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1.1k · Oct 2013
Skylar Jones Oct 2013
imagine being me,
when the echoes of silence
turn into the carrier of words
in the form of stucco
hearing the great craziness
Beethoven heard himself,
staccatos of adjectives
describing the great escape or
the parallel tragedy within a beautiful death
and a morbidly immaculate love,
or even being immersed into a palette
of empathy,
splashes of your blues
while we grey with age,
imagine being me,
while I am managing to do that.*

1.1k · Sep 2013
At Sea
Skylar Jones Sep 2013
surely i awaken in a sea of sheets,
filled with broken memories,
cascades flow in between the mountain regions of
my heart and
my love,
viewing all of us through a kaleidoscope,
broken we are never pieced together correctly,
drowning in the memories of the last kiss,
saved by angels calling,
you are my siren,
luring me in with lust,
and destroying me with passion,
surely i die in a sea of your selfishness,
bound by the peninsula of my heart,
your love,
and these hopes,
vastly we fall in love,
forget how to breath solely,
forget how to sleep with the lonely,
until we have to do it all again,
sailing the seas once again waiting to hear the voice
of the siren who once had me mystified,
drowning in her love.

658 · Sep 2013
Skylar Jones Sep 2013
you laid in my arms,
many nights you've laid elsewhere,
imprints of your latest dreams,
these dreams haunt you,
and nothing can replace where you've been,
my guilty pleasure,
unstable I implode,
unsure you explore,
we fall to rise in our memories,
dying to meet heaven,
living in the temptation of the chaos
this hell brings,
the attraction brought us together,
but the reality is we could never coexist,
from the color of my words,
to the sound of your skin,
we just fall back into where we sat down to begin.

647 · Sep 2013
Skylar Jones Sep 2013
waiting for the drugs,
intoxicated by lust,
meeting a lifetime of waiting,
sobered by the rush,
nothing in this hull soul of a man,
his eyes blackened,
devouring the presence of light,
which brings pain that causes rigamortis between his lips,
she brings her love,
and he waits no more.

587 · Oct 2013
Skylar Jones Oct 2013
I am

I am not confined to being in lust,
or some sort of addictive coping mechanism,
that allows me to feel,
so heavenly, so godly,
your mind,
is your pen you speak irrational logic's,
and feel rational illogical,
you are catching me off guard, off all,
tips of my toes,
concrete meet rose,
our conversations my heart is froze,
never could i place words next to you,
ambitious as i am, as we are,
we try,
but we simply,
impeccably, untouched-
my lips dine alone until your accompanment,
there is no such composition written in my head,
on paper, it's just a fact known,
that i am,
drowning, intensely

in love with,

430 · Sep 2013
Next To Me
Skylar Jones Sep 2013
as I lay my head to sleep
I look you deeply in your shallow eyes,
pining for the grasp of your attention,
parting lips weakened by us,
these kisses are candor,
as we embrace each other,
overwrought by the moon,
lusting for the bare minimum  requirement of a heart,
pacing the trails of your impressions,
dedicated to the cadence of the mounting beats that I hear,
assurance of you here is evident in the sheets I wrestle,
but I wish you would leave
because I hate sleeping with,

407 · May 2014
Skylar Jones May 2014
to awaken
so sudden and abruptly,
to the only thing that brings me comfort,
ironically brings me to my nightmares
was it me crashing into everything,
while the fall was so perfectly acknowledged,
so quaint and serene,
yet loud and bold,
I obsess over it,
trying to jump off any mountain
just to feel the fall from grace again,
even with broken hands I'm reaching
so eloquently matched with this heart,
was it the supple form of her skin,
or the laughs we manufactured
in the sea of sheets we slept in,
I would drown if that was the only way I could set sail again,
to move heaven and earth
to go through hell and suffering
just to feel you again,
in exhaustion I breath in the cold,
hours spent with a numbing drink,
hoping I could see straight intoxicated,
because everything was blurry in a perfect state,
and in the unknown
I lose who I am,
just to find the truth,
and in the truth I find love
just as lost as me.

392 · Sep 2013
Skylar Jones Sep 2013
the eyes of the sun reflect upon my skin,
I feel you staring into me,
burning right to my soul,
the skies cause relief,
because for one second
captivated by you,
forgot to breath,
and my eyes walk the linear of yours,
to the bridge of your nose,
onto tracing the happiness wrinkled into your skin,
lines that lead to heaven,
and that have graced me to words of a hello,
bound by no one you mean more than the external,
beyond the soft supple skin tinted by an aura,
beauty you not only take my eyes but you rest in my mind.


— The End —