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Sonny Day Dec 2017
You are made of the universe

Every atom of once-was
collapsed, collected, configured, combined;
Collaborative Collision

The universe is shared
throughout you
through you

You are the touchstone of history
The epitome of the past
The abstract of all

You span all spectrums
You are every wavelength
You are light, sound, and motion

My favorite color, personified
A soothing, ambient song
The heartbeat in my chest

You are the horizon
The sun setting
The moon rising

I love you and all your stars
Your auroras
Your aura

You are me
I am you
We are of the same dust

The only thing which keeps us apart
is that from which we are

S   p   a   c   e

Just understand some things invoke nature
A soul has lovingly eclipsed you

You have entered my space
and I have entered yours
as we throw wishes to the constellations
from which we once were
Aug 2017 · 291
Sonny Day Aug 2017
The soul is a perfect occurrence
Diluted by flesh and bone

Born at the mercy of human limitations
The soul needs not
The soul only desires

Joy is found, not in what we need
But rather in feeding our desires

The body is a test
Breaking down our soul,
our spirit
Upon death, we have not failed
Far from failure, indeed
We will have achieved
Faced mortal limitations head on
and said - I can do better

No longer will we be restricted
And the soul breaks free
It is not relinquished
It does not pass on
It is not released
It does not start a new journey

is a Jailbreak
An Escape
Leaving nothing unbroken
The soul breaks free
Free to continue the journey it started when it first formed

Life is about desires,

Not needs
Never about needs

So while we spend time
quenching our thirst

We also spend it ,

striving for more

Deny the physical world
Let your soul burn with passion
And be the fuel which drives you
For it is a passenger,
and this body is a meer vehicle

Pursue that which your soul aches to do with it's physical body; not what your physical body aches to do with your soul

If you feel it within you, you will experience it as it is,
Let it resonate - it is innately good
If you combat it, deny it,
let it berate you - it only breaks you down

The soul facilitates and flourishes
The body demands and devours

Whether an angel, rising
New form, reincarnate
Sheer Essence, roaming

The soul is free again
For no matter what the body needs
The soul’s desires will prevail
Aug 2017 · 258
Flash Flood
Sonny Day Aug 2017
Turn away, deny, deny
Tortured-taunting purged
Can't drown out the voices
If not willingly submerged

Burn bridges, cut ties
Keep demons afar
Never seen a cut that deep
That didn't leave a scar

Push forward, fight through
Must gain ground, or else
Can't bury the past
If you don't dig the hole, yourself

Build walls, shut doors
The levee cracks, decays
Unprepared the rest will be
Though they watched it rain for days
Jul 2017 · 248
The Broken
Sonny Day Jul 2017
And today I say you're Beauty
A light no night could cloud

All your life you were a diamond

You were the focal point
The mystery
The reason the Broken stared

You gleamed from the inside
Your glow engulfed you

And today You say you're Broken
A light the night devoured

Shattered by torment
No longer a diamond
Just shards
Broken glass

                             If stride is broken
       are you not at your own pace
                        If a mold is broken
       are you not your own form
                      If a rule is broken
are you not your own master

Your gleam has left your center
Your glow is beyond your surface

And today I say you're Beauty
A light no night could cloud

If you break, break free
Don't be the focal point
The mystery
The reason the Broken stare

Guide the Broken to your shambled soul
Let your pieces form an essence
Let your light form a beacon

No longer light encased by a diamond
You are light, aggrandized by shards

And today I say you're Beauty.
A light no night can could cloud
May 2016 · 528
Sonny Day May 2016
Through time
You have been a canary in a coal mine
Watching, Listening, Waiting
As others achieved around you

While your feathers could shine bright
And your songs could sing sweet
You sit content in your cage
For fear of what others may think

You have seen, You have heard,
You have learned, You have grown
The timid canary in its cage
Now realizes her true potential

Burst through the cage door
Soar high passed the clouds
For there is no limit
For a Phoenix who can dream
Mar 2016 · 650
Red Eye
Sonny Day Mar 2016
Would you be the one who got away
If I was the first to let go
I wanted to ask in person
But we both already know

See, on a night much like tonight
I was knuckles to your door
I was in your part of town
A town I'd never seen before

I thought that I'd stop by real quick
Since the walk wasn't too far
Just had to pay my driver
And go two blocks from the car

He'd only gone about 12 miles
Farther than I bought
But considering the time of night
I was all the airport brought

And at your step I finally saw
Just how strange this all would be
Since same-day flights are costly
And you weren't expecting me

I had half a mind to knock just once
But I knew that you'd come down
So instead I'll leave a note behind
"Take care. See you around."
Feb 2016 · 361
The Calm
Sonny Day Feb 2016
I am the calm.

