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Sofia Oct 2010
With a whisper and whine they muttered their speech,
with a glare they constantly watched.
With a menacing shout they made all aware,
of that which they wished to make out.

With an egotistic air they pushed all aside-
in their minds, as their self-righteousness, obliged.
With a fistful of wrath they intended to finally
****, strike and shatter -why?

Were they even aware of the harm they would cause,
did they ever consider the pain?
The fact that the spirit would diminish and fall,
through the void that defined it so well?

For the sake of themselves, no they did not,
or was this their intention so fair?
Was this their main, fruitless, harsh aim?
Was this the sad truth, all in vain?
Sofia Oct 2010
Follow me along the paths
And roads of distant run.
The winding trails- long and steep,
For miles of aimless fun.

The End is nowhere near enough
To fathom, Now or Then.
So dance along, young innocent child,
And care not How or When.

For I shall lead you into pools
Of gay and shimmering light.
And you will bathe and drink and sleep,
And drown in pure delight.

And you shall live just like a king,
A beggar too- a slave.
Why is this? - Pray don't ask at all,
Take shelter in the cave.

In shadows deep you'll wonder well,
You'll question and you'll fall.
But rise you shall and carry on,
And fail not once at all.

The earth shall prove to aid your quest,
The waters- quench your thirst.
The birds with their sweet songs of yore,
Shall drown out all the worst.

So follow me, young innocent child
As we move on- mile after mile.
The end is nowhere near for Now,
But dance on all the while.
Sofia Oct 2010
He sits in his usual tattered chair,
He holds a handbag on his frail lap.
The bag is aged and worn, torn-
the seams are undone.
The bag is shut, a dusty gold clasp.
He caresses the sides of the bag-

His hands have seen many a year,
the bag has too.
The aged hands glow- white- in the murky room.
So do his eyes.
His eyes stare at the bag.

His back is straight,
he is alone in the room.
He sits, in solitude-
the lights are off.

The bag smells of musk,
there's a small mirror inside.
The mirror is broken-
cracked right through the middle.
Seven years, bad luck.
The mirror is closed,
and has been for days, years, months, hours.
Ever since it was last opened-

A tear falls onto the clasp of the bag,
and marks it, wets the dust.

He can still smell her perfume in the air.
Sofia Oct 2010
The raspy waters shattered,
Against the fearsome shores,
They hailed the stormy Winter,
They opened many doors.

She walked towards the peril,
The hail battered her skin,
She kissed the wind that whipped her,
With lips of reckless sin.

Her bare white feet, they trampled,
Upon the sodden path,
Her eyes began to tremble,
She chose to face this wrath.

The dainty hands gripped mercy
It weighed more than her thoughts,
She felt it, most diaphanous,
While Nature raged and fought.

The icy Winds, they beckoned,
Their voices full of cheer,
For she was but another,
To leave a life so dear.

But who were they to conquer,
She knew she had a will,
And it was them who urged her,
Set forth to find their ****.

She threw her mercy to them,
The Sky, the Wind, the Rain,
She knew this was her ending.
The one that eased the pain.

Her mind began to scatter,
And hold her back, away.
Her heart knew more however,
And allowed her not to stray.

And thus the Thunder bellowed,
Deadly, yet alive.
Her wispy clothing held her,
As her body slowly dived,

And the crash was undistinguished,
Against the heartless weather,
And her mind thus found serenity,
As her heartbeat ceased, forever.

— The End —