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1.0k · Jun 2014
Numb will find it
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
Numb feels ineptly

Numb has a feeble spirit
Numb is numbing

******* needy
It runs swiftly
Flows freely
approaches the needy
  Ever so quickly.
It thinks of him
And deprives me
Of breathing

Numb watches.
It  separates me, isolates.
Numb never cared.  
Makes the bleak confiscate
Everything I hate
It thinks of him
And unnerves my limbs

Numb will find it
I cannot quit
The nowhere is near
Numb brings it here

Sickly it's ever wanting
So enchanting
Why is It still alive?
Numb will realise
He must  die

For me to be alive

Numb unfolds
Clamour of a dormant soul
The pleads
The need
Numb ever succeeds
696 · Aug 2014
Swan-song sublimity
Skia Kyria Aug 2014
Your presence is of the essence
Of a charming chamber violin
Like when you speak words
-That disappears unheard-
It warmly unravels my nerves
And makes me love in silence

Wholly my being afloat since when
The time in the beat was mutually spent
A promise upon the dance of two
A present to me, with harmony from you
Stunned soundly by this melody of mine
With its enchantment so purely sublime
This beautiful song that is made for two
With sacred hands by me and you

This violin sings as angels cry
That presence has no alibi
No orchestra to accompany
Her lonely wistful melody
Like a serenade to a haunted room
About love, given to her beautiful doom
Seems only time can take away
The lonely echo we left that day
Only dreams can tell us when
We'll hear the song we love again
584 · Jun 2014
Acabar Impending
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
Today disappeared
Just left me.
Stupified and choking.
An aftertaste austere
Served in scarlet cashmere
Depleting the atmosphere
Leaving cipher here
But me  and the clear
In some combat severe

Heaving with the desolate
Plummeting free
Intersecting the climate
Benumbing me
Functions seize
I can hardly breathe
And i think to myself
How you'll be relieved
Once you learn
Of my new disease

Soon you will have it all
What you've been fighting for
All that you wanted all along
I wont be here to interfere anymore

Insides gathering
Ever crafty always cunning
Acabar impending
and at last, i find meaning
509 · Jun 2014
Radiating new reality
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
Charmingly radiating
Your flame, so stimulating
Just like all the shades of red
A Force of life flowing through me
Which without, i would be dead

I find it amusing
How you pulse within
You are my heartbeat,
My sacred harmony,
my soul's violin

I find you so soothing
my spirit's melody
Swallowing me
With the chorus that your eyes sing
As they are searching,
And pierce right into me

My source of vitality
You are life, absolutely!
As you walk with integrity
And live entirely,
Opening up to me
properly, and seriously
Unlike anybody previously
Trying me to insanity

As you become my new reality
And dive into me cautiously
Wrapping me in security
Awakening all that's necessary
I will burn with you sincerely

As you are radiating, charmingly
I begin  to love you, literally

You are tranquility
My one and only
And i pray that , obviously
I will walk with you eternally
437 · Aug 2014
Skia Kyria Aug 2014
Peering deep into a mirror untrue,
Showing one part me, one part you
Shatter the mirror to change my face
Or at least settle chaos into grace

But if very piece has a place
It wont change the way this face betrays
The human being behind the name

Lead astray by our past that still shouts
A sickness i wish i could live without
A thickness we can both warn others about
One that keeps all the rays of sunlight out

Resembling the bruise that keeps me from you
even a mirror seems incapable of showing the truth
Feels like the entire universe is just a lie too
I sink into twilight in the red afternoon

So Descend the darkened stairways of my heart
If you can break through all the knotted parts,
Manoeuvre  not to trip  as my heartbeat quickens,
Manage to breathe while my  blood slowly thickens
And you'll find it there on the shelf, unsung
Tucked away like all the things we've never done
You kan take it all and i wont spoil your fun
A small sacrifice for the hate we've become
Through which ill remain ever so slightly insane
Seduced and scorned by the laws of fate
to never forget or even for a second escape
The furrowed brow that makes your face
426 · Aug 2014
The Ghost Inside
Skia Kyria Aug 2014
Poet:  Skia Kyria        
Editor:  Jp

Haunting my dreams,
Chasing my wake,
An answer it seeks.
No matter what it will take.

Leaving my serenity behind
Until it can decide,
Lingers around me all the time
Whispering four little words :
Harshly revealing, crudely unkind.

I am thankful, you see me for my light.
Always beautiful, your insight.
So Careful, not to darken my mind.
Ever faithful, you have nothing to hide.

But what am I?
It questions me again
Screaming like my enemy
Laughing like my best friend.

I am a terrible mass of darkness inside,
With a bit of a conscience and a lie for a life.
A mess ever trying to deny my shadow self,
Nursing it unwillingly, the deeper I delve.

But you.
You see and adore only my shell.
Happy with what you think you can tell.
Unaware that I swallow this sickening hell.
Born from the  darkness in which I dwell.

I cannot find the way that leads to the light
Forever lost in the Coldness of night.
I can still tell black from white,
I can still tell wrong from right.

I have fallen too far to be where you are.
and hate myself for it constantly.
Battling to swim, drowning,and guilty,
Shaking as it hungrily consumes me.