I will show you the sunrise,
sing you serenades.

I will shoulder your crying,
carry your weight.

I will share my secrets,
tell you my truths.

I will win you with wordplay,
whisper you weak.

I will be the one you collapse into,
in terror and in joy.

And when I destroy you
as you look up to me,
you will understand
why people
and storms
share names.
Sep 2015 · 940
Sonny Day Sep 2015
Spin a globe
pick a spot
Glide your finger
'til it stops
If we don't land
near ocean blue
Spin again
until we do
Sonny Day Aug 2015
Sleeping Baby,
Darling child
Clouds and starlight
When you wake
You will be mine
Sleep & Love

Sleeping baby
Shadowed dust
Clouds and starlight
Numbered starlight
When we're called to go
We must
Sleep & Love
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
May 2015 · 421
Sonny Day May 2015
Seldom does a person give you the
sensation you feel from music.
If you find yourself wanting
their words on repeat,
never let go.
Apr 2015 · 421
divinus innatus
Sonny Day Apr 2015
I had not known an angel's touch
Nor seen a halo's glow
Not once was light casted on me
No gowns worn white as snow
But now I've held an angel's hand
Felt chills whilst an angel sings
Butterfly kisses from an angel's eyes
Who says they all have wings?
Jul 2014 · 425
Sonny Day Jul 2014
I looked for you

As soon as sun broke dawn
My shadow stood 3 stories tall
But I searched til it was gone

I had no luck

The rain had poured all day
My being drenched from head to toe
But you were still astray

I persevered

The winds matched my stride
My efforts countered ounce for ounce
But, ******, how I tried

And then I learned

The sun defeats each night
The skies clear up, The winds die down
Once you've lost your will to fight

I only hope

Above everything else
If I cannot find my other
At the least, I find myself

Apr 2014 · 632
Do Tell
Sonny Day Apr 2014
Tell me a fabled tale of hope
Where ambition meets fruition
Show me how to fuel a burning flame
Reveal all your weaknesses to me
Detail to me how each cog turns
As you're yearning to be kissed
And if I lean to meet your lips
Remind me it's a tale
Apr 2014 · 983
Drop Anchor
Sonny Day Apr 2014
We do it to ourselves.
We let ourselves hold on.
We anchor ourselves to this false hope
That something could happen.
Anchors make a man dormant;
Unable to journey.
We see false hope as being better
Than hopelessness.
We hold on to the imaginary
As long as we can,
Just because of how sweet
A taste of hope can be.
It's addicting,
Every wave
Will crash the shore
It takes the hands of more than one
To raise an anchor.
The strength of a crew
Is beyond its captain.
So sit back
And enjoy the view from harbor,
Because the ocean can only be yours
With all hands on deck.
Apr 2014 · 956
The Hitchhiker
Sonny Day Apr 2014
If you're headed towards the light
Make room for one more soul
I given all the time I can
It's starting to take its toll

I've walked this earth from edge to edge
It lied in such a drought
Seeing all I didn't see
I see why some opt-out

The world's been rather cruel to me
I came in bare and stranded
If I get back what I put in
I'll be leaving empty handed

The good've gone bad
The sane've gone mad
Yet they all fight to survive

The worthwhile wasn't
The feel-good doesn't
And there's no getting out alive

So if you're headed towards the light
Make room for one more soul
I given all the time I can
I've lost my self-control
Feb 2014 · 868
Beauty of the Dawn
Sonny Day Feb 2014
Beauty of the dawn
Dew highlighting lawn  
Clouds succumb to rays    
Mountains hide in haze      
Birds caressing breeze        
Greens relinquish freeze         
Sun cascading earth            
Morning given birth             
Light engulfing day             
Noon helping to stay           
Dusk tearing the seams         
Nightfall stealing dreams        
Crescent strolling sky     
Twilight tiptoeing by    
Moon erased & gone  
Beauty of the dawn
Feb 2014 · 994
Sonny Day Feb 2014
On a night like tonight
You can't help but think
Of an undersold smile;
Watching hazel eyes blink

Attached at her hip, need she whisper in your ear

Your heartbeat can't match
The thrill or the pace
Take her by the hand,
Take her out of this place

