
and blow to me but one pure kiss
from tender lips and out stretched hand
would this poor heart know loves true bliss

Beyond the morn the empty day
that tears the very breath from me
in empty sighs of such dismay
and binds my heart in misery

The afternoon brings no respite
nor ease the tearing at my soul
my only comfort is the night
when by her light I am made whole

By shadow hid and shadow kept
beyond the fall of her hearts light
mine eyes the morning dew hath wept
and drown the stars and moon at night

By tear drops quenched the rising Sun
replaced with these... my burning eyes
that forms the streams and rivers run
soft sung in midnight lullabies

If but this ground could open up
and swallow whole my all and pain
then I would poison from this cup
react his love and die again

For I am not her Romeo
though I would have fair Juliet
and so as night once more I go
May night forgive


pray forget.
Let the bard take all due credit
for the pain of love and loss
for was he not the one that said it
tis better to have loved and lost
4.1k · Dec 2013
soul in torment Dec 2013
Released from prison

and yet
only now ...

he's truly

3.3k · Sep 2013
pollution. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
I am
the unwanted
******* offspring
of an uncaring
Tried a piece of art poetry hope it looks like earth lol.
3.3k · Dec 2013
1914-18 year old boys
soul in torment Dec 2013
I am the oak bent or' and aged
That once stood brave as natured raged
the lines were drawn the battle staged
and man with time compassion caged

I am the field scarred by each track
that shared the weight of soldiers pack
and too felt pain from shell and flak
and those gone forth no more came back

I am the breeze scented with death
as noxious gas inhaled as breath
sent young men blind without the f
and yet their leaders ears were deaf

I am the rain washed or their blood
and roused the poppies from their bud
to honour all whom fought for good
but died before they ever should

I am the cross the epitaph
the stolen kiss the chance to laugh
when young men walked the broken path
of anguish and the aftermath

I am the note that says beware
tread lightly here with tender care
for fresh eyed boys with features fair
bore arms for you now your weight bare

I am the oak with shrapnel scars
that guides their souls to waiting stars
where commoners prop up the bars
toasting their faith with three hoorars
For king and country and for their faith in God and justice whole families of men died let's learn from the past or else forfeit our future. Blind without the F is a play on England as we F and blind it means swearing frequently f'ing and blinding f..k and b..t..d
3.2k · Nov 2013
Mr Ted and the Sled
soul in torment Nov 2013
Quick Mr Ted get out of bed
the garden's crisp and white
let's dress up warm against the storm
and have a snowball fight

Then dig a den and build snow men
and decorate with coal
a hat, a scarf, a carrot half
and twig arms make him whole

Then let's lie down and move around
to give the angels wings
then put out bread for robins red
whom songs of winter sings

a tea tray sled for me and Ted
to slide down hill and plain
then lose control, we crash and roll
and do it all again

The cold wind blows, red cheeks and nose
our fingers all but numb
but cocoa cup warms us back up
while cuddling up with mum

Then time to sleep snuggle in deep
and dream of all we've done
for when all's told snow may be cold
but winters so much fun
2.8k · Nov 2013
CPR. 10w
soul in torment Nov 2013
I dressed
as a paramedic


kiss you.
2.6k · Jan 2014
enjoyable bondage 10w
soul in torment Jan 2014
Her eyes
held me captive

her kisses
set me

2.5k · Sep 2013
wild haggis
soul in torment Sep 2013
in Scotland fair you must beware
the weathered moor at night
For it is said a thing of dread
hunts neath it's pale moon light

It's small and stout and loves to shout
and scare the tiny mice
It kicks the trees to wake the bees
because it is not nice

it runs amok through herd and flock
and makes the chickens fly
Then opens gates and shakes lose slates
and takes pigs from the sty

It up roots crops and spills the hops
and dances in the flour
Though rarely seen its really mean
and turns the fresh milk sour

It squashes flat each butter pat
and mixers wheat with grain
then ups and screams to spoil your dreams
and runs away again

The Haggis see is wild and free
and likes to cause such fun
Breaks traps and snares and frees the hares
and helps them to their run

The hunting hound that sniffs the ground
Will never find his scent
because he sweats sweet Vi-o-lets
to cover where he went

The Heathered moor and rains that pour
wash away his tracks
and he's not scared he is prepared
for haggis run in packs

