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Skye Applebome Jul 2013
Yes, I'm fine. I'm all better now!
I wish...
Oh I'm sorry I let that slip, didn't I? Don't worry, I'm fine that didn't mean anything ;)
I act fine in real life, poetry is one of my only outlets left...
Skye Applebome Jul 2013
No matter how many times I plead for help, you always ignore me.

No matter how many times I beg you to stop, you keep hurting me.

And no matter how many times I vouch for you, you never care about me.
I'm in a really really hard spot right now. It'll pass. Eventually.
Skye Applebome Jul 2013
Alone in mind, not in presence,
The boy cannot do this.
He has gone on for as long as he could, but the knife isn't enough anymore. No amount of physical pain can distract him from his bleeding heart and howling soul.
He types an email instead of writing it, because his hands shake too hard.
He writes a different one for each person and hits send. Nobody will know until it's too late: the clock reads 3:16 AM, and he's hundreds of miles away. He does handwrite one thing, however: he leaves it on the counter in an envelope, the front of which reads "Mom".

He exits his bedroom, and takes a last look at his surroundings, kisses his sleeping 6 year old sister on the head one last time, and walks to the balcony.
He remembers, two years ago, when she fell.
Fitting, yet ironic, he thinks. that he would leave the same way. He looks at the stars, whispers "Goodbye," and leaps. The cool night air rushes around him momentarily, then-nothing.
"Hello?" he calls into the nothingness. No answer.
He calls again, with the same result.
Slowly, the painful reality of his situation dawns on him, with horrifying clarity:
This is the afterlife, and it is worse than the real world was.
But it's too late. He can't take it back, and he is doomed to eternal  loneliness and complete nothingness.
Just an alternate version of Lost. I know the last two lines are redundant, but I like the effect.
Skye Applebome Jul 2013
It's lonely here.
The silence is deafening, really.
Can you hear the wind?
Or am I just imagining it?
...come back...
Is anyone there?
Can anyone hear me?

Inspired by both my own feelings and from the quote (someone I knew's last words to me)  "Stay with me until I die. It's lonely here."
Also, this poem is meant to be confusing and cryptic.
The dots are supposed to be there. I could've just used spaces but in my opinion the dots had a better effect.
Skye Applebome Jul 2013
I'm back.
To the gates of hell.
Now, maybe that's being dramatic, but she did fall here.
The center of my life.
The person who completed me.
The person I loved (still do, actually).
She left my life six months later.
To think that in the 4 days preceding the fall, so many memories were created.
Happy ones.
They come flooding back to me now.
I miss her.
Skye Applebome Jun 2013
What if we took our favorite lines from poems, one line from each poem (one poem from each follower/every liked poem/favorite poems/your own poems/etc), and constructed a coherent poem from the lines? Probably a bad idea, but food for thought.
Feel free to leave feedback on this idea, and what we could call it!
Skye Applebome Jun 2013
But in nights like these, when the sun's heat is gone from the air,
These are the times when I tend to fall into complete despair.
The poem probably makes no sense but I was tired and my thoughts are jumbled at the moment.
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