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Laura Oct 2013
Every day seems like a drag lately.
Wake up, go home, eat, sleep, repeat.
I'm never satisfied; I'm this or that
Hot or cold, with or without the sheets

I'd run and escape everything
But you looked at me today
And so I guess
I'll remain one more day.

I want to hide or disappear
But I studied for my test and got an A
So I suppose
For a little longer I can stay.
Laura Oct 2013
of course I miss the spotlight
the attention, adoration, and praise
and the rewarding sort of adventure
that came with it.

but most of all I think I miss the fire.
the light and the passionate spark
ignited by being molded into a dream, fantasy world.

and I miss you, too. not necessarily
you, but the feelings I once felt:
the exhilarating ride of desire that is reciprocated.

my hair once lighter has darkened with the richness of age, shedding the naivety moment to moment, lesson to lesson, and now I ache for old times to occur once more.

everything feels heavier now; each year a new weight added to shoulders, my heart trudging along with my sunken body, hoping for something new and young to make me feel alive again.
a little different style then I usually do but I like it
Laura Sep 2013
I think we all crave connection.
The pure, simple ability
to talk until hours pass
like seconds
and seconds
go by
in the blink
of an eye.

We want someone's undivided attention.
To hang on your every word
and notice the way the light
hits your eyes
and your eyes
shine brighter
than the whole
night sky.

Mostly, we want to understand love.
To have someone hold you
Comfort you and make
you laugh
and laugh
so much
you cry.
Laura Sep 2013
to romanticize life
there comes satisfaction and sorrow
thoughts become possibilities
that create empty tomorrows.

hope is a dangerous thing;
you end up holding on to 11:11
day one expectations high
and destroyed by day seven.

"expect the unexpected,"
but "you can't sit around and wait;"
dreaming has become much easier
and more convenient as of late.

so i think i'll just go to sleep
thoughts of negativity and sorrow
can shut their eyes and be tucked away
until i'm in the reality of tomorrow.
Laura Aug 2013
ghosts linger in the depths of your mind
loss and regret make too loud of a sound
til sleep comes and shuts the noise off
and your worries hit the ground.
someone asked me to on so
Laura Aug 2013
sometimes when you pass
a wishing well
think about all the wishes
that people swore never to tell.

sometimes when on the clock
11:11 glows
think of all the people stopped
dreaming as they let their eyes close.

let yourself hope and when
you dream
think of what you have
because what you have is better than it seems.

but when you feel like nothing
is left
close your eyes and wish
and put your mind at rest.
Laura Aug 2013
don't be tricked by the idea of someone
the chase is far better than the catch
i was wrong about you and who you are
you're far from a perfect match.

if i could i'd just close my eyes
wish you'd be gone and count to ten
i could erase you if i'd written in pencil
but unfortunately i used a pen.

i always knew there was something off
i'd had an inkling from the start
but i ignored my head and intuition
and fallen prey to the wish of my heart.

you can't escape now that i've trapped you
in a sickening, insincere lie
but go ahead and dig yourself up
honestly, i dare you to try.
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