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Sin Jul 2013
sometimes I trace the bottoms
of my fingers and down my palm,
I draw circles around my wrists

silently reminding myself
that there are no cracks,

that I am whole.

I run my eyes along the ceiling,
scanning desperately for a sign,
thinking maybe ghosts carved their names

between the ridges and the miniature shadows.
I sink my head into my pillow,

hoping maybe I will get
swallowed without a sound,
and I will drown,

like I almost did when I was eleven,

and I banged my ribs and burned my lungs
with black, dead water.

sometimes I have these moments alone

where your slow breathing
still won't calm me, not even the humming
of planes gliding through sky.

its 5:40 AM and my world is silent
but my mind is screaming.
Sin Jul 2013
they say in our existance it seems as though our entire lives flip in an instant without us even
noticing the gradual changes. year by year our friends come and go, we see new parts of the world, we witness things we never thought could happen. when I think of how life plays out like this, I try to spread out every single year of my life and analyze it. mostly I try and look for where the world seemed to go to ****. I wish I could remember when I changed, when I felt like life wasnt worth it anymore. but the truth is I dont even remember a time when I could look at myself and say that I was worth it, that life was worth it, that I was destined for something.

in the beginning my issues were simple and petty, growing up in a town with beautiful girls and brilliant boys with straight teeth and even straighter hair. my bones didnt stick out and my skin didnt look as perfect and tan as the girls who stood by my side in elementary school. They hopped out of their mothers cars with beaming smiles and kisses fresh on their foreheads. I sat outside of class thirty minutes early because my mom was stuck working in the awful hellhole of a school. they flipped over their chairs as the bell rang and scooted their tiny waists into the seats, talking about their lovely weekends at the pool, which I was too fat to go to, or at each others houses, where I was never invited.

I wasnt really a loser, and I wasnt popular. but this didnt stop me from mentally ripping myself into pieces every chance I got. the perfect frame lay traced out in my mind, and I didnt match up when I looked into the mirror.

this self critisism still continues, and has only grown worse.

ever since birth I had lived in a home with parents who bickered and spat at each other like roaches, screaming over nothing. in the beginning the fights were pointless, not a single purpose held in the shouting. and then it shifted to my brother and I. the drinking that my father did. the business my mother spread through her side of the family tree, feeding the branches. loss of money, faith, time. a million things I dont remember. a million words I wish I didnt remember.

at age eleven I laid shivering in bed, letting the hum of the fan above me lull me into sleep. I longed to hear the hum of my fathers voice singing to me as he did when I was a child. humming our songs to myself didnt work anymore. on this particular night, my father wandered into my room with a blanket wrapped around his shaking figure. His eyes stained beat red. he poured out to me that he was leaving us, my brother and I, my mother. he wanted me to speak, I didnt say a word. he wanted me to hug him, I plastered my arms by my sides.

the next day, he still sat on the couch, avoiding my frantic glances and wondering eyes.

constant blame stuck to me. guilt stuck even more than the words thrown onto me while walking down the halls in sixth and seventh grade. I would lay on the old tattered couch in the basement, trying to catch a glimpse of my father if he happened to walk from his den and onto the porch. many times, I did not see him. many days, I did not hear from him. and finally the day came where he came to talk. it was bright, and my mother and father sat before my brother and I. seeing them come together was something I couldnt even remember, so I assumed good news. maybe a new brother or sister, maybe a package in the mail for us. but no, of course not.

my father was diagnosed with colin cancer. I do not remember the stage when they came and told me, I do not remember anything besides deep gray hopsital rooms which tasted like hell and flourescent white light bulbs which looked like heaven. I remember my mother sticking to my fathers side purely for recognition from the rest of the family. I remember how when the doors closed, the monster that she really is came out in low growls and snickering. I faked smiles for my father that I taught myself in school, I counted tiles on the hospital floor which seemed to similar to those lining the halls. the summer in which he was released was the summer in which we traveled the world. I tasted fresh bread from all corners of the world and I fed off the smiles of the people who lived in the villages, craving their happiness found in simplicity. I wanted it all. yet, I hated every moment of it. I knew I would never live a life so peaceful.

eighth grade started and so began The Wondering and The Wandering, the silence that hung in my throat and the words that filled my brain like acid, and not the good kind. I questioned existance, for I could not find a home in my friends, in my family, in myself. I could not remember when the chuckling from my cousins and aunts and uncles felt warm instead of harsh and cold. cigarette smoke stained my clothes and I clung to its scent like a child craved the smell of brownies baking in the oven. I fell in love with nights alone on the roof counting the stars and realized there were more in the sky than people in the world, and I felt truly scared for the first time. More scared than I had been when my father beat me for the last time and more scared than I became as he withered into a man I could not recognize. I was alone, I was vulnerable.

my death had come in the first year of highschool. the first day pushed me from the smiling faces of my innocent friends into the rough, ashy hands and curling smirks of my new friends. they introduced me to the world and I introduced them to my mind, and I also to the drugs, which just started with ****. I was welcomed to their table in the morning with beat red eyes that caused me to shy away from the mirror, reminding me of my father. I would laugh because my body made me. I would smile because I was floating far, far away. Looking down on them. they teased me, they pulled strings and I became their puppet. I was a doll and not a human. I burned myself and they laughed. my boyfriend held my waist and not my hand. he fed my sorrows and not my smiles. I was the fire and they fed me, they watched me, they listened. they split me into pieces and I snapped like my bones did in seventh grade when I skid across the cold gym floor in front of everyone. everyone I loved was vanishing in and out of my life like the flickering light bulb at my bus stop at five thirty in the morning.

