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1.3k · Nov 2013
Smita Nov 2013
The silence grows deafening,
and the stillness screams;
the darkness over powers me.
i look all around and i see mirrored walls.
and in them the eyes!
eyes that bore into mine seemed to accuse,
they seemed to resent being trapped in here;
along with the very ghost.
i whirl around and see another pair,
appraising the view and seemingly smug.
so terrible yet so beautiful,
and wondering when the show ended.
i close my eyes, my heart speeds up,
i turn slowly and find another image.
hungry and dangerous the eyes came nearer,
with every step going backwards,
the ravishing the ravenous eyes came closer.
till i could smell her breath on mine,
intoxicating, alluring and beckoning me,
till i could fight it no more.
i tried to turn my face and again,
she smiled and waved at me,
she trilled a little laugh;
at my terror stricken face.
the sound reverberated off the walls,
that were also mirrors.
"why are you scared" she looked at me,
"we are all a part of you,
we sleep with you and wake with you,
and eat with you and we watch you ****.
we are your nightmares revisited,
we are the unspoken dreams,
the tales untold, the songs unsung.
all your deeds good and bad,
come undone with us.
for we are your friends and family,
we are only, you."
she bared open her heart
and i saw that it was mine!
and i heard the songs of the requiem,
or was it only my scream?
trapped within my own mind,
with the inner spirit.
she tortured me and tormented me,
till i was no more.
but when i start to think of it,
was it all just a dream?
but then she comes at night to me
and then i see it was me.
407 · Nov 2013
How Could I Explain
Smita Nov 2013
We walked


Underneath the canopy of delicate green

While soft golden sunlight sifted down to us

He asked and I told

the story

My story

He gazed thoughtfully back at me

And said simply,

“That was beautiful.

But I think you missed the part

About your smiles

The radiance

The colors.”

I smiled back at him

And he saw my soul weeping

I smiled


I had no words.

How could I explain

To this beautiful man

That there I saw colors


All around him

And me.

How could I explain

All the little bubbles of light that floated

Between us

Around us          

He put them there

Without saying a word

He conjured up

More Stars

Shooting stars

And waited for me to smile

For my soul

To lift

How could I explain

Every little spark that the stars left behind,

Burned slowly


Warming me from my core

Deep in my bones

And worked its way outwards

To my face

To my lips

As a smile.

And still

He looked at me

Waiting for a response I think.

And I said,

With a smile,

“There are colors


There is light.


There is

401 · Nov 2013
Smita Nov 2013
Running into the arms of dawn,
the tears mingling with the laughter;
there, see, i have found you!

You hold my hand and we walk by the sea,
the waves caress our feet,
and i have found you.

long separted but now reuntied,
the wind sings of our joy,
because i have found you.

in this little house beside the ocean,
where the little pebbles grow,
we will stay forever, together.

a breeze lifts my eyes open,
and i look around for you but----,

i dreamt, that i had found you.
399 · Nov 2013
Smita Nov 2013
Baby sing me a sweet song,
baby sing me a lullaby;
Baby hold me in your arms tonight
'till i sleep and i sigh...

— The End —