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Apr 2016 · 423
that dark place
Simone Apr 2016
you know that dark place?
you never fully leave it.

sometimes you escape,
but then
after all that time and effort
you get lost
and return to it.

you´ve escaped it for days,
but then you fall right back.

it hurts the most
when you think you are free,
but then it turns out you´ve walked the wrong path
all along.

so don´t get your hopes up,
but walk that path alone.
because if you walk that path with someone else,
they might lead you to a place that is even darker
than the other one.
Happiness is a permanent destination.
Apr 2016 · 250
April 11, 2016. 00:53.
Simone Apr 2016
you know that feeling?
when you want to scream
not because you're scared,
not because you're sad,
because you are happy
and you want the whole world
to know the reason why.
Apr 2016 · 265
Simone Apr 2016
i started out
in black ´nd white
but then you came around.

i felt blue
but oh you,
you gave me the feeling of being red.

now purple
is the colour i see.
and i thank you for that
because purple
was always
my favourite colour anyway.
I dedicate this one to you.
Apr 2016 · 744
Simone Apr 2016
´you should worry´ they all say.
´that boy needs to change´ i hear daily.
´but why´ i always ask them
i fell in love with this boy
and i don´t want him to change
for anything
or anyone.

i know we´re in a weird place
but i know it will work out
if not today
because i know
this thing we have
is something special
i´m in too deep now
to just give up.

i trust you
please don´t let me down
because then
all those people will tell me
´i told you so´
I don´t let anything or anyone but you change my opinion about you.
Feb 2016 · 237
What are we?
Simone Feb 2016
it's weird
we're not really friends
but actually we are
we're not really lovers
but actually we are
a "you're cute" is too less
a "i love you" is too much.
but what i do know about us
is that i care about you
and i want you to stay close.
Let's be a thing. (wrote this a while back when things were confusing)

— The End —