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 Jul 2011 Sonufrad
Noel Irion
"which side of the island are you on?"
the sign read clear yet confusion spawned.
a month before it said, "what mean these stones?"
i thought i had it pegged but a new riddle roots my dome.
at first glance, it's simply north, south, west or east,
until a greater insight allows you to realize the beast.
the monster within, with a mischievous grin,
the chesire cat's supreme tiger of a twin.
you see, demons and angels atop shoulders will boast,
a toast to good and evil, which lures you in the most?
perhaps this island is theoretically unsound,
heaven and hell in a melting ***, chaos surrounds.
 Jun 2011 Sonufrad
 Jun 2011 Sonufrad
You! The happy, hopeless thing!
Touched by effervescent rings.
Aloud for all the world to hear,
My ears are yours to commandeer.
Intent and ripe with lover's lights,
I think I'll stay with you tonight.
In fields but open and unencumbered,
Hold up the sheets and do come under.
Spinning, spinning, life in line,
Remain in place, and just in time.
With stars and skies to stay the night,
Always know this could be right.

— The End —