Easily done once she drinks down her last fear

But, oh,
The wake which will ensue
And, oh,
The trouble you'll get into
Jan 2014 · 2.7k
Sonny Day Jan 2014
She had eyes that could freeze you where you stood
And pierce the coldest heart
Golden locks that would make Frost eat his words
Tear his poem apart

She had dimples on the sweetest grin
A highlight for a spotlight
And the way she'd bite her bottom lip
Put the good in every "good night"

Her fingers matched your hand so well
While your other held tight to her waist
A perfect width so that your arm
Could hold her close for days

She had dreams that limits could not touch
And a drive no man could crush
But she kept a calm about herself
And led on like a lush 

She had legs that would go on for days
They'd keep your mind going just the same
And the way she talked won you over so fast
You'd never know it was a game

She was as confident as a kid could get
And she could do no wrong
She sat atop many a man's list
She was a prize to be won

So strong in all she'd ever done
She knew nothing of how to lose
Strength, beauty, charm, or grace
She never had to choose

There was one thing she failed to fight 
The one thing she could not foresee
She had one flaw, and it was beyond repair
Her only weakness was me
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
Simplicity & You
Sonny Day Nov 2013
I want simplicity
to simplify these words
these words for you
for you make it seem worth the effort
the effort of a stroke of the pen
God's stroke of genius
my stroke of luck
You are Mine
and that
is what I want
Simplicity & You
Nov 2013 · 674
Sonny Day Nov 2013
Is my chance
To say something boldly
To do something differently

It is a light
A guide to inner truth
Ridding shadows of the mind

It is a commitment
To finally open up
To say what needs to be said

But it is flexible
My message
Your perception

It is emotion
It is bliss
It is solace

It is me
It is mine
And now it is yours
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Sonny Day Nov 2013
He never did quite understand
Hopes and dreams were out of hand
A fruitless life with nothing grand
He lived on barren land

He dragged himself throughout each day
Hopes and dreams had gone astray
He worked and worked with much dismay
He worked his life away

He drove home quickly down the street
Hopes and dreams still incomplete 
He hit fate as he hit concrete 
He'd love the woman that he'd meet

He saw her first in a speeding hall
Hopes and dreams had learned to crawl
He saw one savior amongst them all
He had begun to fall

He recovered in a white wall room
Hopes and dreams were in full bloom
He saw the nurse, and did assume
She could save him from his doom

She had eyes that could pierce straight through
Hopes and dreams were coming true
He saw that she could see it too
His world was now anew

She went with him though he was cured
Hopes and dreams had been procured
Her smile let him be reassured
A love had now matured 

He needed her to be his wife
Hopes and dreams of such a life
He'd seen that lightning had struck twice
She was his paradise
Nov 2013 · 1.7k
Sands to Sea
Sonny Day Nov 2013
Sailors did once hold domain
Ruled us sands, we bits of grain
My love and I, tired of the pain
Ask the devil to make them flee

We gave our souls to rid them of
He promised storms from up above
The devil, myself, and my love
A nightmare trinity

Lonely in the ocean's dark
Thunder roared at lightning spark
Led sailors from their once safe ark 
As Sirens sang to thee

We rested in their sunken ships
Treasures always in our grips
Slept easy on the sailors' lips
Once lived a life of glee 

We lost our shine as tide did rise
Stripped from heaven to our surprise
To land on land in the sunrise
Luck had run dry on me 

We were the sands that washed ashore
Not sure what we're put there for
A dry beach, once an ocean floor
How funny fate can be

Sailors took domain again
Tyranny did once more begin
A battle the devil did not win
Yet our souls were not set free

Collected for an hourglass
Counted every second passed
Wished each drop to be our last
They'd never grant our plea

We flipped and turned inside their hand
Time simplified to understand
Gears turned, released the enslaved sand
'Twas serendipity 

Even still, lie broken hearts
My love and I, sands miles apart
Awoken as the sun departs
Left with no guarantee

But one day when the earth turns blue
Green will go, the world anew
I'll shine so bright to be with you
As we're cast home into the Sea
Oct 2013 · 1.7k
Per Usual
Sonny Day Oct 2013
In this world
you are shown
all which you cannot have
to remind you
that you could have had
it all.

are self-inflicted;
not to be
if you knew
over greed.

Too much time
spent working
on presentation
rather than living
or contributing.

Your back porch
holds a glorious view
of heaven,
but you never fixed
the hinges
on that old screen door.