With teeth and claws and snapping jaws
they are a sight to see
So think before you seek that moor
where they run wild and free
2.5k · Feb 2014
Join me in death 10w
soul in torment Feb 2014
young lover's
committed suicide
carbon dioxide
Join me in death
with kisses
steal my breath
soul in torment Oct 2013
Here comes

***** HOBBIT

that Randy

2.1k · Feb 2014
wasted tears
soul in torment Feb 2014
When absent...

weep not for me

I am with you always

I am
the breeze

that gently moves your hair
to view the laughter
In your

I am the gentleness
of rain

caressing your cheek
and slowly tickling your neck
to see you

am the warmth
of morning sunlight
the cool kiss of evening
that leads you softly
to thy bed

I am
the familiar embrace of sheets
comfort of pillow

I am ... each and every... dream

I am every waking moment

I am everything and nothing
that causes you

to pause

and think of me

when I am absent ...

weep not for me
my love


I am always ...

with you.
Happy St Valentine's
2.0k · Nov 2013
Blacksmith Heart. 10w
soul in torment Nov 2013

her heated temper

makes our love

all the

Steel is heated and tempered by a blacksmith to be shaped and strengthened
1.9k · Sep 2013
Sun & Moon
soul in torment Sep 2013
The moon she flies
through star lit skies
her journey never done

she seeks the love
of one above
with whom her race is run

Her pale eyes
weep lullabyes
to lover's watching on

and her heart grieves
for she believes
she'll never meet her one

For he is day and she is night
where she is dark he's always light
and so these starcrossed lover's form
the seasons change the tides the storm

Until one day when without warning
night brought face to face with morning
two skies made one by an eclipse
meeting of world, meeting of lips

So moon she flies
through summer skies
the sun touches the stars

and love at last
her arrows cast
and healed these lover's scars.
1.9k · Sep 2013
Beneath a Lightbulb Moon
soul in torment Sep 2013
He sails a sauce pan in the sink
a mast made from a spoon,
and maps his ocean black as ink
beneath a light bulb moon.

He is searching for the islands
that they call the ***** Plates,
with golden beach of breadcrumb sands
beyond the Gravy Straits.

Where macaroni dolphins leap
beyond French Fries Lagoon,
and sing their songs as sailors sleep
beneath a light bulb moon.

Beware the corn cob crocodiles
that lurk beneath the foam,
betraying folks with welcome smiles
within their bone strewn home.

He navigates the boiling oil
and safely through the ice,
to find a place to hide his spoil
away from other mice.

So island claimed x marks the spot
his sailing days at end,
and I at last wash up my pots
that so amused our friend.
An oldie reposted as was my first kids poem
1.7k · Nov 2013
Mr Ted's Treasure Hunt
soul in torment Nov 2013
Oh Mr Ted is not in bed
I think he's run away
or its a game without a name
he's made for us to play

Oh look a note pinned to my coat
It says I am a clue
Seek out the home of Mr gnome
he waits to talk to you

So down the stairs in one's and pairs
and slip my wellies on
then out the door and read once more
the clue marked number one

There just beyond the goldfish pond
the gnome awaits me so
He points the way as if to say
that ways the way to go

I rush on past going so fast
I nearly missed clue three
So slowed my pace to find the place
the clue was sending me

it said take time to read this rhyme
as I lend you a hand
the shadows tall upon the wall
Will show you were I stand

The sundial loomed where roses bloomed
the sunlight at its back
upon its face a note was placed
a picture of a sack

Toward the shed and Mr Ted
but no he was not there
another clue tucked in a shoe
that said make me a pear

The old pear tree yes there I see
another picture clue
back to the start and search your heart
to know what next to do

Back up to bed now what was said
my heart what does that mean
of course the box once filled with chocs
we ate on Halloween

Opened with care the clue is there
it says now come find me
I'm in my seat waiting to eat
as it is time for tea.

What fun I said hugging dear Ted
your games are just the best
I've had such fun but now I've won
and how I need to rest

So sitting there beside my bear
my eyelids felt like lead
I'm tired see please come with me
it's time we were in bed

Goodnight God bless we need our rest
It's been a busy day
and Ted and me are so sleepy
from games we love to play
Mr Ted's latest instalment
1.6k · Sep 2013
Southern Hospitality. 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013


with warm honey

give the sweetest


Ahem if you understand this poem shame on you go and wash your minds at once lol
1.6k · Nov 2013
keepsakes 10w
soul in torment Nov 2013
My love for you

is kept


leather case
For leather is only tanned skin and within my chest beats a heart full of love
soul in torment Sep 2013
Quick smoke...

relaxing ****...




