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Skylar DuBois Aug 2013
I'll walk by your side
And keep our hands apart
But if I place my hand
Just right,
I'll let my shadow
Experience what I wish
I could.
Skylar DuBois Aug 2013
I feel
used. Because I've been
abused, and tossed away just to be
reused, until you've exhausted all my
uses, telling me I'm
Skylar DuBois Jul 2013
What would you do,
if I took you  by the hand?
Would you let my fingers
hover over yours?
Tracing patterns in your skin,
sending sensations up
your spine.

What would you do,
if I stole a kiss?
Would you let my lips
Lay on yours?
Sinking into each other,
Sinking into the pillows,
Falling into your arms.

What would you do,
if I said that I felt this way?
Would you draw back in fear?
Skylar DuBois Jun 2013
Everybody knows
That boys want ***.

When a girl won't put out,
everybody knows
that the boy isn't putting it in.

Everybody knows this.
It must be true.
It is unthinkable that anybody should
think otherwise.

Because boys and ***
walk hand in hand.
The new PB and J.
Because boys and ***,
are like the chicken and the egg.
What came first?
wow... what a good one.
Because girls are told
that they should only have ***
When they're ready.
But boys are warned
and are told to wait because
we've a l w a y s wanted it.

Because boys and ***,
they're good ole' pals.
Because there is no way that a boy can't want ***.

Because boys and ***...
Need I explain?
Skylar DuBois Jun 2013
I think he really      just meant
that one day  he would
break     my    
I think I'm going to play with this one...
Skylar DuBois Jun 2013
You think they're just whispers,
little voices  in my brain. But,
these phrases go through phases.
Phases that grow with pain.
They start small and grow big,
like the dreams of a kid.
                      keeping it all under
my skin,
In my flesh,
Through my veins.
They say let it out.
So I do,
But I hide it.
Because it leaves scars.
So I wear long sleeves and scarves.
Cover it up.
No swimming.
Never swimming.
Always drowning,
Drowning in these
Originally a spoken word piece. I still think it could be effective written down, though I do wish I could make the build up and release on the last line more evident. Maybe I'll play with punctuation and overall structure...
Skylar DuBois Jun 2013
(Hi )
                                       (I miss you )
(Please not right now. )                  
                                       (Okay...   :( )
Don't you ever think of me? [Send]
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