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Sophia Eugenia Feb 2013
she smiled as she watched
everyone was eating
but little did they know
the secret ingredient

a sprinkle of sadness with a cup of disappointment
two spoonfuls of heartache and an ounce of tears
sometimes i added
one cup of regret
and sometimes even
two eggs filled with hope
Sophia Eugenia Feb 2013
i lost count of the cigarette butts outside
they were frozen and grey
everything was frozen and grey
and so were you

i started to feel
frozen and grey

the colors were fading
my thoughts were empty

Sophia Eugenia Feb 2013
you were watching me at night
your faces stained with tears
your souls were empty

i saw you coming closer
touching my face
i thought i should be sleeping
maybe i was dreaming

he came in after you
you held him really close
but you both kept staring
and i didn’t know why
Sophia Eugenia Feb 2013
the sea screamed melancholy
as it dragged her underwater
that sweet scent of melancholy
is what kept her going under

instead she sunk
her tears merged with the salt water
but she didn’t even notice

she could almost touch the bottom
she could almost feel the sand
Sophia Eugenia Feb 2013
the alarm went off, it was nearly eight
but all she could feel were tears
pouring down her face

he kissed her nose and held her hand
but nothing stopped the tears
Sophia Eugenia Feb 2013
you don’t show emotion
as your shape splits and joins
you’re racing down my window
but there’s nothing at the end

in a way i feel like you
a useless raindrop falling
getting caught in other drops
and falling with no purpose
Sophia Eugenia Feb 2013
you were sitting in the kitchen
staring at my tea
i felt like you were watching
and counting every move

i said hello you didn’t move
your look was still as stone
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