Used to use it to relax now I never will again
soul in torment Sep 2013
Be still this night my wing-ed friend
the day is yet a dream
and I with you will share my cup
my coffee and my cream

Be still this night my wing-ed friend
Sweet offspring of the moon
and I with you will share the stars
here captured in my spoon

Be still this night my wing-ed friend
fear not the coming Sun
and I with you will share my friend
as im in need of one

Be still this night my wing-ed friend
let fears soft roll by
and I with you will share the storms
that in my teacup lie

Be still this night my wing-ed friend
as dawn doth soft now breaks
and let us now each share this space
and sleep as day awakes
Sally A Bayan · Jul 7
My breath smells of coffee....
Several cups
I have finished already.
This is one of those nights,
When my thoughts I have yet
To turn into verses....
They are all too shy to come out,
Refusing still, to be revealed.
While I wait for the empty cups to be refilled,
A lonely moth circles the lamp and me.
On and on, I tap my pen on the table,
Til I've scribbled something on  paper.
Still, the moth goes round and round...
Circling my face, very near my mouth.
The light flickers as it wanders near.....
I wonder if it's the lamplight that calls
To the moth....
Or my breath that smells of coffee.......


Copyright 2013
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
1.5k · Nov 2013
no superman 10w
soul in torment Nov 2013
In her eyes

I have to be


1.4k · Nov 2013
WAR-rington. 10w
soul in torment Nov 2013
Mysterious packages...


in litter bins

unsigned for


I was there for the Warrington bombings in England when the IRA planted bombs in street litter bins the police evacuated the shops and had us standing in the street luckily for me I thought stick it I'm going home I was a street away when they went off Google it
1.4k · Oct 2013
lamped 10w domestic violence
soul in torment Oct 2013

broke the lamp over my head


lights out
Lamp him means beat him hit him smack him whatever it is you say. True story blood and pottery all over my pillow
1.3k · Feb 2014
in the dark
soul in torment Feb 2014
*** like suicide's
always better
when the lights
go out.
1.3k · Sep 2013
I Have the Mumps
soul in torment Sep 2013
have the mumps and itchy lumps,
my tummy's awful sore.
I have a cough, my arm's fell off,
my throat is red and raw.

I have big spots and polka dots,
flashing before my eyes.
My legs are broke, no it's no joke,
as if I would tell lies.

I've got the flu, Atchoo Atchoo,
I'll just miss school today.
Of course I'm sick, no it's no trick,
oh what a thing to say.

I've got the shakes and my head aches,
it hurts so very bad.
And what a bind, I've gone night blind,
why are you laughing Dad?

I almost forgot about tooth rot,
and frostbite of the toes.
I feel unwell, I cannot smell,
because of my blocked nose.

I'm far too ill to take a pill,
for they just makes me gag.
I feel so sick, please Daddy quick,
pass me the paper bag.

No need to phone Dr.SawBone,
he is a busy man.
I need no shots or creams for spots,
just soda and a fan.

My speech is slurred, my vision blurred,
oh mummy I should rest.
Now that's not fair, as if I'd dare,
to dodge my English test.

You're not impressed, I should get dressed,
and stop this sad charade.
My Dads no fool, he phoned the school,
and said I'd overlaid
Another repost for those that have only just met me :)
1.3k · Sep 2013
monster beneath my bed
soul in torment Sep 2013
Beneath my bed I placed some bread
and on it spread some jam
added some cheese and mushy peas
salami eggs and ham
a blob of sauce mustard of course
and relish three days old
some chips and dips and cherry lips
and baked beans full of mold
there's water cress and what a mess
of earwax and a scab
my used band aid from second grade
and frogspawn from the lab
I topped it off with lager froth
and nose hairs from the sink
and if you thought the food was bad
don't ask what's in his drink.
An old repost after reading A bedtime story by Laura Stridiron go read it
1.3k · Sep 2013
oh where is my teddy bear
soul in torment Sep 2013
"Time now for bed" My Mummy said,
as we climbed up the stair.
Now in you get and don't forget,
to take your teddy bear.

But look and see, he's not with me,
not since this afternoon.
And it is late, well after eight,
we need to find him soon.

