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593 · Dec 2013
Sophia Grace Dec 2013
Bittersweet love makes my heart skip a beat, crashing like an ocean wave, it rolls through my mind, body and soul, my only goal is to make you mine and it's gunna take some time, and patience is a virtue that I hold true, to have you I'd wait forever for that it can't get no better, your forever love.
492 · Jan 2015
Lost Superman
Sophia Grace Jan 2015
She dreamt he was Superman, but without Lois Lane his powers did not exist. He was useless, completely ordinary. For she was the love of his life and without her nothing seemed to suffice. No act no matter how big or how kind could make him feel the way she felt. It was her laugh and her smile, the whole while he looked at her he never wanted to blinks he didn't want to miss a thing ......not a wrinkle in her nose nor a twitch of her eye .......he even loved her when she cried. Neither were perfect but they were perfect for one another, guarded by a force field of love, they felt unbreakable ........until something changed ...... she didn't know how it happened or even why, but she knew she was losing him. She waited......... and waited......... and continued to wait for as long as she could. Never leaving his side as slowly his strengths began to weaken and his sparkle began to fade. There was so much pain, pain that had never been felt before. Then she took one last look at her superman and began to cry for this was the hardest goodbye! Tears pouring from her eyes she gave him one last smile  ........... then she let go of the most extraordinary man she'd ever know.
438 · Jan 2014
Sophia Grace Jan 2014
I never thought it'd be like this
It happened way too quick, you're on my mind all the time
and it's hard to be fine, when I'm love sick for you
but now I'm unsure of you
left with uncertainty, you're the worst for me
yet I can't seem to get away, like home to a stray
you're all I want but I need the desire to be mutual
I want you in my sequel, the next part of my life
you feel so right
Wasn't ready to commit, but you changed my mind quick
I think you're it, the one I'm meant to be with
316 · Jan 2014
I will never know
Sophia Grace Jan 2014
In my dreams I do keep you
never to seek
only to dream
a sweet happy dream
where we stay
together in eternity
lost in uncertainty
316 · Dec 2013
Sophia Grace Dec 2013
Sometimes I feel out of place
like I don't belong in this race
and I'm not talkin race, as in color
race as in human, as in being
but it's just a feeling
and I only feel it sometimes
and it be those sometimes
that I feel so........

Sophia Grace Sep 2019
How can you miss someone you barely even know...... I wonder where you are, are you safe, I know you are wherever it may be, I miss you, I just want to be in your presence, our hug was a beautiful gift, forgive me for my selfish ness in feeling to be not enough. You left me heart forever imprinted, come and find me for I can no longer keep following. Wherever you are know how much I love you, you alone give me hope in what I klbelieve and know to be true. That love will conquer all and that is the cry of the heart to love and be loved. You are and will
Be the only one for me until I have check off, I can no longer be with another and keep you out of my mind. I hope you feel this and I hope you have the strength to stay true to the beautiful to which you are.
81 · Jan 2022
So It Goes…
Sophia Grace Jan 2022
They’re full now, there used to be a sparkle there but now they’re fogged up with grief.
The white lines have erased everything that shined in you.
The drink has made you full and hollow. But these are the things that make you happy now. This is what makes you thrive.
You’re dead, you had everything in front of you to live and you chose death.
You’ll think about her one day and wish you had chose different, don’t dwell too much though hopefully you’ll be looking back through new sparkles that you found in your misery of existence.
75 · Oct 2021
Red Flower
Sophia Grace Oct 2021
Today is a day I would like to die, a good day to die I’d say.
The blade feels no pain yet gives such torture to its victims
Inanimate object how do you do it?
Today I think of dying and I am content
Strung out from judgements and worries accumulated like a snow fall, colder and colder with each landing.
Will I die today? I would be content.
Dramatic you may say but what else is there but passion. We do not use the burning flower for nothing.
Cosmic airways may I speak with thee, can we dance?
What information do have of and for me?
Sophia Grace Sep 2020
The specials are spinning and the pipes are calling, goodness Johnny boy what a day what a trip, the words are rattling the ideas infuriating yet I’m in love madly insanely in love
63 · Sep 2019
What is it?
Sophia Grace Sep 2019
The work has been imploding and I know the benefits rewarding. There’s no stopping when you get this far, how did I get here you ask?! When did this shift happen?! To both question the answer be love. For it is love I got here and it is with love that I continuously shift. Forgiveness is key. Unforgiving to forgive again, a lesson once mastered will bring great peace and find you it constant joy. I am not always happy, but I do always feel joy. In any moment no matter, the passion of life flows through the warm blood in my veins and reminds me of the electric power we are gifted here on earth. The greatest thing we’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.
61 · Dec 2020
The One
Sophia Grace Dec 2020
When I see you the beat of my heart can be felt on the other side of the room
My temperature rises, you make me hot
Staring in your eyes they sparkle with grief, you are a sad soul who knows he’s beautiful
An illusion of void that knows he’s full.
When you speak you are shy but yet know
you are wise.
Boastful of apathy but knows he is hurt
How have you become so numb?
60 · Aug 2021
Tic Toc
Sophia Grace Aug 2021
Why do we wait for the empty promises, the moments that are so far and few in between yet make us feel like the end all be all. Why do we wait? Why not act on our worth in our all knowing consciousness. Does the pain of suffering make for the crescendo, in the ticking toc of moments we see only the peak and hope for the top of a mountain. Then find the height lonely and barren, hollow in only echos of nothingness. So why do we wait on empty promises? Maybe it’s because in those eye catching sparkles of light we feel worth what we already know we are. No doubt no grief only tranquility that everything will be ok.
51 · Sep 2020
To end the night
Sophia Grace Sep 2020
It’s all that I can hear. I welcome what is to let go of what is not. Lost in waves of mental chaos, it’s the dream that keeps me alive but what if the dream is all a lie.

Do not worry of the what if’s, your heart knows and the mind will follow. We will attract the love to which we deserve. Starting with that of us and all our unravelings.
48 · Nov 2020
Sophia Grace Nov 2020
I don’t like looking through this glass you can only see yourself in, let me go or break the mirrors
44 · Sep 2020
Sophia Grace Sep 2020
And after all this time, I still crave you. When I dream of you there’s still this charge of electric that runs through my whole body. And in the dream I know you feel it too, but something keeps you away. I feel what you feel then I feel you ignore it. Even in lala land you pulls away. So why, why in the fuckery do I still crave you. It’s gross I still get excited to see your name and know in the moment you text me you were thinking of me too. But why do you feel still so far, patience. I let it go, but everytime it comes back all I want to do is hang on. And all I want to do is spend 72 hours in nothing but your physical presence. I want to be a ****** with your ****** and see how deep it goes. You don’t make me nervous you make me excited and I can’t stand it because it’s the passion that needs two....... it needs you..... I need.........
38 · Sep 2020
Sophia Grace Sep 2020
today is one of those days where I need to cry but every time my eyes well, the tears run dry

— The End —