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Skiela Jan 21
The future I once saw so clear,
Now fades like fog that’s drawing near.
A map I thought I had in hand,
Has turned to dust, like shifting sand.

I thought I'd know just where to go,
But now the path's a haze, a glow.
I used to dream with steady hands,
Now I’m caught in shifting sands.

The road ahead feels far away,
And I can’t tell what’s night or day.
Where I’m going? I can’t say—
I’m just trying to find my way.

But maybe that’s okay, I think,
To not have answers, pause, and blink.
The future’s blurred, but still I move,
Even if I don’t quite prove,
That I know where I’m meant to be,
I’m learning how to just be free.
Skiela Aug 2020
The one that glows up the starry night sky
the one that I love from a far
I said beauty is subjective
That's why I don't mind you having full of scar.

So beautiful for me...
that I can't even visualize myself being with you.
But, you know what - I just realized...
Having you beside me,
makes me think that this might be a fantasy.
Skiela Dec 2020
everything can fall and me too.
Skiela May 2021
I told myself that I will support her on her journey, while I battle mine.
I even tell her that she can lean on me, if she will let me.
And let her know that I can be her Pandora's box if, she will open her heart for me.
I was helping her to be a better version of herself –
in the occurrence that she's unwell; until someone intruded.
Skiela Dec 2020
lusting for an antidote
for the feelings i constantly feel.
but, i fear of letting go
and that's a step i need
in order to heal.
Skiela Dec 2020
This wry smile
will soon be dazzling again.
When that happens,
I will see this hateful bitterness
evacuates my heart.
Tears of mine
will no longer suffocate me;
nonetheless, become strength
through art.
Skiela Dec 2021
I've attempted to hide the fact that I'm suffering from a broken heart.
During these periods of creating work, though, I would never disguise that.
With this poetry, I promised myself that I would always be the true me.
And on nights like these, I'm particularly aware of the pain.
I'm taking a step ahead in my healing, yet I'm feeling stifled.
I'm constantly worried that I'll be attacked.
Malicious intent no longer surprises me.
The honorable percent, on the other hand, has shocked me.
It's becoming increasingly difficult for me to place my trust in others.
It's hard to trust folks when they're the ones who broke my heart.
I'm looking for deep, meaningful friendships.
But I can't manage to discover people who are worthy of my expressions or who are eager to participate in them.
I'm constantly replaying these exchanges in my thoughts.
When I say things out loud, I get the impression that no one is listening.
I suppose I'm sick of being my own friend.
I'd like to give this loneliness a name.
Skiela Jan 21
I feel the weight, the pull, the strain,
Caught between the loss and pain.
I know the road is mine to find,
But every turn just twists my mind.

I’m capable, I know I’m strong,
But here I stand, like I’ve been wronged.
The world spins on, a dizzying chase,
No matter how I fight, I’m out of place.

I’ve seen the signs, I’ve known the way,
But something always leads me astray.
Time moves forward, I stay behind,
A silent witness to my mind.

Still, somewhere deep, I feel the spark,
Not from the stars, but from the dark.
I’ll find the crack, I’ll break the door,
And rise again, stronger than before.

For though it feels like I’m stuck inside,
I hold the key, I won’t hide.
Skiela Sep 2020
A mind free from doubt is frankly cocky
So active that they could feel cut out when things come dreary
But li'l did you know
They are driven, by the need for attention.
Sightless for not seeing the truth behind hauty demeanor.
Skiela Sep 2020
in the end
it's you
Skiela Dec 2020
Always  unrequited
Cause us melancholy
Either stay or go
Skiela Jul 2020
Beyond closed doors
Scream echoed through the walls
Maximizing the high pitched chirp
Tryin not to listen to the voice of a bashful twerp

In every little argument starts a fight
But in the end no one will win, no one is right
Toxic are the thoughts that eat your integrity
Wrecking connections, havocking intimacy

People are compelled to give comment
Some are like clowns that make people bent
That turns euphoria into a phobia
Faux smiles hiding behind a recurring mania

It is easy to hate, but very difficult to love
As hate ignites you, but love grows a dove
In the dreamy grove of an empty mind
Keep it in mind that someday everything will be alright

Skiela Nov 2020
I know u were broken from the beginning,
And maybe that's why with u I'm forgiving.
Skiela Sep 2020
are we
we wanted
to save?
Skiela Dec 2020
far from the beauty
he used to tread with me.
No light I am able to see.
Blinded from my ignorance
I demise on this profound path of anguish and agony.
Skiela Mar 2021
world is full of
mysteries and complications,
it brings
fairness and unhappiness to some.
it is quite dangerous for the one whose carefree.
Skiela Jun 2021
we know the consequences
yet, we still do it.
Skiela Sep 2020
Someone's stalking
Someone's falling
Skiela Sep 2020
Always unrequited,
Either stay or go
Skiela Feb 2021
Being alone doesn’t matter,
I put everything into leisure,
and slowly forget things that engulfed
my mind and ease my distress
while looking for positivity.
Skiela Apr 2021
it has always been
a challenge to let others in.

i'm afraid to admit
that i'm the real sin.
Skiela Jan 2021
unaffected by the imprisonment of commitment.
truth untold
Skiela Nov 2020
U and I were both vulnerable.
the reason why are hearts remain broken and can't find a cure.
Skiela Aug 2022
when i asked the universe to give me someone to love me the way I love others because I deserve it, i didn’t know i needed to be hurt a lot before i can have you.
Skiela Jan 21
Everything seems fine,
at least that’s how it looks from the outside.
But honestly, I can’t help feeling like there’s more to it than what meets the eye.
It’s easy to look at other people and think they’ve got everything together, that they’ve got it all figured out.
But I wonder sometimes if they’re just hiding what’s really going on, because I know I’m not the only one who’s struggling.
We all have our own stuff going on, even if no one sees it.
Skiela Nov 2020
I wanna taste more of what is true
and live like I’ve got nothing to prove.
You’re the heartbeat right here in my chest.
The air I breathe, not anything else.
Skiela Apr 2021
Im good at feigning,
that's why I smile whenever you're asking.

Truer words were never spoken,
that is why you don't know I was hurting.

I mentioned how my butterflies fly for this guy,
that's why I don't mind you double crossing.

— The End —