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Finally Happy Oct 2017
I'm tired of falling in love with your
Instead of your actions.
Because it might all seem sweet
But that's just because I'm about to get burned.
184 · Oct 2017
Finally Happy Oct 2017
I’ve grown to hate labels
Because through the years the only labels
That I get
Are negative ones
So thanks society
Be nicer next time
178 · Oct 2017
I remember
Finally Happy Oct 2017
I remember when we first met
I remember how you helped me face my biggest fears
I remember how we use to stay up until the next day talking
And how we never got bored
I remember how you looked at me and smiled
And I instantly fell for you
I remember when my only worry was when I was going to see you next
I remember when you made your first promise
But also when you broke it
I remember  
Honey, I remember it all
174 · Oct 2017
Finally Happy Oct 2017
Lately all I ever write
Are sad poems.
You see I don't want to
But they're the easiest thing for me to write.
So, I guess you could say
I love my scars
They're the only things that never leave.
She wasn't sad anymore,
Just numb.
171 · Oct 2017
Finally Happy Oct 2017
Oddly enough lately I have been tired
So I don't need your help to sleep
But yet I still take you
Because sleep isn't my only problem
Being happy is too
162 · Oct 2017
Finally Happy Oct 2017
The thing i’ve learned about psychology is
we are just trying to understand the human mind
So we can manipulate it better
149 · Oct 2017
Finally Happy Oct 2017
All you'll ever be
Is a drama queen

But hey
140 · Oct 2017
Don't fall for me
Finally Happy Oct 2017
I'm not the girl your mother warns you about.
I won't make you chose between me, and what you love to do.
I'm not cold, but I am reckless.
So don't fall for me.
I'm not the girl your mother warns you about,
But I am me.
I'm the girl others whisper about.
So don't fall for me.
I'm a girl made up of only flaws.
So don't fall for me.
But If you do fall,
And you're willing to chase me
I Promise, I'll run slow.
135 · Oct 2017
Finally Happy Oct 2017
You see.
I don’t want awhile,
I don’t want to waste my time.
I want forever.
So i’m sorry dear
But we have to be on the same page
With this one
Awhile isn’t good enough
And I don’t want my heart broken
126 · Oct 2017
Finally Happy Oct 2017
Your smile
Solves all my problems and
It sets ripples across calm waters
Everything seems okay
When you're smiling

You know when you look at a fire
Or a bright light
And you can't see for awhile
Well your eyes have the same affect
When ever I look at them all I see is blue

And your personality
I just can't get enough.
You break out laughing at the stupidest things
And your jokes stay on my mind for days

I'm trying to write a poem about you,
But I don't know how too.
118 · Oct 2017
Blue eyed and dangerous
Finally Happy Oct 2017
She wears her pain like an invisible cloak,
But just look into her eyes
And you'll see she's breaking
She has blue eyes and she's dangerous
104 · Oct 2017
Copy Cat
Finally Happy Oct 2017
"Monkey see, monkey do"
So maybe if I'm happy,
You'll be happy too?

— The End —