The front door,
such a beauty,
with a road led right to it;
with those infamous
good intentions.

you have become
from the inside
a lifetime
of rot.

You will pay
for rich mahogany,
the greenest plot,
and exaggerated compliments
on a marble tombstone
dating your legacy.

Your grave,
even with another
hollow shell
beside of you,
will only be
your own.

You will finally
do the world a favor,
as you walk straight
towards the light;
while your life flashes,
you will count:

Every wrong turn you took,
time you sold out,
penny you saved,
back you stabbed,
promise you crossed,
and every second you wasted.

And to prove
you have learned
of what truly
ranks important,
you will count

       ­                                   Attendance

(Who will ensure
you are put in the ground
and covered in soil
cleaner than yourself)

so you will know
you were well known.

And in that moment,
as a parting gift
to your vagabond sham of a soul,
you will realize
that the maggots who will eat your flesh
deserve better.
Oct 2013 · 894
The King's Decree
Sonny Day Oct 2013
When next you see me travel
Do not ask if I will stay

I've not the time for talking
You'll not get the time of day

My time, my dear, is money
With such worth, I'd nary trust her

My words, you'll heed, are golden
Your two cents, mere bronze, lack luster

Fit the bill, you do not
Of cases I will juggle

A blind man could see with either eye
Pettiness is your struggle

Complaints of yours, I'll not hear one
For requests, I lack forbearance

Ask a favor, don't you try
Charity's beyond my inherence

Those paws you clinch, you'll also wash
Dare you raise a fist to me

Your filth exudes; nay, it disgusts
Mealworms out-shine thee

So step off, peasant, you've done enough
Of this wasting of my breath

Be gone now,  & clear of sight
Lest thou wish for their own death

"Your majesty" I shall be addressed
No more else should such **** say

And when next you see me travel
Do not ask if I will stay
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
Sonny Day Oct 2013
As night's horizon
turns to gold
He hopes this day,
Her heart, it holds

And, too, a wish
that she may see,
the smiling sun's
a wish from thee.

She'll take its glow,
soak it in
warm her heart,
Her soul, her skin

And make today
a wish come true
with the warmth he sends
to get her through
Sep 2013 · 1.9k
The Works
Sonny Day Sep 2013
If ever a time should pass
Where coincidence reconstructs fate
I would long for a dyadic destiny
With that woman of serenity

I love the look in her eyes
When she looks in the eyes of God
I see such distance in her glares
Yet they draw me in so near

Every joy I've ever known
Reflected in her daze
Every pain I've ever felt
Erased within her gaze

I look at her, as she looks at God
She sees what He has shown
Anything He has ever made
Means everything to her:

Every cloud in the sky, a dream
Every clover found, a wish
Every gust of wind, a guide
Every sound of nature, a call
Every storm of night, a showcase
Every blink of the eye, a masterpiece

All the while, she's lost in time
And I'm lost in her eyes

The simplest grin rests on her face
Yet it overwhelms me to see it shown
And when I tell her she is beautiful
She bashfully concedes

Outside, so passive and sweet
Inside, so strong and deep
Even so, so tender, is she
One misguided word could fold her

Never the cause of another's harm
Always ready to right a wrong
So gentle must I be
With such a pure gift from God
Sep 2013 · 696
Sonny Day Sep 2013
The only negative
to being so

is having so much
you could take
for granted.

Always be grateful,
humble, and

Release the burdens
of your

and smile for all
you have or
have had.
Sep 2013 · 1.9k
Sonny Day Sep 2013
Do you know the name Sisyphus, 
once a king of his time
Now known for a boulder 
that pays for his crime

His journey was full 
of money and love
But he lived to deceive 
gods below and above

He lied to Death, 
he lied to his wife
He lived long as he could
stabbing backs with a knife

His hourglass of lies 
soon ran out of sands
He was dragged down to hell 
by Hades own hands

****** for eternity 
to shove stone up steep climbs
He tries and he tries
over millions of times

He reminds me of me,
in the way that he's trapped
Lived well as he could,
now his life comes unwrapped

Pushing and fighting 
for a glimmer of joy
Being mocked and played
like a hand-me-down toy

Day after day
he tries to get out
Night after night
his dreams lie in drought

Just as I too
combat real with the dream
I see that my path
is flowing downstream

I keep her content
to avoid making waves
Although all I'm doing
is digging our graves

Unbeknownst to Sisyphus,
he can never succeed
He starts each day over
with hopes to be freed

So although we're both stuck,
perhaps he can cope
Knowing, unlike me,
he's been ****** with a hope
Sep 2013 · 975
Sonny Day Sep 2013

Yesterdays pains
I lie awake and try to grasp the truth.
It's not real.
I can't see it.
I only hear it.
It's not real.


