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Mar 2014 · 447
The Cycle
Smack Thompson Mar 2014
The boys hit the girls
and the boys hit other boys
the boys grow up and got guns
the girls too
and they shoot the other men and women
and boys and girls
and bury them in mass graves
but just the same
I love seeing the sunshine
when it's raining outside.
Smack Thompson Mar 2014
Oh hey hey hey Stop ! that get out of that garbage can
Look man . taking perfectly good
Excess food thrown into a dumpster
is still a crime
No... it ain’t my job to
argue who’s committing the
Crime "I just work here man"
I ain’t interested in

your rants about the man Keeping us down
Look I know you gotta eat

"Don’t make me get out my taser"
Don’t you know
One man’s trash is still
Their property until
It hits the landfill and
We Burn It Into
The Suffering Sky?
Feb 2014 · 691
Vicodin and Wine
Smack Thompson Feb 2014

You know
sometimes I think I'm still

afraid of you
and sometimes maybe I'm still in love with you

other times I sometimes still wake up with a dry mouth
and cold sweats
screaming your name

until my throat is so sore **** I swear I'm gonna bleed
gagging on those memories
those ghosts of ****** noses and broken mirrors
keep me up all night like alley cats
****** each other in the street
But I also think that ain't all


because after all these long and tired weather beaten years
when we both stopped looking like we
did when we were sixteen and got gray haired and bitter
I think we both know that
we can never really leave each other


That's why after all this time we can meet up

we can eat some stolen pills

chug a beer or two and finish off a warm bottle of wine

then talk about all those old hard knock times


we can sit together on your bed
and use
super glue
to patch up
***** glass cuts you made all over your legs
Smack Thompson Feb 2014
Hit a pale
ovER the
wIth a

he looked all
surprISed when
gettin' dragged
where thaT trickster's

gonna happily slurp out
his brains and blood
and other sQUIshy fluids
THEN spit 'em back
so maybe that guy learns
SOMETHING! ! ! ! ! ! !
Death is a pale horse who
flies overhead wIth an
but this ain't HIS
we ain't got THAT problem
oH WHaT?
now it's about
bein' color blind?
How convenient.
Feb 2014 · 635
Plague Plague Plague
Smack Thompson Feb 2014
Dead dog dead dog
Guts all down the freeway
in a ***** red streak
fur all mangled lookin
like Bob Dylan's hair

Plague plague plague

My dog's name was Missi
after this cousin I kinda
didn't like
but I never hated either
one to where I wanted
a dead cousin or dead dog dead dog

Plague Plague Plague

My cousin never writes
so I don't know what's up with her
but I know I got a dead dog dead dog
hit by a semi and pasted on the freeway
like gaudy modern art

Plague Plague Plague

Missi was a boy and he was a good dog
now he's a dead dog dead dog
let's go get drunk and
sing songs about Missi
his favorite one was that rambling
one about
Plague Plague Plague
Smack Thompson Feb 2014
Whiskey Stevens was the best
**** piano (but say it pi-ana) player
I ever met: even with that missing pinkie
Whiskey though like most pirates (even the ones never seen a ship)
he wouldn't lay off that ***
which is funny since his nickname was
Whiskey but
he swore it was his given first name
and shouldn't define the kind of drink he
By the time he met Long John Sally
who used to be a woman of ill repute
but now was a run and gunslinger with a revolver
in her boot
his liver was already shot to hell
pickled and rotten
and she was a hacking up clods of greasy blood
from what they called THE consumption
(consumption junction, won't long function!)
Well Whiskey thought he was gonna get lucky
but Long John Sally just wanted to try their luck
at a poker game
so she sat Whiskey down and made the stakes
higher than an ***** den ******
He had the better cards but he also made a crude
joke about Poker (but say it Poke-her)
and Sally whipped out her revolver
faster on the draw than poor Whiskey Stevens
hammered on the hammer AND A GOOD GA'LL ****
and poor Whiskey didn't die from liver
failure but head-staying-in-one-piece failure
Sally ain't got an ounce or pint or any other
measurement of remorse and laughs and laughs
but THE MAN UPSTAIRS gets the last laugh
because the laughin' started up a coughing fit
her last and worst
and she comes crashing down on the table stone
cards and chips flying to the heavens
and Whiskey and Sally flying down to hell
Feb 2014 · 596
Gutter Knees
Smack Thompson Feb 2014
I danced crazy dances on a dumpster
with a crazy girl with
infected crusty/bleeding scabs on

her knees and I think
I know how they -

got there.

She's one of those twisted mad/****** types
crashing into life like automatic weaponry
raining down from helicopters exploding people's heads
like pumpkins

She moves fast and doesn't give a **** about what happens

Back to the scabs...She can't go see a doctor, where the hell would she go?

I was thinking I'd take some change and buy
some peroxide and pour them on her knees -
but I don't think she'd let me /and it might be too late
for that
That angry reddish streak coming up from one of them
performing some kind of hostile takeover on her leg
she's running from her problems but she ain't gonna
get far if they have to amputate.

I tried not to retch and throw up bile
on her thinking about it (haven't ate yet)
because I don't think it's her fault
we all gotta make a living somehow/
just some of us are dying faster than others
while they do it.

I hate the way this society treats women.
Jan 2014 · 614
Gun Club
Smack Thompson Jan 2014
Drank too
much whiskey
went to shoot Tommy Perkins

Spent all my cash on
the whiskey
clubbed Tommy Perkins
upside the head with the gun

and told him he better give
me the money he owes me

when he pays me I'll load my gun
and get back to the
original plan.

— The End —