I began to steal pills from the cabinets of my neighbors, filling the bottles with tissues so I could slip out of the house silently as the bottles fit snug into my shirt. it started with swallowing eight. then twelve. fourteen. eighteen. I swallowed them and let them burst in my empty stomach and carry me off, far away. so far away. I will not get in depth on the effect they had on me, thats a different story. I lost myself, and I was nothing. but I was not yet a ghost. my father had percosets, pills from his chemotherapy, shoved into his cabinet. I took 3, 4, then 5. my friends told me I shouldve thrown them up once I hit 4. so, I took 6.

I fell asleep with various ways to **** myself running through my mind. these were not new to me at all. they did not scare me, instead they welcomed me. knowing I could disappear so easily, so quickly. on a silent january morning I woke up, rubbed my eyes, rolled out of bed. I stared into my own eyes, and they were dim. I grabbed the percosets and took a handful. they gathered and slipped down my throat. they fought to return to my tongue but I already knew how to keep them down. I wandered into my mothers room and tried to spill a lie of how I was very, very sick (I wasnt) and how I needed (I did) to stay home. she told me no, there was no way I was sick (I was) and I wasnt staying home (I didnt).

I arrived at school and stumbled to my class like a zombie. five or ten minutes I walked out in the middle of the teachers lecture. I found myself clinging to the toilet bowl down the hall, crying, fighting every urge to stifle the screams that curled in the back of my throat. my skin blended in with the bleached tile. I probably threw up my body weight in the time that I was there. I dont know how long it was. I dont even know why I let myself walk into the building. but there I was, and then came the teachers, and I still dont even know where it is that they came from. they cradled me and my vision slipped and I know that I died there, in the deep gray bathroom stall which felt like hell and under flourescent white light bulbs which looked like heaven.

I like to ask myself every once in a while who I am. I don't know the answer, but I try to ask anyways, I try to get the spider webs in my mind to clear off. I try to bring myself back to what I could be if I never slipped away like this. I still have not found home. I tried to find my reflection in the hollow bottoms of bottles I stole from liquor cabinets across the neighborhood. I couldnt find myself in the blade or the oceans across the globe. I could not find home no matter how many cigarettes I smoked, no matter how many friends I made, no matter how many houses I collapsed in and puked on the hardwood floors. my questions always remain unanswered and my cries remain ignored. when I ask myself who I am, I remind myself that I am a million people. I am the little kids who followed me on red bikes in Italy and I am the girl I threatened who tried to hurt my bestfriend and I am the ghosts in the attic and the new kid at school who disappeared just a few weeks after. but one person I am not is whoever I was in the beginning.
Sin Jul 2013
I found myself in your apartment. blood red lights stringing along the walls, mimicking the flashing in my old driveway. I played music sung by dead girls and blind boys who couldn't get over them. I left the window wide because the frigid air slipped off the pine needles and bit at my wrists. numbness and normality were no longer friends of mine, and misery was my first lover.

I left myself on your back porch. seven cigarettes stuffed down my sweater, shying away from heavy rain. it raced down the roads and I thought of how you tried to run away from us. I watched the streetlights carve patterns into concrete. I watched you slip away in the plastic blue chair across from me. my favorite song dancing and curved in my ears but I only found comfort in the voices. I longed to fear the world again, as I should've. as I used to.

I hurt myself with the drag of the first cigarette which you watched me light effortlessly, the flame flashing in my face for just a moment. I felt your bambi eyes trace my tender, quivering jaw. you were a fragile fawn with heavy bones, knobby knees, and empty whimpers. and I was the forest hiding your shaking limbs. I swayed with white wine running through me, raw liquid heat that warmed my bones and calmed my screaming mind.

I lost myself when I flicked the third cigarette three stories over the rails, dripping black like my favorite ink. dark as the nights we curled together, seperated by only greedy fingertips. nights loaded as your sleepy lies that I so longed to trust. but I was gone. I had stood silent in death, led by embers, led by your voice which still echoes in my skull. led by the world my brain had painted when my eyes couldn't grasp reality. you twisted my spine until I had no sense of direction. I am still so lost.
Sin Jul 2013
from 2501 miles away
dusk was plagued with silence.
bathing in solitude,
we sat together.

although seven states
lay between our sleepy limbs,
laughs rolled between yawns,
weary waves on a quiet coast.

few of your whispers spread
thin clouds coating gray skies,
but you were the sun.

and I found warmth mostly
in your soft laughter.
we tasted cigarettes that morning,
the breakfast of champions.

and the faint thought of you
tangled in my wrinkled sheets,
was enough to fill me up.