Blank stares don't bring you home.
We've not been close for years,
I've never felt so connected.
So taken back.
So uncertain.


It's as if your still here.
But your daughter,
That sweet child,
A year old,
Will never know you.
The love you had for her,
The way you looked into her eyes,
The smile she brought back to you...
She'll never know it.
She'll never know you.


I count those I so often take for granted.
I want to cry,
Tell them I love them,
Tell them they are important,
Tell them I'm here,
But you didn't get to.


We all are one in your loss.
Try to fill a gap,
A hole in our world.
An unexpected,


Nothin­g can replace you,
Soften the blow,
Bring you back.
Nothing can be what you were.
A friend.
A father.
A joy.
Nothing can bring back the feeling you brought to life.
Everything lies still,

Sep 2013 · 1.3k
Sonny Day Sep 2013
There are haystacks without needles
Take the pain, and lose your pride
There are rainbows that don't end with gold
Beauty led, but beauty lied

There are hills that just aren't worth the climb
In the pits, though you're at the top
There are stories better off untold
You beg, but they don't stop

There are final shots that just don't fall
Fight to the end, with no avail
There are souls that don’t move on to heaven
Broken spirits in personal hells.

There are problems with no solutions
Try every way, no answer's found
There are innocents 'proven' guilty
Kept locked up, put in the ground

There are faces even moms don't love
A true self hides from the light
There are wounds that even dads can't heal
Defenses down, an unfair fight.

There are seas with not so many fish
If you're a 'catch' you'll be thrown back
There are smiles that never knew of joy
Fake it well, keep up the act

There are sunsets that are clouded over
Rays fight, but can't get through
There are frogs who can't transform
Kisses fail, even from you.

There are some things too good to be true
It's no figure of speech
There are those who don't mean what they say
Cannot practice what they preach

There are friends who aren't there at your worst
In words unsaid, there lies the proof
There are soul mates that are lacking soul
They're all illusions of the truth

There are promises which cannot be kept
Like that I'd always have your heart
So I guess there's not much difference
In falling in love and falling apart
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
Fade to Gray
Sonny Day Sep 2013
He can't see how it’s over,
He sees her face fade away.
He tries to hold the memory,
But her blue eyes fade to gray.

Hold back the pain from what he's lost,
And try to forget what they once were,
But every person that he meets
Takes him right back to her.

So now he counts his lesions,
And he'll cringe as they all burn.
He's removing all the bandages
From what he's failed to learn.

Their time apart only infects
The courtesies once seen.
She sees his heart falling apart,
But she fails to intervene.

Like a stone, she'll watch him fall;
She'll toss him to the sea.
At 3 a.m. she's who he'd call,
But now that slot holds empty.

So now at 3, he tries to sleep,
He sees her face fade away.
He tries to hold the memory,
But her blue eyes fade to gray

In a desperate hope, he calls her name,
"Let me help you understand."
He collects his thoughts and opens up
and goes in with all he can:

"Be mine now, or make me wait,
All I want is an answer.
Be my love or fear/My joy or tear,
Be my savior or my cancer."

"Ignore me now, all that you can,
And put memories in the past,
Or come back to me and you can see
That I can make us last."

"My feelings take control of me,
And I can't help but say,
Whether you love me or hate me/Ignore me or face me;
I'll love you everyday."

"I need you girl you are my world.
I'm sure that sounds cliché,
But until you're mine, I'll pass the time,
Watching blue eyes fade to gray....."
Sep 2013 · 464
The Music
Sonny Day Sep 2013
The Music swims past my ears
To get you off my mind
But the fact is what I’ve always feared
That we've run out of time
This song was ours, or so you said
But now who can claim it theirs
For our relationship has fled
And this song needs a new heir
Whoever it is that dances slow
To this song that’s in my heart
I only want that guy to know
How quickly it can fall apart
Sonny Day Sep 2013
Well, my Dear, What can I say
I've thought of you this Valentine's Day
But this should come as no surprise
You brighten my day; You're my Sunrise

There's rarely a day you don't cross my mind
When I close my eyes, it's you I find
So I know it's not much, but it is a start
Accept or Decline, you have my heart

