The Philippine Islands Welcome to where I spill my heart. 183 followers / 11.9k words
today there was nothing on the table cutlery, yes plates, yes my mug with handpainted rabbits, yes but today there was nothing on the table. in your haste to impress the distinguished guest, don't forget the need to exhale.
it's not safe where you're going, I whisper to the pregnant woman carrying her grocery bags walking towards the railways, she probably knows, but she probably doesn't, and if she doesn't, how would she?
contrary to popular belief, I realized I missed you when we were finally right beside each other giggling over Oliver Wood and Ron's stubby nose. I don't want to leave you again, but I'd be lying if I said I'd stay forever.
I missed this morning, I had forgotten to bring along extra fuel to keep me going, I hope it never slips your mind to retreat sometimes because everybody needs something to keep them moving.
I've been waiting seven centuries for you to meet me halfway keeping a close eye on the movements of the planets when all I had to do was to spin a hundred and eighty degrees.