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Your soft kiss creates the spark that keeps me going
Pushing me forward, giving me strength
Your hug, dropping my heartbeat to a slow steady beat
Relaxing my muscles, giving me peace
Here we go again, the time is now
Is this a new start or just a continuation?
Take my hand, come with me darling
Together we move forward
Together we love
One day you'll realize
What I am to you, what I mean
One day it'll come to you
What a mistake you've made
You'll see it soon
Pretending won't work
Things are the way they are
The more you try to change it
The more clear it'll become
That this is the way it is
And the way it's supposed to be
Take my hand
Let's get a running start and jump right in
Don't be afraid, i'll be right by your side
I won't let you drown, nothing will happen to you while i'm here
I can always pull you right out, promise
Let's make the best of it, as we always do
Reach for new things, create our own adventures
Get ready, take a deep breathe
Here we go, i'm taking us there
The gate swings back and forth
In the crisp autumn breeze
As a bright, shining star
Dances before me,
I whisper “my love”
And sing with the rhythm
Of the ruffling leaves

A blanket of snow
Is covering the ground
Allowing the moons light to glisten,
Though the trees are coated
And the leaves are gone,
My love
Is waiting to listen

Bright, yellow daisies rise from the earth
As does well rested dust
I wait for you
As the wind carries away
The dreadful presence
Of lust

Through the pouring rain
I scream for you
Through the humidity,
Through the silence,
I crack,
I scream for you
Again and again
Just waiting for you to come back

In the still of the night
I wake once more
To the beautiful rhythm
Of the leaves,
I sing along in hopes
To see you dance before me
I hoped that he would love me,
And he has kissed my mouth,
But I am like a stricken bird
That cannot reach the south.

For tho’ I know he loves me,
To-night my heart is sad;
His kiss was not so wonderful
As all the dreams I had.
 Mar 2011 Sophia Maria
When the darkness of night settles around me
and the silence of the dark grows louder
I find myself thinking,
clinging to the wisps of memories
escaping from behind closed eyes
glistening with an old lover's flame
Oh, how I long for those days
ghosts of lives past, reminding
hiding themselves in my present life
contently discontent in the twists and turns
to jump at me without a proper notice
your voice, hidden in songs of the past
soft and sweet, gently spoken upon
the ears of the hurting,
removing the present stresses of the day
Your face, dancing upon my eyes
eyes of the mentally broken, forcing them closed
Healing the mind, if only temporarily mending,
rending my best days pale in comparison
to the resounding beauty of your eyes alone
And yet, I write, hoping to find solace
away from the bitter taste of my present place
that your memory reminds me of, yet
your name, common as it may be, keeps reminding
unbinding the cords that contain that sliver
releasing a sudden rush of emotion that is uncontrollable
never knowing what to expect
a tear, a chuckle, a sigh
They torture me from the inside out
and yet I cherish every second of the pain
silently hoping it doesn't fade while praying
that the end comes quickly, if only to save face
To hate the feeling would be to hate everything
suffering the pains I'm not ready to face
of letting go of all the memories that hold you in
But to love these feelings, would be to hate where I am now
This present life, this reality with her
In comparison to others, there's no comparing,
relenting her image against the memory of your touch
I can't face these thoughts either
so I sit here, contorted in emotional pains
deciding how long I should listen to you today,
Beautiful angel, fair in face
wonderful by thy name, sing me your grace
Another Insomniac Poem
I want to take you
All of you, your body, mind and soul
No secrets, nothing to hide
I’ll take care of you, please you.
Our bodies, closer than ever before
Let’s lose all control
Let our desires take hold of us
Panting heavy as you feel my heart beat through your chest
Moving in unison, reaching the peak
Pressed against you closely, a sigh of relief comes as it’s all over
It’s been done, the closest two can come.
We’re just like magnets
An invisible force is always pulling us together
The closer we come, the happier we are.
That force is love
Things sometimes pull us apart
But that force still pulls us back together
Until were finally touching, resting upon each other
Because that’s how it’s meant to be, together, like nature says
And why fight it? Why go against what is right?
Let that force take hold of us
And pull us in the right direction
We belong together, and nature agrees
Fire and Ice

Intense sapphire eyes
Platinum hair
Cheeks like razor blades
Cold icy veins

With his wild flame like hair
And come to bed eyes
He is blinded by her beauty
And  consumed with carnal desire

As the golden sun burns
Sparks ignite
Flames  of passion
Rage into the night

Diamond stars stud the charcoal sky
And the lovers bathe in the moon’s milky glow
There is a flicker of love
As the embers glow

Copyright Anne Deborah Morgan
August 2009
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