Oh maybe there, upon the chair,
or here beneath my bed.
He may be stuck, please take a look,
and check for Mr Ted?

I wonder if he's tricking me,
by hiding in my drawer.
No Mister Bear is not in there,
we need to search some more.

Please feel that lump, that bear shaped bump,
there halfway down the sheet.
That's not his nose, those are my toes,
upon my little feet.

It's late at night, I'm tucked up tight,
my pillow soft and deep.
But at days end, without my friend,
I feel I cannot sleep.

Just look once more, behind the door,
for we were playing there.
You clever child, My mummy smiled,
you've found your teddy bear.

So time for bed, for me and ted,
the even tide has come.
Turn off the light and say goodnight,
sweet dreams I love you mum.
A repost of an oldie but a favourite of mine
1.2k · Oct 2013
Terrestial Ted
soul in torment Oct 2013
Oh shall we play space men today
and build a rocket Ted
we need two suits some gloves and boots
and helmets for our head

A packing crate stood tall and straight
dad's funnel placed on top
three books so thin each one a fin
and Mommies broken mop

A beanbag chair we two can share
and buttons we can push
some sandwiches and light switches
and cans of Orange crush

Some dials and springs and other things
we found in daddies shed
now that looks neat so take a seat
and start the countdown Ted

We watched the stars that once so far
where now within our grip
Count ten to one ignition on
Blast off in rocket ship

The silver moon would greet us soon
as upward we both sped
through clouds of white to black of night
just me and mister Ted

The rocket turned as thrusters burned
as we altered our course
for here you see the gravity
Had very little force

We journeyed forth toward the north
by meteor and star
as comets whizzed and pinged and fizzed
and flew both near and far

We passed the plough and saw a cow
jump clean over the moon
then stations manned prepared to land
beside a giant dune

Beneath our feet a silver sheet
of fallen stars and sand
and as we two took in the view
Ted held me by the hand

The solar breeze blew round our knees
and tickled as it passed
time now to go yes Ted I know
this day has gone so fast

seated inside we watched the tide
So slowly ebb and flow
then 10 to 1 zero and gone
we raced the mornings glow

home safe and sound we kissed the ground
and ran in for our tea
I turned to Ted and softly said
the moon just winked at me

What shall we be next time said he
cowboys or maybe kings
I do not know I whispered low
let's see what morning brings
1.2k · Sep 2013
myth and magic 10w
soul in torment Sep 2013
autumnal fires blaze

as the Phoenix

from woodland ...

The trees beginning to show signs that summer is all but done as reds yellows and gold adorn the tree tops Ash is a play on words ash as in burnt wood and as in the variety of tree
soul in torment Sep 2013
A cardboard box some building blocks
some scissors and some string
four paper plates two Apple crates
a frizbe and a spring

A roll of tape a sheet of crepe
Some paint pots and a brush
five lolly sticks eight lego bricks
quick Ted we have to rush

Pram wheels four maybe one more
***** driver and some screws
A saw some wood there that looks good
With this we cannot lose

place two wheels square right under there
and ***** the screws in tight
Now same again that's done now then
let's fit the seat alright

The Apple crate will look so great
when painted red and green
The box cockpit is where we'll sit
and steer this wild machine

Add blocks and bricks and Lolly sticks
to make my dashboard bright
spare wheel on back now all we lack
are fireflies for our light

Jam jar ******* tight that looks alright
now place them there just so
what's that you said dear mister Ted
you want to have a go

The boxcar race is taking place
so we will have to run
I'll pull you steer were oh so near
to having so much fun

The starting line now grip the line
as dad gives us a push
We're building speed taking the lead
as past them all we whoosh

The end in sight Ted please hold tight
and please don't move about
Ten yards now nine we're doing fine
eight seven six... look out

FIVE more to go let's start to slow
the wheels with the brake
what's that you said dear mister Ted
we've made a big mistake

No brakes oh no two yards to go
and then the three bar gate
but wait just look it's off the hook
and open wide... oh great

1 yard we won the race is run
and yet we still race on
past in a flash we end up SPLASH
Stuck in the village pond

We may be wet but don't forget
we won a victory
For Daddy said that me and Ted
could have a winners tea

So party cake till bellies ache
and then it's time for bed
From bits of trash we made a splash
me and my best friend Ted
soul in torment Oct 2013
Blood stained pillows

for tainted dreams


waking nightmares
That's enough of this for one night better cheer up my poetry
soul in torment Oct 2013
She bit her lip

and then


warning ...

bit mine
Clean through the flesh beneath my lower lip leaving me two milk teeth sized scars
1.1k · Nov 2013
self medicating. 10w
soul in torment Nov 2013
Drinking whiskey
it's medicinal


Has I've

man flu.
1.1k · Oct 2013
Height Restrictions 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
I'll never measure up to much...


