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Simone May 2016
And you know?
You kinda ****** up.
Because when you did that little thing,
I changed.
Everything left.

You have to start all over again
because at this moment
everything I have is nothing
at all.
this is a story about a girl whose life is a mess.
Simone Feb 2016
it's weird
we're not really friends
but actually we are
we're not really lovers
but actually we are
a "you're cute" is too less
a "i love you" is too much.
but what i do know about us
is that i care about you
and i want you to stay close.
Let's be a thing. (wrote this a while back when things were confusing)
Simone Apr 2018
I’ve decided I need to stop.
I need to stop asking you things.
I shouldn’t rely on you having my back
and I’m not deciding this for you but for our sake.

I need to stop expecting you’ll be here when I’m sad,
I need to stop.
I need to stop telling you what’s bothering me,
I need to stop asking for love,
attention or just a conversation.
I need to stop demanding you to love me.
I need to stop expecting something.

I need to stop because
I shouldn’t give myself too high hopes
I shouldn’t ask you things you can’t give
I shouldn’t demand love
you are not willing to give anymore
I know you can’t give me what I need.
Simone May 2016
I remembered,
when we all counted down,
for the clock to hit twelve.
The start of a new year.

I remembered,
what I wished when the zero hit.

I wanted to meet someone.
Someone who would turn my world upside down.

And then it happened.
Faster than expected.

There you were.
But you didn´t turn my world upside down.
You became my world.

´Happy New Year´ everyone yelled.
And indeed,
we´re only halfway,
but ****,
this year has been an happy one so far.
Thanks to you.
The magic of New Year´s wishes and you.
Simone Jun 2016
This is a story about a girl who falls in love with a boy.
   Her story starts insecure, scared, alone, dark.
Overnight she meets her demons, the ones that **** her mind.
  Many days pass, until this boy shows up whose smile lights up the sky at night.
       All her demons disappear and get replaced by him, he´s the only thing on her mind now.
She fell so hard, the demons that used to be in her head, never returned, because the dark place they used to live in, were taken over by this boy, who saved her mind and gave it the most wonderful colors.
I´m so lucky with you in my life and I´ll do anything to keep you happy. I might not deserve you, but I sure as hell need you because you are my kryptonite and the reason the stars light up at night. Seeing your face, hearing your voice, it´s what keeps me going. You mean so much to me and I really want you to know I´ll do anything to keep us going because you´re worth everything and so much more.

— The End —