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Sofia Paderes Dec 2013
Let's hold the sun, you and I
and bring it to the other side of the sky
to where even the shadows stumble
and ears ache to hear praise

we'll burn our fingers
and scorch our lashes
but it will be worth it

for a man who walks by day will not fade
it is when he walks by night
that the tapered fingers creep in
to dampen the flame that barely flickers

So, let's hold the sun, you and I
and bring it to the other side of the sky
we will be ******
we will be torn
but we'll shine
and they'll rise.
Sofia Paderes Dec 2013
It's not that she won't try or
that she is wallowing in fear
it's just that
she is still learning
how to make mistakes
Sofia Paderes Nov 2013
Sometimes, I let my pencil draw with my hands
keeping my eyelids open
but my eyes closed.
Sometimes, I let the road walk on my feet
keeping my hands in my pockets
and my head in the sky.
And during those times,
I see your name on my paper
and your eyes in the stars.
Sofia Paderes Nov 2013
I hope you're in a place
where the windows are wide
and pearls dangle from the gates.

where the rivers run north
and the zephyrs' dance never ends
where there is no moon and no sun
because glory shines in their place.

where there is no beginning
and no end
only the promise of eternity
where the love lasts forever.

I'm glad you're not where I am,
because down here couldn't hold a candle
to where you are.

I'm just hoping that
you're in a place
where the windows are wide
and pearls dangle from the gates.
Sofia Paderes Nov 2013
there is always
a beyond
because Someone already went before you
Sofia Paderes Nov 2013
Somewhere South they are burying
what's left of their three year old daughter, meanwhile
the fisherman hasn't found tools to mend his hut and his heart, and
there is a boy who doesn't understand what the
big white men do to him every night, but
he gets money out of it anyway.

I'd already bled oceans for them the night before.

Sometime between dawn and yesterday morning
they were swept away by torrents
I knew they would be.
I swore they would be, so
when I found their bodies by the broken road,
I didn't shed a single tear.

I'd already bled oceans for them the night before.

But now I rest in the thought that
You are cleansing this place.
The pain is immense, but if that's what it'll take
do what You must
cleanse this place.
Remember that waters cleanse. Typhoon Yolanda did not bring pure destruction. Our nation is undergoing cleaning up.
Sofia Paderes Nov 2013
Two months is too short a time
to recover from the way someone is
scraped out of your heart like
a dull knife in
an almost empty peanut butter jar
but sixty-one days is too long a time
to do nothing but sink in misery
so I'm building
brick by aching brick
and I'm getting back on my feet
bone by throbbing bone
I'm learning not to pick up the pieces
but to wait for new ones
I'm learning not to fill up the void
but to work my way around it
because the healing that time brings
is really only nothing
but anaesthesia, because
the pain will always be there to remind you
that once upon a time,
you loved.
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