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 Feb 2014 Someone else
suicide crossed my mind lately,
everything was falling apart
and all I could do was stare blankly.
I tried to **** myself,
took a blade to my wrist.
at that point in time I didnt think
that I would be missed.
I wanted so badly for
the pain to end
but hey, that's what happens when
you don't even have a friend
by your side to tell you it's alright
I just want to give up
I can't put up with this fight.
I finally told them
that I'm not okay,
I got help so why am I
still feeling this way?
why do I still want to die?
I will never be happy
no matter how hard I try.
I wrote this while I was in a mental/psychiatric institution, since I'm back I thought I'd share it. It's obviously not the best seeing as I was incredibly mentally unstable, but here you go.
 Feb 2014 Someone else
 Feb 2014 Someone else
sometimes I feel like ripping apart
my skin in search of why
I feel so empty inside

there is a war between my heart
and my mind and I keep running
as if there's a place to hide

my mind is like a prison of bad thoughts
but I can't seem to find the key
to set them all free

no matter how hard I try to make my
demons leave they always tend
to get the better of me

inside of me is a stormy sea that
my heart drowned in
a long time ago

my mind gets flooded by so many
thoughts and I don't know how
to let them go
 Feb 2014 Someone else
 Feb 2014 Someone else
anybody is the right body,
taut and lean,
exploiting youth.

Flesh is flesh on flesh,
smooth and seamless.

Making love is not love;
purely a fabrication that lures in
any susceptible soul
with salty, passionate promises.

Bodies fall victim to bodies,
deluded by ecstasy
over and over
and over again.

Though they may release a double negative
at some point in time,
lips never lie.
 Feb 2014 Someone else
 Feb 2014 Someone else
I had no say in the matter.
I could only watch
as you carefully removed the beating *****,
wild and alive,
from my chest
in awe.
You made a cradle for it with your fingers
tended to it, loved it.
Until one day both of your hands were full
and you put it in your back pocket
and forgot about it.
Now when you wear those pants
and take a seat,
a pressure descends on the empty cavern from which my heart was taken.
 Feb 2014 Someone else
 Feb 2014 Someone else
Precariously perched
our fate is
on a taut tightrope of tribulation.
Indecision keeps us teetering left and right,
but never forward,
both too proud to make the first move.
As our balance breaks and our stamina saps
we must take a step
or fall.
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