Without any conscience
and no lack of confidence
Creating the coincidence
Of which I must bear the Consequence.
418 · Jun 2014
You are the melody
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
Rain.. everywhere..
Breath like tiny vapors in the air
Just like escaping the arc of sleep
To end up where dreams and pathways meet
And just before I plunge, I leave
to the deepest delusions ever perceived
But so indisputably real
That it makes sense of the way I feel
Floating, median minded reality stretches out
to hinder time and point every heartbeat out
the numb sensation of doubt
until it echoes out loud
mimic the atmosphere of your air
and splashing everywhere,
rain everywhere
-soaking socks-
And dripping hair!
It just keeps pouring at me!
but you are nowhere,
you are not seen,
nor are you heard
you are felt, which is awfully absurd
seeing as all that lives here breathe
the phantom of your memories
it’s like you are behind me
It’s like you are in the trees
It’s like you are the wind
Inside of me…
You are the melody
413 · Aug 2014
Winter's breeze
Skia Kyria Aug 2014
Collab with JP

Unshadowed trees offer me no protection
from what I am,
From what I was.
I'm blinded but still trying to see
Meanings in what's painted by the breeze

Tired branches depicting  imperfection
Framing Life-drained mildew-stained leaves
Roots still bleeding way too far
Sketching something alive only in memories

In some way the shadows are returning,
I'm feeling the zephyr once again.
These leaves are almost green.
Once they were but now is what's been

I can only recreate by burning
Smelling like a soul that's spent
Only smoke and destruction seen
Gloomy canvas of a life at end

Let me close my eyes
Let me fall away, drifting.
Think all this is almost concluded.
Maybe I'm just deluded?

Let me scribble my last goodbye
And leave as part of this imaging
Where melancholy is favoured
And happiness secluded
384 · Aug 2014
Time wasn't born yesterday
Skia Kyria Aug 2014
Embracing a season of dreams
In the flesh of the past, born to tears
It's not as harsh as it seems
Hard to find what it means

Determined desire in a sterile sky
Another day passes with heavy feet
Darkness of despair informs my eye
That it is here where differences meet

My heart dries beneath my *******
By a fragile voice
that leaves me no choice-
But to gather tears in my chest

Memory as witness to the bitter shapes of yesterday
Forms wounded words with most of the say
Forms shadows that inhabit my silence
As the hidden pulse of my existence

Your eyes will ever possess my breath
Deeper than the grave, darker than death
A mourning sound from the pale-lipped moon;
"My dear child, you died too soon..."
334 · Jun 2014
'live' spells 'evil'
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
Life is. Winter personified.
With little teasers of summer and glimpses of spring,
fake empty promises to keep us going...
life is spiteful, and very mean.
Cruel and tempting.
Life carries in its breeze a vibe or something
that sometimes, ALMOST gives us wings...
just to remind us that we have to live on our knees
and that we will ever be suffering.

Life offers us shelter in the dark of night,
where we we cant see anything even if we open our eyes...
and we get used to it,  the charcoal smears that we call life.
The familiarity visible, of what we wear inside.
What wears us out and feeds off our minds.

life is...closed. after all these years of struggling
on the path towards the salvation of our souls.
The gates of fate are the gates of gold
not what we have been told, ever closed
Nothing to look forward to, life renders us old,
outlined by all the shades of scorn.
326 · Jun 2014
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
If the last time you saw me
Had been this morning
Would you have gone about it differently?
Would you have changed anything?

Well I'm still here, waiting.
For you to say something.

I despise your way.
Cold. Everyday the same day.
Never anything to say.
Like you'd be untouched if it all fell away.

Are you  ever really alive?
do you prefer to be insipid all the time
Like you cannot let me be your delight
or allow yourself to sink into what's mine...

Like showing feeling is a punishable crime

But i must be out of line
Because you cannot be satisfied
You are pure stone winter inside
How many times have you died?

I despise your way.
How it leads me astray.
Skia Kyria Jul 2014
The silence is consuming me,
frozen in time;
screaming deafening tones,
trapped forever within this tomb.
The silence makes itself seen.
A breathing piece of mind.
A beating heart of stone,
From a sadistic mother's womb
It needs to end.
This silence within me.
Always stubborn,  always questioning.
Shaking these walls.
Something to mend.
To soak while i bleed.
A single sound, just what i need.
Not too loud, just bordering,
Between barely there and deafening.
Something so easy and terribly small.
How can it be impossible at all?
It is time to heal,
to become whole again.
To stand tall alone and to feel
And break this silence,
break free, be free,
And just as before..
to raise voice once more.
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
(This is for you, my Wizard)

You'll probably end up not reading this
Because I'll probably end up not giving this
and remember-i just have a funny way of saying it
Because you have a funny way of taking it

Afraid of these impulses to which i so easily subside
and that sweetened flow of satisfaction inside
through every cell in my body each time
that makes it impossible to look away next time....