When God made you he must have smiled
At the beauty confined in this confident child
And the big man sure must like me too
Since I was clearly blessed in meeting you

He sent me an Angel, for when times get rough
But for a girl like you, I can't thank him enough
And I know if I need you, you'll be there
Accept or Decline, I know you care

It's been too long since I've seen your smile
But when it comes to you, the wait's worthwhile
It's been too long since we spoke last
But the feeling it gives me is unsurpassed

Over this time our friendship has grown
So I'll throw my request into the far unknown
I send this on an arrow, to my sweet Valentine
Accept or Decline, Would You Be Mine?
Sep 2013 · 933
Reason to Hope
Sonny Day Sep 2013
It may be true that I've known you
For only a short while
But in this time I've come to find
You'll always make me smile

I try to hide how I feel inside
But you put me to the test
Something you do makes me want you
To rest your head on my chest

Let's take a chance, let's slow dance
To a song that we don't know
Please come near my darling dear
And let's put on a show

I look around, and feel so bound
These walls won't let me stray
I ask God how He could allow
Us to be so far away

I get no reply so I look to the sky
And his answer shines so bright
A hope in the stars says there's no distance too far
For us to connect tonight

I need your hug, it's like a drug
My system needs its dose
So at night I dream to make it seem
That girl I need is close

We may talk too much but its never enough
With each goodbye I miss you more
When it’s time for bed you're in my head
You've become part of my core

It hurts like hell to say "Sleep well"
For I have lost you for the night
I count my sheep but I can't sleep
My closed eyes keep you in sight.

You’re too modest to know how much you glow
You're as precious as can be
What your future holds could break the mold
If you would just break free

You're my inspiration, my strong foundation
In times of need you help me cope
I starting to stand with the help of your hand
You've given me Reason to Hope
Sep 2013 · 1.9k
Time Ticks Away
Sonny Day Sep 2013
It's 3am,
or so the clock says
Maybe it's just crazy like me

For a girl's heart
that it wants in
But it's not sure it has the key

Its mind is preoccupied
with other things now
And it can't seem to function quite right

It tries to sleep
as time gets lost
But it simply ticks through the night

So maybe it’s not
as late as it says
And time still needs to be found

Maybe the clock
gave that girl its key
And the clock still needs to be wound

If the clock finds its key
it finds time and love
a function and a purpose

Reunited with her
its heart can tick true,
a shine gleaming from its surface

But sadly, I know
this is all believe
For a clock could have no heart

Which sadly means
the clock is fine
And I'm the one falling apart

Perhaps the clock
can serenade me
And help me rest my eyes

Maybe the clock
can distract my heart
From its desperate beating tries

But in the end I know
the clock’s soft ticks
Can't outweigh thoughts that keep me awake

It's just too much to love
such a precious Jewel
When you'll never have what it takes
Sonny Day Sep 2013
What is Love, we always ask
Is it something that we'll find
Known for its complexity
Yet it's simply defined

Love’s an emotion strong with affection
It warms our hearts so well
But that was then; this is now
We've since sent Love to Hell

So what is Love now, we ask ourselves
If it has changed since then
You see, Love is weak and overused
On both enemies and friends

It's something we hide within ourselves
Although it once was sought
Watered down in a half-empty glass
Just a word we've all been taught

Love is short, four letters long
So it favors the shallow end
For Love, it's dangerous to get too deep
So we just love any 'friend'

On a good day, Love might pass
For being close to “I like you a lot"
Simply a promise that is rarely kept
Just a word we've all been taught

Love's for the person we see now and then
For the one who can mirror a fake smile
Repeated back when said to us
To make a conversation worthwhile

Love helps to take the pain away
As we lie awake and rot
Used as filler every night
Just a word we've all been taught

Love's not saved for the one
No more special for me than you
Thrown around like it’s worth a dime
Then a penny when you say it too

Love's not a bond between a pair
Nor falling and being caught
Not crying as we say goodbyes
Just a word we've all been taught

Love's where pain has built its nest
Where drama has found its niche
Telling a friend that they're our best
As we whisper like a snitch

Love's behind our backs and over our heads
The reason that many have fought
Not to be blamed for our foolish ways
Just a word we've all been taught

The beauty of it though, you see
Is that Love is a stone wall
And while we've trashed it all we could
True Love will conquer all

And there, within, lies the trick
Of what we have to do
Love isn’t something that ‘we’ teach
Love begins with You…

— The End —