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Sofia Carr Jan 2014
I look up at the ceiling of his bedroom.
Lines of laughter plague its surface; they mock me.
They know what we did last night.

Patches of snow are scattered across the floor.
A single, red, lighter lies on his bedside table.
A flame; a feeling of inexplicable ecstasy.

Ecstasy; that's it.

I look out the window of his bedroom.
Tree branches dance just outside; they mock me.
They, too, know what we did last night.

Dark pools under my eyes try to balance out the glassy appearance of dark brown orbs.
A few syringes, used and empty lie by the bed.
A needle; a feeling of maniacal ecstasy.

Ecstasy; that's it.
I HAVE NEVER AND NEVER PLAN TO DO DRUGS. I just recently read a book about someone who has and I wanted to try this out.
Sofia Carr Jan 2014
I am here, and you are there.
we seem to only be a breath away.
I could reach out and touch your perfectly sculpted face,
cold as a statue,
but warm as a flame.
I could trace your features,
lingering on the lips I've longed to kiss.
I could run desperate fingers through your hair,
feel it slip like water,
I can see your eyes, hooded by silk curtains,
bright as your smile.
Your teeth,
perfectly aligned as you smile;
the happiest sight in the world.
I am here, and you are there.
But as the void fills and the crowd overpowers us,
you're light years away.
Sofia Carr Jan 2014
A star that may have burned,
Three billion years ago
     still remains alive in the hearts of children
          with curious eyes and
budding imagination.

A memory that may have  dissipated,
          evaporated into thin air.
Still has the power to
     Pierce a heart,
          Melt a soul,
With a desire to have the unattainable.

A love that may have crumpled,
Three years ago
     can still make tears fall,
          and hearts clench
With thoughts of what could have been.
Sofia Carr Jan 2014
I'm afraid of a lot of things.
Creepy, crawly spiders,
Flying, vicious bees,
The monster under my bed,
Shadows in the forest.
I fear the idea of an inevitable death,
I dread living my life alone.
I'm terrified of the future.
The only thing that eases my worries,
Is knowing that you'll be there with me
the whole way.
Sofia Carr Jan 2014
I once was a kid,
Just like we all were.
I once saw the world through child-eyes.
I once chased butterflies,
And caught them.
I once danced through fields of flowers,
Breathed in the scent,
Of unattained dreams.
I once stared at a window,
and thought of all the beautiful things beyond.
But I no longer am a kid.
I now see the world through adult-eyes.
Butterflies are chased,
But never seized.
Field are left unbothered.
The aroma of dreams still lingers in the air,
Waiting to be found,
But left hidden.
I now stare at windows and only see the rain,
The clouds.
Sofia Carr Jan 2014
I don't care about you.
I don’t care about your smile,
Your perfect teeth that seem to glow.
I don’t care about your problems that you always trust me with.
I don’t care about the sweet nothings you whisper in my ear.
I don’t care about the precious moments we’ve shared.
I don’t care about how your hair feels when it runs through my fingers;
Like water.
I don't care about your jokes that pull me from my sadness.
Or your stories that help me through life.
I don't care about your music that saved my soul.
Or the poems you wrote that melted my heart.
I don't care that I love you.
I promise.
I don’t.
Sofia Carr Jan 2014
My mind is a swirl.
It twirls and whirls and twists.
It never is quiet, it never is still.
My mind is a swirl.
Unceasingly inventing, endlessly creating.
My mind is a swirl like a tumult ocean
rocking a sailboat back and forth until it overturns and
dumps out all of its beautiful contents.
My mind is a swirl that encompasses my body,
lifting me up,
bringing me down.
My mind is a swirl that twirls and whirls and twists.
It never is quiet, it never is still.
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