I'm only

1.1k · Dec 2013
two sad. 10w
soul in torment Dec 2013
my tears
them with
soul in torment Oct 2013
She lay by me
sweet symmetry
her body fitting mine

her perfect curves
got on my nerves
tracing a perfect line

the arm and knee
So suited me
a mirror of mine own

Her lips her eyes
her silken thighs
would not leave mine alone

Her touch her feel
her ice cold heel
sent shivers down my spine

but done and said
She's in my head
and in this heart of mine
1.1k · Oct 2013
fair weather friends 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
The sun
curtsied to the rain

and the...

rain bows
Word play my favourite bows ( to bend in greeting ) is the same spelling as bows ( ribbon archery etc )
1.1k · Nov 2013
mosaic hearts and promises.
soul in torment Nov 2013
She takes the broken pieces
of a prayer without a wing
and restores it to it's beauty
as to make the angels sing
no chapel holds a candle
to the stained glass of her soul
for she takes what once was broken
and with love she makes it whole
For 1796 an artist working in glass mosaics making broken beautiful.
1.1k · Oct 2013
Tenting with Ted
soul in torment Oct 2013
Our morning spent making a tent
across the washing line
a sheet mum said not fit for bed
but as a tent it's fine

We used some sticks and old house bricks
to weigh the corners down
and neath our feet a thick ground sheet
made from a towel.. Brown

We fetched a lamp we used at camp
and hung it good and high
then snacked on chips and smacked our lips
and thought our throats are dry

Moms lemonade drank as we played
and pictures coloured in
a jigsaw done eating a bun
we raced to see who'd win

no fair I said to Mr Ted
as he played with my cars
That bun you ate was off my plate
So I am eating yours

He said ok now what to play
there's plenty here to do
Pick any game just say the name
and I'll play it with you

Played tic tac toe and domino
Hangman and solitaire
I won a few and lost some too
to my friend mister bear

We played for hours through Sun and showers
until mom came and said
tidy up neat the toys and sheet
it's dinner time then bed

ok I said please help me Ted
to put these things away
for its been fun but now we're done
and no more time to play

Tomorrow though you never know
we may play tents again
or pirates be sailing the sea
upon the Spanish main

But until then my little men
let's have you in your bed
sweet dreams sleep tight rest well this night
Both you and  mister Ted
1.1k · Sep 2013
Snow Fair Mr Bear
soul in torment Sep 2013
An old tea tray was our Bob sleigh
as we slid to and fro
We'd both fall off in drifts so soft
of fresh white fallen snow

snowmen we made stood on parade
each fallen twig a gun
then watch them fall as each snow ball
was thrown at them for fun

Then me and you built an igloo
and sat in it all day
with cocoa hot that hit the spot
and chased the cold away

On borrowed blades in woodland shades
we skated on the lake
but soon gave in the ice too thin
And thought that it might break

The snow topped trees with frozen leaves
Rained drifts upon our heads
A crystal Ross now all that grows
within the frozen beds

I head mom laugh you need a bath
to thaw your frozen toes
Now look at you my icy two
In wet through winter clothes

So bath then tea for bear and me
hot soup and fresh made bread
Then up the stair for me and bear
for its now time for bed

Tomorrow though if there's still snow
we'll do it all again
So snuggle tight my friend goodnight
and pray we don't have rain
May need work meant to draft not public
1.1k · Oct 2013
Teddies Trash Day
soul in torment Oct 2013
Ted packed his trunk with all the junk
he said he didn't need
cars with three wheels and orange peels
and books he didn't read

He threw away his moulding clay
his bucket and his *****
some holey socks and building blocks
and games he never played

One spider fake a rubber snake
A plane with just one wing
Two wind up frogs with broken cogs
A yo-yo with no string

An old remote a bath time boat
a bat without a ball
four marbles chipped three comics ripped
he threw away them all

