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2.0k · Sep 2013
Time Ticks Away
Sonny Day Sep 2013
It's 3am,
or so the clock says
Maybe it's just crazy like me

For a girl's heart
that it wants in
But it's not sure it has the key

Its mind is preoccupied
with other things now
And it can't seem to function quite right

It tries to sleep
as time gets lost
But it simply ticks through the night

So maybe it’s not
as late as it says
And time still needs to be found

Maybe the clock
gave that girl its key
And the clock still needs to be wound

If the clock finds its key
it finds time and love
a function and a purpose

Reunited with her
its heart can tick true,
a shine gleaming from its surface

But sadly, I know
this is all believe
For a clock could have no heart

Which sadly means
the clock is fine
And I'm the one falling apart

Perhaps the clock
can serenade me
And help me rest my eyes

Maybe the clock
can distract my heart
From its desperate beating tries

But in the end I know
the clock’s soft ticks
Can't outweigh thoughts that keep me awake

It's just too much to love
such a precious Jewel
When you'll never have what it takes
2.0k · Sep 2013
The Works
Sonny Day Sep 2013
If ever a time should pass
Where coincidence reconstructs fate
I would long for a dyadic destiny
With that woman of serenity

I love the look in her eyes
When she looks in the eyes of God
I see such distance in her glares
Yet they draw me in so near

Every joy I've ever known
Reflected in her daze
Every pain I've ever felt
Erased within her gaze

I look at her, as she looks at God
She sees what He has shown
Anything He has ever made
Means everything to her:

Every cloud in the sky, a dream
Every clover found, a wish
Every gust of wind, a guide
Every sound of nature, a call
Every storm of night, a showcase
Every blink of the eye, a masterpiece

All the while, she's lost in time
And I'm lost in her eyes

The simplest grin rests on her face
Yet it overwhelms me to see it shown
And when I tell her she is beautiful
She bashfully concedes

Outside, so passive and sweet
Inside, so strong and deep
Even so, so tender, is she
One misguided word could fold her

Never the cause of another's harm
Always ready to right a wrong
So gentle must I be
With such a pure gift from God
Sonny Day Sep 2013
Well, my Dear, What can I say
I've thought of you this Valentine's Day
But this should come as no surprise
You brighten my day; You're my Sunrise

There's rarely a day you don't cross my mind
When I close my eyes, it's you I find
So I know it's not much, but it is a start
Accept or Decline, you have my heart

When God made you he must have smiled
At the beauty confined in this confident child
And the big man sure must like me too
Since I was clearly blessed in meeting you

He sent me an Angel, for when times get rough
But for a girl like you, I can't thank him enough
And I know if I need you, you'll be there
Accept or Decline, I know you care

It's been too long since I've seen your smile
But when it comes to you, the wait's worthwhile
It's been too long since we spoke last
But the feeling it gives me is unsurpassed

Over this time our friendship has grown
So I'll throw my request into the far unknown
I send this on an arrow, to my sweet Valentine
Accept or Decline, Would You Be Mine?
1.0k · Feb 2014
Sonny Day Feb 2014
On a night like tonight
You can't help but think
Of an undersold smile;
Watching hazel eyes blink

Attached at her hip, need she whisper in your ear

Your heartbeat can't match
The thrill or the pace
Take her by the hand,
Take her out of this place

Easily done once she drinks down her last fear

But, oh,
The wake which will ensue
And, oh,
The trouble you'll get into
1.0k · Apr 2014
The Hitchhiker
Sonny Day Apr 2014
If you're headed towards the light
Make room for one more soul
I given all the time I can
It's starting to take its toll

I've walked this earth from edge to edge
It lied in such a drought
Seeing all I didn't see
I see why some opt-out

The world's been rather cruel to me
I came in bare and stranded
If I get back what I put in
I'll be leaving empty handed

The good've gone bad
The sane've gone mad
Yet they all fight to survive

The worthwhile wasn't
The feel-good doesn't
And there's no getting out alive

So if you're headed towards the light
Make room for one more soul
I given all the time I can
I've lost my self-control
991 · Sep 2015
Sonny Day Sep 2015
Spin a globe
pick a spot
Glide your finger
'til it stops
If we don't land
near ocean blue
Spin again
until we do
934 · Oct 2013
The King's Decree
Sonny Day Oct 2013
When next you see me travel
Do not ask if I will stay

I've not the time for talking
You'll not get the time of day

My time, my dear, is money
With such worth, I'd nary trust her

My words, you'll heed, are golden
Your two cents, mere bronze, lack luster

Fit the bill, you do not
Of cases I will juggle

A blind man could see with either eye
Pettiness is your struggle

Complaints of yours, I'll not hear one
For requests, I lack forbearance

Ask a favor, don't you try
Charity's beyond my inherence

Those paws you clinch, you'll also wash
Dare you raise a fist to me

Your filth exudes; nay, it disgusts
Mealworms out-shine thee

So step off, peasant, you've done enough
Of this wasting of my breath

Be gone now,  & clear of sight
Lest thou wish for their own death

"Your majesty" I shall be addressed
No more else should such **** say

And when next you see me travel
Do not ask if I will stay
745 · Sep 2013
Sonny Day Sep 2013
The only negative
to being so

is having so much
you could take
for granted.

Always be grateful,
humble, and

Release the burdens
of your

and smile for all
you have or
have had.
513 · Sep 2013
The Music
Sonny Day Sep 2013
The Music swims past my ears
To get you off my mind
But the fact is what I’ve always feared
That we've run out of time
This song was ours, or so you said
But now who can claim it theirs
For our relationship has fled
And this song needs a new heir
Whoever it is that dances slow
To this song that’s in my heart
I only want that guy to know
How quickly it can fall apart
414 · Feb 2016
The Calm
Sonny Day Feb 2016
I am the calm.

I will show you the sunrise,
sing you serenades.

I will shoulder your crying,
carry your weight.

I will share my secrets,
tell you my truths.

I will win you with wordplay,
whisper you weak.

I will be the one you collapse into,
in terror and in joy.

And when I destroy you
as you look up to me,
you will understand
why people
and storms
share names.
320 · Jul 2017
The Broken
Sonny Day Jul 2017
And today I say you're Beauty
A light no night could cloud

All your life you were a diamond

You were the focal point
The mystery
The reason the Broken stared

You gleamed from the inside
Your glow engulfed you

And today You say you're Broken
A light the night devoured

Shattered by torment
No longer a diamond
Just shards
Broken glass

                             If stride is broken
       are you not at your own pace
                        If a mold is broken
       are you not your own form
                      If a rule is broken
are you not your own master

Your gleam has left your center
Your glow is beyond your surface

And today I say you're Beauty
A light no night could cloud

If you break, break free
Don't be the focal point
The mystery
The reason the Broken stare

Guide the Broken to your shambled soul
Let your pieces form an essence
Let your light form a beacon

No longer light encased by a diamond
You are light, aggrandized by shards

And today I say you're Beauty.
A light no night can could cloud

— The End —