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Soryell Mar 2015
Tell me what you want, tell me what you need...

How am i to know, if you dont tell me?

Im no mind reader, but i do get the vibe......

there is something missing...neither of us can hide......

You hurt me...i want to hurt you back....only wishing i had the courage to do that.

Life is ****** from me as i try to understand.......the reason behind a heart-breaking man.
Soryell Mar 2015
you broke my heart....and saw no wrong.....

you broke my spirit....and kept moving along....

somethings....ill never understand....

ill never put my soul in the hands of a man.
Soryell Mar 2015
Can you blame me for who ive become...?....maybe you can.....
But i blame you for who ive become......
all the times ive bent over backwards to make you happy when i was hurt only broke my broke who i forced me to become who i am not....yet your still running around ....being who you are.....breaking more souls...changing more people....running around life without a care in the world.
Soryell Mar 2015
there comes a time in your life where you just get it.......
Soryell Mar 2015
with love comes pain, because with expectations comes disappointment...
no one is free from love, and no one is free from pain... one must equally feel both to appreciate and understand the other, they go hand in hand, but are as opposite as water and oil.

— The End —