A piece of chalk a bottle cork
some old unwanted cans
a dinosaur without its roar
and paint stained plastic pans

Some old cds and dvds
too scratched to ever play
a submarine some jumping beans
he threw them all away

Without a sound the lid closed down
and locked the ******* in
then daddy said I'll take that Ted
and put it in the bin

Spring cleaning ends as two good friends
sit down to toasted bread
More room to play I heard him say
as we climbed into bed

The clever bear without a care
closed his one eye and snored
I did the same and dreamed of games
that we had yet in-store
1.1k · Sep 2013
lost in a book
soul in torment Sep 2013
I caught the moon within my spoon
and hid beneath my bed
and by her light I read that night
Till all my books were read

Adventures bold and knights of old
and big and scary things
of foreign lands and burning sands
Of sultans szars and kings

Flew carpet rides and sailed the tides
Saw mermaids in the deep
moved back in time and solved a crime
and found a realm asleep

I met a bear with yellow hair
A *** stuck on his head
Whose closest friend was make pretend
or so my momma said

I saw a cat now fancy that
A cat whom wasn't there
he simply sneered and disappeared
With flourish and with flair

Saw walking trees and talking bees
and elephants that flew
Saw playing cards playing at guards
and mouse from teapot pour

All night I read filling my head
with fun and fantasy
until the moon escaped my spoon
and I slept happily
1.1k · Feb 2014
premonition of peace 10w
soul in torment Feb 2014
I dreamt
of mine own death

and woke up...

soul in torment Nov 2013
Pouring wine
her cornflakes
her pinks cheeks

1.0k · Oct 2013
Paranoia & Depression 10w
soul in torment Oct 2013
They say

what doesn't **** us
makes us

1.0k · Nov 2013
kiss of life
soul in torment Nov 2013
I'd love to practice cpr
upon your wet
willing lips
my hands pressed firmly
upon your
perfect breast
your eyes closed
your neck
flesh exposed
as I straddle your body
bringing back
to life
what has lain
until my touch
the gentle caressing
of both
my fingers
my lips
on flesh that has ached
to be known
and loved
not merely looked upon
Not my usual May delete
1.0k · Oct 2013
feeling better. 10w love
soul in torment Oct 2013
"What's wrong ?" she asked

cuddling close

"Nothing now" ....  I replied
What could ever be wrong when you're in the arms of your partner
1.0k · Nov 2013
Im a Picasso.....Gurnica
soul in torment Nov 2013
I'm the bran bucket boobie
I'm the dollar bargain bin
I'm the prize that they still give you
Even though you didn't win

I'm the chipped cup in the cupboard
I'm the last sweet in the tin
I'm the cheap dime store necklace
that irritates your skin

I'm the actor on the telly
or at least I am his twin
that's the one I'm Quasimodo
wishing he was Errol Flynn

I'm the tattoo after drinking
I'm the one night stand and sin
and the hope that you're not pregnant
or I was too drunk to put it in

I'm the pill in the morning
and the mourning for more gin
I'm the prize they always give you
Even though you didn't win.
1.0k · Oct 2013
Hide and Sneak.
soul in torment Oct 2013
Oh where oh where is mister bear?
Beneath the bed? Behind the chair?
He is not here he is not there
Oh where oh where is mister bear?

I closed my eyes and counted slow
I've looked up high I've looked down low
I've searched the house from top to toe
oh where oh where did teddy go?

I searched and searched and searched some more
behind the blinds and bathroom door
from attic roof to basement floor
and out around the Apple store

The garage checked the outhouse too
and even checked the barbecue
Beneath the ash and up the flue
oh where oh where dear Ted are you?

Not in the pool or by the slide
Or on the swings he loves to ride
not in the leaves now crisp and dried
oh mister Ted where did you hide?

Olly olly oxen free
please come on out you've beaten me
as now it's time to eat our tea
oh where oh where can teddy be

Oh here I am behind you so
I followed you so quiet and slow
and all the time you did not know
he chuckled soft and fell down low

Oh mister Ted you silly bear
what happy times we too do share
and don't we make a funny pair
playing our games without a care

Now time for tea as dad's made steak
and Mommas baked us both a cake
to wash it down there's ice cream shake
we'll eat until our bellies ache.

Then brush our teeth and into bed
to softly rest our sleepy head
and don't forget your prayers I said
or that I love you mister Ted
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