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1.5k · Mar 2010
Dead Beat Father
Sonia Mar 2010
A deadbeat father
Is not just the one that up and leaves
Its the one that allows his woman to have an abortion
And never takes a moment to grieve
Its the one that
Comes around once a year claiming he cant afford child support
It doesnt cost a dime to 'support your child'
Its priceless to make them smile
You'd know that if you stuck around for a little while
Its the one that stays in their children's life
Yet allows their seeds
To watch him strike his wife 'til she bleeds
Its the one that
Punches his daughter in the face
Then expects a gift and a smile
On father's day
Its the one that
Forms a search party when he realizes his child has gone missing
But he's been slowly killing her on the 'inside' so
Do you really think he cares if her 'outside' is breathing
Its the one that
Kicked out his 15 year old daughter for coming home 2 minutes too late
Now her period is afew days late
So changed are her life and her babies fate
Its the one that
Snooped through all the rooms in the house and found a gun
Then instead of asking
Made assumptions and punched his son
So violence plus violence equals silence
For the next few years
Til Mr. Father hears the doorbell and brought to life are his greatest fears
Each detail that started years ago in darkness is brought to light
On how his son was brutally murdered in an 'unnecessary fight'
See the definition of father is
A man that 'raises' a child
Not one that brings them 'down'
Im speaking real truth here
Its time you started acting more like fathers and less like clowns
1.1k · Sep 2009
To My Unborn Child
Sonia Sep 2009
Sometimes I wonder
If ill ever be a mother
I know if that day comes
Id love you like no other
I wonder what you will look like
Chewing on your little shoe
Will you be calm and quiet
Or a loud little bug- a- boo
I cant wait to hold you
And comfort all your fears
Ill give you a million kisses
'Cause time is precious and days turn into years
I cant wait for the first time
I hear your tiny voice say 'mommy'
And I tear up because I know its me
Its beautiful moments like those
That set our hearts free
To my unborn child
I already love you because you're a part of me
You are my destiny
And when you're born you will become my legacy
947 · Nov 2009
Sonia Nov 2009
God, I hope you’re happy
With the path I’m now taking
I’m trying to always be honest
Never faking
I don’t let my enemies push me to fail
It is you that I hail
I'm trying to do good
Even though they said I never would
But I always knew that I could
I’m stronger than ever before
I chose to walk through the right door
Don’t wanna live the bad life no more
I filtered out the bad seeds
Doing mostly good deeds
My heart no longer bleeds
I can die tomorrow
In my heart there wouldn’t be any sorrow
I wouldn’t even want another minute to borrow
I’d go with peace of mind knowing I really did try
No more tears to cry
Im riding high
Im content
******* got sent
On their way
Their game is one I choose not to play
What else can I say
This good feeling I have inside I just cant shake it
But I bet you’ve always known that someday I’d make it
762 · Sep 2009
Sonia Sep 2009
Many say money is the root of all evil
Then I say greed must be the seed
Which causes most to watch your heart bleed
They say there isnt enough food in the world
For every child to have their own loaf of bread
Too bad greed aint food
Then the whole world would be fed
People act like their blind to whats goin on
So open your ears and listen on
Just because you know whats wrong
Doesnt mean youve made it right!
Wow this is gonna be one hell of a fight
They broadcast all over the world
When a celebrity is dying
But when babies are getting blown up in the war
Where is the footage of their mothers crying
Then again this is our own fault
We cant stomach the 'real news'
WE lite this fkin fuse
We wanna know what celebs are doing all the time
So of course the children loose
So whats the use
Why are you angry at something that you helped build
We are 'all' part of the reason why the world is filled
With this anger and hate, we took the bait!
They say there isnt enough food
**** theres so much its overflowing our plate
I do my part so I stand behind every f
kin word I said
Could care less how many get angry and wanna see me dead
Gonna keep doing what Ive been doing instead
I didnt know I was a celebrity for people to care so much
HA I must say im a little touched
You might wanna keep focus
Always keep your eye on the prize
Saving this messed up world before its 'demise'

— The End —