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125 · Apr 2020
Simone Apr 2020
It's been a while, I'm your age now.
The age you were when you left.
The world is a mess right now.
But for the first time, I'm not.

It would've been your birthday right now.
Everyone is still celebrating your existence.
Just sad you're not here right now.
This is my letter to you, Ada. I don't know where you are right now, but thank you for you wisdom.
125 · Nov 2018
bittersweet memory
Simone Nov 2018
The moment I realized I fell in love with you.

Our first moments together I felt like I needed to plan things to do. The things were fun, visiting places, seeing things.

But that fun wasn’t the reason I fell in love with you. I fell in love with you when we left the activities. When we walked to the train to go home and had the best talks under the night sky.

The first touch made my heart jump and the first kiss made my head spin.

I remember sitting by the fire in my hometown, the stars being with us. That moment was the moment I realized I loved you. The moment I realized I wanted to be with you. That was the moment my heart walked over to you.

I also remember the looks you gave me, the way your beautiful eyes looked at me and smiled when our eyes met.

I remember the silent hugs, the ones that made everything disappear. It was just us, in the comfort of us.

I remember the way you touched my face, like I was beautiful and worthy of your love. I never felt so good about myself.

I remember the first time you touched my leg in the cinema, I felt so loved. The movie wasn’t on my mind anymore, it was you, who wanted to touch me. I grabbed your hand and, just like every time, our hands interlocked like they were made for one another.

The memories that used to be so happy, are so bittersweet. But I’m happy you were the one I got to share them with.
Of course I miss you and I just hope every once in a while you think back too. To the memories that used to be so happy but are so bittersweet right now. And I hope, when you think of them, you smile and not cry, like I did. Because you deserve happiness.
118 · Apr 2018
Simone Apr 2018
I stopped saying forever because I’m afraid I’m asking you something you don’t want.
97 · Apr 2020
Simone Apr 2020
went to bed
with my head

woke up
burned out
48 · Feb 17
Simone Feb 17
My shell is so alive;
my eyes
still wonder
to what’s new.

But my mind

Inside the shell
myself is dying.
I’m already halfway there,
do I need permission
to cry?
to die?

I’m already grasping for air
even when there’s enough for us
to share.
I’m not overdramatic and overemotional. Sometimes life just gets the best of me. It’s only human, right?

— The End —