The destructive if...
my body...will last...the eternal gift
or maybe just a slow suicide,
maybe just a muted inner cry.
Who knows?
Each unto his own i suppose

i beg my thought infested head
to not pin me to my sweat infused bed.
Sleepless nights!!
Ever such a delight
to run through the empty streets of my mind,
and beg these thoughts to let them be tied!
(As if i don't need the rest, thank you Sarcasm, but do you mind?)

...leaving me hunting the possibilities by rays of moonlight
or candlelight alike-
Secretly knowing that there HAS TO BE A WAY IN
NEVER finding it-always ending up where I'm supposed to begin
There are so many hints and clues
-all of them leading back to centerpiece you

i suppose seeing what i want to see
is easier
than saying what i want to say


There was something that forced me into believing that day
that there was something in your eyes that gave you away.

So come to me.

.. you don't have to touch me!
All you have to do is watch me
i just want to show your eyes
how they can color these lines
and fill them up
till the pictures come alive.
304 · Jun 2014
Your mirror of art
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
just  like me to keep hoping
that maybe you'll come around
nurturing wishful thinking
keeps my feet on the ground
I remain intact  by knowing
that somebody  thinks of me
keep warm up in these memories
and find warmth  in my misery
Too many broken moments
Gudgeon of bereavement
None of these troubles spoken
My secluded achievement
While it wont make sense
Where my passion went
ask yourself if You had part
Of killing my ardor from the start
Destroying my being like some personal war
Changing me, scar for scar
Sternly going way too far, so far
That you made me your mirror of art
298 · Jun 2014
Dark Blue
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
and so you are quiet again.
Playing games.
In your own world inhabited by the tales of the day. It's okay...
I also do not have much to say...

I'm  in a vibe of total craze,
in a crave for a total haze...
i retract into a mute world with a blank face...
a place where nobody knows my name
so make believe i should be ashamed.

The dark graces me with comfort in a dark blue shade...
it falls around me and takes all the pain away.
All the melancholy for which i find no blame.
All the insecurities that drive me insane.
This lousy life, what monotonous game.
296 · Jun 2014
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
Stir...stir around the last of the winter leafs
and rest one at my feet.
It is here, in the dark of morning that everything is raw and truly seen.
It is hard to believe that anything exists beyond this,
silenced reality, nocturnal bliss.
Living in the head becomes living outside,
till the sun comes up and draws up the blinds.
My soul dies a tiny death;
daylight takes a glorious breath
and I wait.
Even though always in time,  
almost always too late.   
A mirror to the sky,
another beautiful mistake.  
A sigh that screams
like broken dreams -
 'That’s what I’ll do if that’s what it takes'
Not totally alive,
but afraid I might die of all the suppressed why’s. 
The haunting roads not taken...
I must have been mistaken...
maybe not...
once or twice
but I couldn’t find my mind!
It's always been here,
at times a little hazy inside...
saved usually by the light of moon;
crystal clarity in a coin shaped cocoon.
285 · Jul 2014
Winter with you
Skia Kyria Jul 2014
Winter with you is rosy
And not as grey as foretold
To curl up with you and get cosy
You glow from within my soul
Every ticking second holy
And every broken bit whole
Breathe for this moment only
And bleed it onto a sacred scroll
Even as winter makes us feel lonely
We are never really alone
Indulge in your energy slowly
Taking me over from skin to bone
Winter....with you
let it be known
Is coloured rose
and very new
280 · Jun 2014
Your Grey
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
you are silence.
unless you want to speak
you are absence
it renders me so weak

you are avoidance
my desolation breeds
for you to water my dreary seeds
and you don't even observe
how you restrain my nerves

cold and still
you weaken my will
my soul falls ill
not healing until
you give in to the thrill
of not wanting to be alone
and you slice me to the bones

and all over again
my reality is blurred
confusion, moments ago slain
cries of  slaughtered isolation heard
only to  retort, only to return
cycle of hunger &  wanting, i yearn
growing bleak from your unconcern

needing, not receiving enough
aching for that deeper touch
needing anything, needing too much
because of nothing, eagerness as such
i will stop melting, and find a way
to become a part of your grey
258 · Jun 2014
Where are you?
Skia Kyria Jun 2014
Where are you?
For you're not here with me
Who cares if we're under the same roof,
You are nowhere to be seem

Im swallowing
My needs
You amplifying the emptiness within

So much for caring
And being there for me


Your voice dies silently
The remains still echoing
The hollow, resounding
So satisfying
It's probably showing
Wondering distantly
Yet never knowing
Anger, instantly
Distance growing

Where are you?

the skill
Of amplifying the blankness i see
It must be your will
i look forward to painting
With plentiful colours of hurt
As i layer them over and believe
That they clean away this dirt

Convincing myself that we will be fine
By faith if not by design
This confusion of glass,
Has understanding come to pass?

Difficult to escape my head,
So many shatters shed
As i struggle through alone
And beat upon your being of stone

How i pray for the day
When this will go away
Trying not to hate the game,
Knowing we will never again be the same

Trying to get used to the shadow
Of the you that i used to know
Detaching from my fragile soul
As this cruel world swallows me whole

Trying not to hate the sound
Of how unstable my heart pounds
Trying to overcome the way
That I do not know what to say

Making art out of the pain
And the way it always leaves a stain.

— The End —