I thought the sweetest song
I might ever hear
would be the strum of your voice,

but maybe it was the
whisps of words I caught
when you sang and spoke
just under your breath.

I thought love would never
grab my aching limbs again,
but I let it carry me off
from 2501 miles away.
Sin Jul 2013
I've read poems about the way
sleepy lovers watched eyelids flutter
softly, like tiny butterflies
perched on daisies and wilting white roses.

I could only compare the light movements
of your eyes to the sun painting the clouds
in a way which made me wish to reach
into the sky and pluck harps by golden gates.

but I don't believe in angels.

I've read poems about coffee stained lips
and menthol cigarettes dancing
between fingertips, to match soft
Good Mornings and mumbled I Love You's.

I could only compare your speech
to the songs curling from the heavens
at three o clock in the morning,
as the quiet world sleeps and I
strain to hear broken lullabies.

but I don't believe in angels.

I've read poems about boys with irises
that run a thousand miles deep,
with bones made out of gold,
and with stories that pull girls
in like fruit flies in a spiders web.

I could only compare your eyes
to one who has seen the pain hidden
in the deepest corners of the earth.
your bones hold the weight of the world
and the stories you spin only seem fit
to one who carries shaking wings
and a glowing halo.

but I don't believe in angels.
Sin Jul 2013
bullets in brain cells
trenches twisted, turned.
his brains a battlefield,
but to hide it, he learned.

mind stands as a temple,
tongue rolls, a black sea.
she was never a fighter,
and neither was he.

she painted him skylines,
rainforests, black rain.
but the art on the paper
could not match his pain.

she danced on pianos
wrote him ten love songs,
he fell down much further
and dragged her along.

however it was not
towards her that he fell,
instead he careened into
mindless, deep hell.

so he pulled the trigger,
and ended his war.
left the young girl alone
just wanting him more.
Sin Jun 2013
I remember when it first started.

You kept the Wild Turkey under the sink, and I'm sure you knew I'd see it. You left all the time. "It's Date Night, we'll be back soon." you'd say, the case of beer already slurring the quiet words you spit at me.

And so I nodded, and turned away, and you walked out the door with your trophy girl connected to your waist. and I like to tell myself she was a much better woman than Mom will ever be.

It would usually be about 12 then, who knows where a couple needs to go at midnight. but I did not care. as long as you were gone.

I would slide the glass door open and step onto the porch, letting the air chill me to the bone. I savored the shaking and chills that the twenty degree air gave me. It was much better than the shivers I got hearing you take hundreds of pulls from hundreds of bottles.

When I walk back inside, your absence reminds me of when you would first disappear. I remember how it started then, too. First the bars, but you got bored of that real fast. So you locked yourself in the basement with a new bottle every night. Then the hospital bed.

But now, in the new apartment, you were perfectly fine with pretending none of that ever happened. but I knew that Jack and I, your only children, were just disgusting reminders of the life you tried to build with an insane woman.

And so I'd reach for the Wild Turkey, chasing away the thought of you, the sickness, the percosets, the new girlfriend, and the new feeling I'd just discovered. The worthless feeling that once I walked into the room, I was not wanted. I was now a burden.

And I've stayed a burden ever since then.

Wild Turkey and cheap white wine ran through my veins for the first time that winter. since then, we are best friends. I remember the first nights I would lose myself, invite my real "friends" over too, just in case.

They laughed, but I was drowning.

That's all I can use to describe it now. The Drowning. it is simply that. an inescapable emptiness and weight that pulls you into what you might call Hell.

But at first, I was completely happy with it. you, her, him...none of you were on my mind. only the flow of sweet music or the begging calls of lovely sleep.

And then, things changed.

The drinking became a need and not a release. I would do anything to feel the fuzz and the effect it gave me. I would drink most of the bottle and desperately fill it with water, hoping you wouldn't notice. (Did you? you never said a word.)

Wild Turkey, Cheap Red Wine, ****** White Wine, and bottles with labels I don't dare to read are my only friends now.

In two years time, the once lovely drag the ethanol gave me turns into nights filled with heavy rain, chain smoking, and puking all over my friends floor without recollecting a single moment.

Waking up in other people's clothes and feeling my body stay drained becomes a strange reality, and I wonder how things may have been different if I never touched the heavy bottles in the first place.

I am sixteen, and I feel as if I've lived a thousand years. and maybe the scariest thing is knowing that eventually I will have access to any bottle on the shelves.

And I don't know if I'll be able to resist grabbing every single one.
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